CQU upholds the schooling mission to “Conduct rigorous research, Cultivate talents, Enlighten masses, and Guide the revitalization of the society”, in an effort to consolidate foundation for scientific research, create a encouraging scientific research environment. It has developed remarkable scientific research strength, cultivated a great number of scientific research elites and made considerable contribution to the technological and scientific innovation and progress of the country and the nation.

Labs & Centers

Labs & Centers

Key Laboratory of Dependable Service Computing in Cyber-Physical-Society, MOE
Key Laboratory ofDependable Service Computing inCyber-Physical-Society, Ministry of Education, China. Research areas: 1. Interaction and Evolvementof CPS 2.Intelligent Service Computing and System Reliability 3. Security andControllability in CPS
    The State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions was constructed in 1988 with the approval of the former State Planning Commission, and opened to the public in 1991. Professors LIANG Xichang, QIN Datong, WANG Shilong have served successively as the laboratory director; Academician ZHANG Qixian, Professor ZHANG Guanghui, Academician YANG Shuzi, Academician HU Zhenghuan have served successively as the director of academic committee for the laboratory. At present, Professor CHEN Bingkui is the laboratory director, while Academician LI Peigen is the director of academic committee.
      The State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology
      The State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology was approved to establish in October in 2007. It is based onthe Key Laboratory of High Voltage Engineering and New Electrical Technology of Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Security Science of Transmission Equipment and New Electrical Technology and the other 2 Chongqing key laboratories, as wellthe Western China Lighting Protection Science and Technology Research Center. Prof. Sun CaiXin, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering served as the firstdirector of the academic council. Prof.Zheng Jianchao, academicianofChinese Academy of Engineering is thedirector of the academic council at present, and Prof. Liao Ruijin, the vice-president of Chongqing University as well the obtainer ofNational Outstanding Youth Funds, now serves as the director of the laboratory.
        State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control was conferred by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2011,. It has 60 fixed researchers, including 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 5 winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, 2 chief scientists of 973-Projects, 2 winners of National special support program for high-level talents, 1 winners of National 1000-Plan, 4 winners of the millions candidates from New Century Talents Project, 7 excellent talents of the Ministry of Education in new century, 44 professors, 13 associate professors, among which 59 research fellows have PhD degree. Research Areas: 1. Geological characterization and fluid dynamics of coal mine disasters 2. Disaster dynamics of coal rock mass engineering 3. Prevention and control of coal mine disasters
          Key Laboratory of optoelectronic technology & system, MOE
          The predecessor of the Key Laboratory of optoelectronic technology & systems, Ministry of education, Chongqing University is the State Education Commission's optoelectronic technology & system open research laboratory, whose founding was approved by the National Education Commission in December 1992, relying on Chongqing University. Participated in the evaluation of the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of education in 2006, 2011 and 2017 achieved good results. In 2003, 2007 and 2012, the "Instrument Science and Technology" discipline ranked fifth in the assessment; in 2004, "optical engineering" and "instrument science and technology" disciplines entered the "985 Project" Technology innovation platform of the "985 Project" of Chongqing University, under which "Chongqing University photoelectric and measurement and control technology and system research center" and "Chongqing University micro system research center" were set up.
            Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region ' s Eco-Environment , MOE
            Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment is the laboratory of basic research about eco-environment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region. The main research object of the laboratory is water environment, natural ecosystem and urban ecosystem in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The content of the lab include Eco-environment and built environment evolution of urban ecosystem, control theory and technologies. The systematic, continuous and deep research on the theory and key technology will provide technical support for the safe and stable operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir, as well as the healthy development of the social and urban construction in the Three Gorges Reservoir area.Research direction: 1.Three Gorges reservoir water quality security theory and technology 2.Three Gorges reservoir area aquatic biology and aquatic ecosystems 3.Three Gorges terrestrial ecosystems for biodiversity conservation 4.Requirements of ecosystems and the built environment
              Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area, MOE
              The Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area (Chongqing University) was listed in the Key Laboratory Application Guidebook by the Ministry of Education in September, 2005. The construction plan feasibility study was approved in May, 2007. The construction was checked and accepted and formally approved as a key laboratory of the Ministry of Education in November, 2008. It has passed the inspection for the key laboratories of the Ministry of Education. With the support of the first class disciplines in Chongqing University, the laboratoryaims at 4 major research areas: (1) Ecological Planning of Mountain Towns; (2) Mountain Area Built Heritage Conservation; (3) Geotechnical Disaster and Underground Space; (4) Disaster Prevention and Mitigation ofMountainBuildings.
                Key Laboratory of Biorheological Science and Technology, MOE
                The key laboratory of biorheological science and technology (Chongqing University) was initiated by Ministry of Education at June 2009, and was officially authorized to operate at December 2011. It successfully passed the Assessment to Key Laboratories of Ministry of Education at September 2016. The Biorheological Science aims to study, via a multi-scale approach, the philosophy behind the structure and function of molecular, cell and organ within the biomedical domain, which consequentially results in new methods and technologies. This field has drawn great interests from a group of domestic and foreign elegant researchers. Their research outcomes continuously appear at the set top-tier academic publications, such as Nature, Science and its child journals, Adv Mater, etc. The research doamins of this Laboratory are well aligned with the state-of-art in global society of Biorheological Science...
