The State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology was approved to establish in October in 2007. It is based onthe Key Laboratory of High Voltage Engineering and New Electrical Technology of Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Security Science of Transmission Equipment and New Electrical Technology and the other 2 Chongqing key laboratories, as wellthe Western China Lighting Protection Science and Technology Research Center. Prof. Sun CaiXin, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering served as the firstdirector of the academic council. Prof.Zheng Jianchao, academicianofChinese Academy of Engineering is thedirector of the academic council at present, and Prof. Liao Ruijin, the vice-president of Chongqing University as well the obtainer ofNational Outstanding Youth Funds, now serves as the director of the laboratory.
Based on theelectrical engineering and its interdisciplinary disciplines, the laboratory developed the researches on basic application of power transmission equipment and systems, new energy, as well new materials in the field of electrical safety science. Thus to meet the national needs of building a safe, stable, economic, and clean modern energy system in the country, to solve the key technical problems of power and energy equipment and system safety, and provide strong theoretical and technical support for the safe and reliable operation of the national power energy system. Four stable research directions have been formed:
Direction 1: The Insulation andDisasterPrevention of Power Transmission & Distribution Equipment
●External Insulation of Power Transmission & Distribution Equipment
●Overvoltage Protection of Power Transmission & Distribution Equipment
●Insulation Materials Technology of Power Transmission & Distribution Equipment
Direction 2: Reliability and Risk Assessment of Power System and Equipment
●Reliability and Probability Application of Power System
●State Monitoring of Power Transmission& Distribution Equipment
●Maintenance of Power Equipment and Asset Management
Direction 3: Novel Energy Power Equipment and System Safety
●Novel Energy Power Equipment and Control
●Integration of Novel Energy Power Equipment
●Energy Conversion of Novel Energy Power Equipment
Direction 4: New Electrical Technology and its Application
●Electromagnetic Theory and compatibility
●Electric Drive of New Energy Automotive
●Radio Energy Transmission Technology
●Electromagnetic Measurement and Communication
●Bioelectrical Technology

At present, 82 staffs work in the laboratory, including 77 academics, 2academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 obtainer ofNational Innovation Award, 2 professors in theProgram of the Thousand Talents, 1 professor in the Program of TenThousand Talents, 4 professors inthe program ofNational Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 6 professors as Cheung Kong Scholars Chair Professors,1 Professor as Leading Academic inYouth Science andTechnologyInnovation,1 professor as a leading scientist in National Program on Key Research Project,1 professor as a leading scientist in national 973 Project, 1 professor as young scientistin theNational keyResearch andDevelopment program, 2IEEE Life Fellows, 2IET Fellows, 4 professors as thecandidates ofthe Thousand Talents forYouth Project, 1 professor as the candidate of TenThousand Talents for the Top Young Talents, 15Provincial andMinisterialTalents, 1 National InnovativeResearchGroup on“High Voltage Power Transmission Equipment Security Theory and Technology”, sothe laboratory has developedintoa strong research groupmainlyled by young and 40 yearsold scholars.

The laboratorypossess the world-known Field Testing Base for Icing Research in high altitude area (HunanXuefeng Mountain, altitude of 1400m ), constructedmany test stations on high altitude、Ice-coating and Filth that scattered from altitude 2200m to 5050m, founded Research Center on icing / anti icing of atmospheric structure、Power System Overvoltage and Grounding Research Platform,Intelligent PowerEquipmentResearchPlatform,ReliabilityResearchPlatform,AdvancedElectricalMaterialsResearchPlatform,Multi-modalHybridEnergyMicrogrid platform,NewEnergyVehicleElectricDrive andFlexiblePowerConversionEquipmentResearchPlatform,ElectricVehicleWirelessChargingPowerSupplyExperiment andDemonstrationBase, FuelCell andHydrogenSourceTechnologyResearchPlatform, etc.and the total value of the equipment exceeds 150 million yuan.

In the past five years, 683 new scientific research projects with a total contractual fund of 560 million yuan have beengranted to the laboratory, and 320 million yuan has hit the account. Awarded 1 National Science and Technology Progress Award (Special Class), 1 State Scientific and Technological Progress Award (First Class), 1 State Technological Invention Award (Second Class), as well 8 Provincial and Ministerial Scientific and Technological Prizes (First Class), 13 Provincial and Ministerial Scientific and Technological Prizes (Second Class) and 18 other prizes. Published 947 SCI papers and 852 EI papers, cited SCI 5362 times, highest cited single SCI paper 439 times, 2 ESI hot papers, 23 ESI highly cited papers; published 18 academic works, including 6 abroad publishing pieces; participated in the 2 compilation of international standards and 12 national/industry standards; applied for 796 invention patents, obtained 398 invention patents, authorized 23 patent transfers, transferred fees 17.43 million yuan, and the maximum transfer amount of individual patents reached to 10 million. yuan.
With the strong support of Chongqing University, the laboratory will be oriented to the international frontier of power and energy security, national major needs and projects, make studies on the basic application theory and common key technology of transmission and distribution safety from the aspect of “materials-devices-equipment-systems”, focus on interdisciplinary, promote the creation of systemic and original results, cultivate and attract top academic talents, and pursue to become a world-class innovative research base, talent cultivation platform and academic exchange center in this field.