Chongqing University (CQU) is a key national university in China, directly under the State Ministry of Education, it is also one of the "211 Project and 985 Project” universities. CQU is located in Shapingba District, a cultural and educational center in the city of Chongqing.

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Yukio Tamura

Yukio Tamura, male, graduated from Waseda University, has been engaged in long-term, systematic and in-depth research in areas involved in the design chain of structural wind resistance of buildings, including basic theory of aerodynamics, determination of design wind speed, calculation of structure wind load and equivalent static wind load, assessment of structure aerodynamic stability, compilation and revision of design code for structural wind resistance design of buildings, and prevention and control of wind damage. His major academic achievements and contributions focus on the mathematic model, quantization and analysis of structural wind load of buildings and he has made creative contributions to realization of reasonable structural wind resistance design of buildings, and is now a globally well-known expert in research and application of structural wind resistance of buildings. Professor Yukio Tamura is an academician of the Japanese Academy of Engineering, a foreign academician of Indian Academy of Engineering and a member of the European Academy of Sciences. Professor Yukio Tamura acted as the chairman of the International Association for Wind Engineering for two consecutive sessions from 2007 to 2015, and acted as the executive member of the World Wind Energy Association from 2007 to 2015; in 2009, Professor Yukio Tamura worked with the UNDRO to establish the International Organization for Prevention and Control of Strong Wind Related Disaster, and has since then acted as the chairman of the Organization. In October 2017, Professor Yukio Tamura was appointed as a full-time professor of the School of Civil Engineering by CQU.

Professor Yukio Tamura has been engaged in research of structural wind engineering for a long time, and his major academic achievements and contributions focus on the mathematic model, quantization and analysis of structural wind load of buildings. He has made creative contributions to realization of reasonable structural wind resistance design of buildings, and is now a globally well-known expert in research and application of structural wind resistance of buildings. Professor Yukio Tamura has won the Davenport Award issued by the International Associations for Wind Engineering and the Scanlan Award and Cemark Award issued by American Society of Civil Engineers, and other domestic awards for science and technology in Japan. He has acted as the chairman of the International Associations for Wind Engineering for 2 consecutive sessions.

Professor Yukio Tamura has maintained a long-term stable partnership with China. Since 1980s, Professor Yukio Tamura has accepted and subsidized more than 50 scientific researchers who visited Japan for study and communication. Those students and scholars have now become key scientific researchers at universities of China. He has made great contributions to cultivation of talents in wind engineering. Professor Yukio Tamura has also participated in scientific research projects of China, including major Sino-Japanese collaboration projects, and is acting as the honorary professor/visiting professor/consulting professor of 15 universities of China. He has worked with the scientific researchers of China and obtained rich research findings, and has issued a lot of high-standard SCI indexed papers. As an expert under the “Recruitment Program of Global Experts” with a full-time job in China, he has been given the right to permanent residency of China and has published 30 papers and reports as a Chinese professor, and has won the Davenport Award and Scanlan Award. Professor Yukio Tamura has made remarkable contributions to development of wind engineering research in China, and has offered guiding opinions for wind resistance design of wind-sensitive structures such as the Solar Tower of Morocco, the tallest building in the world. He has participated in compilation of related regulations of China, and is now acting as a consultant for the Tornado Strength Standard Board of China, and has for several times visited wind damage scenes as the leading figure.

Main achievements:

Professor Yukio Tamura has published more than 300 academic papers and nearly 40 monographs. His publications have been cited through SCI for more than 3,300 times and one of his SCI indexed paper has been cited for 346 times.
