职称:教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
刘飞,男, 2009年6月获华中科技大学机械工程学士学位,2014年1月获清华大学机械工程博士学位,2012.9~2013.8赴美国麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT)联合培养。2014年3月加入重庆大学机械电子系,主讲课程:液压传动与控制,机器视觉。
1. 机器人与机器视觉
2. 机电一体化系统;
3. 光学三维测量
现主持国家自然基金优秀青年基金、重点研发计划子课题、重庆市科委项目及横向项目若干,完成了多台套高端装备研发。在Optics Letters, Optics Express等主流期刊发表论文30余篇,授权发明专利20余项。获中国机械工业科学技术奖一等奖1项,重庆市技术发明一等奖1项。
[1]Gaoxu Wu; Yanxue Wu; Lingchi Li; Fei Liu,2019,High-resolution few-pattern method for 3D optical measurement, Optics letters,44(14),pp 3602-3605
[2]Shichao Yang,Hanlin Huang,Gaoxu Wu,Yanxue Wu,Tian Yang,Fei Liu. High-speed three-dimensional shape measurement with inner shifting-phase fringe projection profilometry. Chinese Optics Letters, 2022, 20(11):112601. (Cover feature)
[3]Gaoxu Wu, Tian Yang, Fei Liu, Kemao Qian, 2022,Suppressing motion-induced phase error by using equal-step phase-shifting algorithms in fringe projection profilometry, Optics Express, 30(11),17980-17998
[4]Xiaoliang. Hu, Zhijiang Xie, and Fei Liu, 2021, Estimating gray intensities for saturated speckle to improve the measurement accuracy of digital image correlation, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 139, 2021, 106510.
[5]Shichao Yang; Gaoxu Wu; Yanxue Wu; Jin Yan; Huifang Luo; Yinnan Zhang; Fei Liu,2020,High-accuracy high-speed unconstrained fringe projection profilometry of 3D measurement,125,Optics and laser technology,pp 106063
[6]Yanxue Wu; Gaoxu Wu; Lingchi Li; Yinnan Zhang; Huifang Luo; Shichao Yang; Jin Yan; Fei Liu,2020,Inner Shifting-Phase Method for High-Speed High-Resolution 3-D Measurement, IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement,69(9),pp 7233-7239
[7]Wenbo Li; Naiji Fan; Yanxue Wu; Gaoxu Wu; Shichao Yang; Hanlin Huang; Yang Yang; Tian Yang; Fei Liu,2021,Fringe-width encoded patterns for 3D surface profilometry,Optics Express,29(21),pp 33210-33224
[8]Mingxiong Wu; Naiji Fan; Gaoxu Wu; Shengming Zhang; Fei Liu,2020,An inverse error compensation method for color-fringe pattern profilometry, Journal of Optics,22(3),pp 8
[9]Boya Fu, Renzhi He, Yilin Yuan, Wenchao Jia, Shichao Yang, and Fei Liu, 2023, Shape from focus using gradient of focus measure curve, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 160, 107320.
[10]Yinnan Zhang; Naiji Fan; Yanxue Wu; Gaoxu Wu; Huifang Luo; Jin Yan; Shichao Yang; Fei Liu,2021,Four-pattern, phase-step non-sensitive phase shifting method based on Carre algorithm, Measurement,171,pp 108762,