Chongqing University (CQU) is a key national university in China, directly under the State Ministry of Education, it is also one of the "211 Project and 985 Project” universities. CQU is located in Shapingba District, a cultural and educational center in the city of Chongqing.

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Pan Fusheng

Pan Fusheng, born in 1962, a native of Lanxi, Zhejiang, a doctor and professor, a doctoral supervisor; the responsible person of material science of Chongqing University, a national key discipline, and responsible person of “Light Metal” Innovation Team under the Ministry of Education; president of the Chongqing University Light Metal Research Institute; director of National Magnesium Alloy Engineering Technology Research Center; president of Chongqing Academy of Science and Technology; and vice chairman of Chongqing Association for Science and Technology; a visiting scientist of Chiba University; a visiting professor of Queen Mary University; an honorary professor of the University of Queensland; a member of the Russian Academy of Mining; and an academician of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials; Pan currently serves as the chairman of the “Magnesium Alloy and Magnesium Technology Committee” of ISO; editor in chief of Journal of Magnesium Alloy published by Elsevier; director of the Editorial Board of A Collection of Science Popularization Books for College Students published by the Science Press; vice chairman of Chinese Materials Research Society; vice chairman of China Magnesium Association; and president of Chongqing Material Society.

Pan Fusheng successively obtained his bachelor, master and doctor’s degree at the Hefei University of Technology, Chongqing University and Northwestern Polytechnical University. He obtained his bachelor’s degree when he was only 19, and was given the title of outstanding graduate; at the age of 30, he was promoted as a professor as an exception, as the youngest professor in the history of Chongqing University; in 1995, he was appointed as the doctoral supervisor of CQU; in 1998, he became the youngest expert member of the Discipline Appraisal Group of Academic Degree Committee of the State Council. Mr. Pan used to study at the University of Oxford, the University of Stuttgart, Queen Mary University and the University of Queensland successively, with outstanding achievements made during the period of studying abroad. As the representative of outstanding returned overseas students, Mr. Pan has been received by major central leaders several times.

Pan Fusheng is specialized in research and application of magnesium alloy, aluminium alloy, chisel tool steel, metallurgy and cast rolling technology, and metallurgical melt purification technology, and has made considerable achievements in magnesium alloy. Pan is a well-known expert in aluminum allow and magnesium alloy scientist globally. He has established the National Magnesium Alloy Engineering Technology Research Center and organized a scientific research team with noticeable international influence. In the past 30 years, Professor Pan and his team have been devoted to overcoming defects of the magnesium allow, including poor plasticity, shaping difficulty, and low purity, and have undertaken a number of national projects and several key international collaboration projects, with remarkable innovation achievements made in areas such as high-plasticity magnesium alloy, advanced shaping technology and deep purification. Pan has made significant contributions to the development and globalization of the magnesium science and technology and industry of China. He has published more than 350 SCI indexed papers and 12 monographs (book); won 4 national awards for progress in science and technology and national awards for technological invention and more than 10 provincial and ministerial key awards for science and technology; obtained more than 100 national patents for invention and developed a number of national standards that have been approved; cultivated 17 post-doctors and more than 80 doctoral candidates and postgraduates; Pan is one of the first leading figures of the National Program for Special Support of Eminent Professionals and the winner of “Ho Leung Ho Lee Award”, the title of “national outstanding professional technical talent”, the “National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”, “Dupont Scientific and Technological Innovation Award” and the “Young Science & Technology Award of China of the Second Year”. Pan chaired the International Magnesium Alloy Conference for 4 consecutive years and chaired the IUMRS World Materials Summit and acted as the co-chair of European Advanced Materials Congress as invited.

Pan Fusheng is a member of the 9th, 11thand 12thNational Committee of CPPCC and the deputy to the 10thNational People’s Congress.