                  Key Laboratory of Low-grade Energy Utilization Technology & System, MOE
                  MoE Key Laboratory of Low-grade Energy Utilization Technology & System (LEUTS) was approved by the Ministry of Education (MoE) in October 2012.LEUTS consists of several research laboratories, including Lab of High Efficiency Conversion &Utilization of Renewable Energy, Lab of Low-grade Fuel Clean &Efficient Energy Utilization, Lab of Low-grade Residual Heat Energy Efficient Utilization, Lab ofDistributed Energy Technology &System, etc. LEUTSfocuses on the national R&D strategy and energy strategy, the social development and the national energy security. Its objectivesare to realize the technology and system of the low-grade energy efficient utilization, and to carry out research on low-grade energy science and technology that closely related to the construction of the national economy.
                    Introduction to Industrial CT Non-destructive Testing Engineering Research Center, MOE
                    Industrial CT(Computed Tomography, CT)Non-destructive Testing Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as the Center)was approved to prepare for construction by the Ministry of Education in 2006. In December 2013, it wasinspected by experts organized by the Ministry of Education. In December 2014, it was officially approved by the Ministry of Education.The Center relies on the innovation platform of the Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology and Systems of the Ministry of Education of Chongqing University, and takes the ICT Research Center of Chongqing University as the main body of technical research and system development.
                      Research Center for Regional Economy and Science Education Strategy of Chongqing University
                      The Research Center was established in April 2010 as the only one strategic research base in southwest China under the Ministry of Education. It is an open soft-science research institute where the subject specialists carry out researches independently. The Research Center sticks to the director responsibility system under supervision of the Academic Committee and implements the matrix operation mechanism based on the research group responsibility system.Their main mission is to carry out multi-level, systematical and comprehensive theoretical and policy-oriented researches as directly supervised by the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education in response to the need of national strategic research. Its ultimate purpose is to provide consultancy and research services for macro decision making by the government and regional economic development and become a thinking bank of the Ministry of Education for strategic decision-making consultancy.
                        Joint International Research Laboratory of Green Buildings and Built Environments, MOE
                        Based on the ideas of innovation, mobility and collaboration, and the support of four first-tier subjects including Civil Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning and Ecology, the Joint International Research Laboratory comprises 12 world-wide famous universities and research institutes, the lead institute Chongqing University, and co-operating foreign institutions University of Reading, University of Cambridge, Universiy of Loughborough, University College London, Rutgers University, University of Cincinnati, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, and Victoria University of Wellingdon plus others. On 24th Dec 2015, the Ministry of Education has approved to support the construction of the Joint International Research Laboratory.
                          Joint International Research Laboratory for Light Alloys, MOE
                          The Joint International Research Laboratory for Light Alloys aims to be a world-class research platform for light metals and alloys. Stimulated by the strategies of the development for light metals and alloys in China and guided by the significant demands for light metals and alloys in transportation, aviation and aerospace industries, the laboratory supports collaboration with international leading research institutions and facilitates the integration of top scientists, equipment and platforms on light metals and alloys. The goal of the laboratory is to foster a world-class international research platform based on the concept of joint-construction, joint-use and joint-research. The laboratory is run using a highly efficient first-rate international management system...
                            Collaborative Innovation Center for Local Government Management
                            It is the first “2011 collaborative innovation center of Chongqing” of liberal arts of Chongqing University. Chongqing University has integrated related capacities of the Development Research Center of the People’s Government of Chongqing Municipality, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing Administration College and Tsinghua University and built up the Collaborative Innovation Center for Local Government Management based on the Research Center for Public Economics and Public Policy of Chongqing University – a key research base for humanities and social sciences of Chongqing by enhancing all-round collaboration. The Collaborative Innovation Center has been established to explore innovative modes for collaboration among schools, research institutes and practice bases, and solve problems such as insufficient inter-agency collaboration for theoretical research and practical services of local government management and the huge gap between theoretical research and practical research.
                              Research Center for Business Administration and Economic Development of Chongqing University
                              It was built up utilizing resources of the School of Economics and Business Administration. In March 2003, it was listed as one of the key research bases for humanities and social sciences of Chongqing. The Research Center has 3 main research areas in response to the need of disciplinary development and the national and local economic development: theoretical and applied research of economic growth and sustainable development, finance and investment and financing decisions and enterprise development and innovation research. Since it was approved to be established, the Research Center has been carrying out high-level researches of critical theoretical and practical problems with social and economic development of Chongqing and academic frontier problems. It has been playing a significant role in producing innovative outcomes, building open platforms for academic exchange, and driving development and innovation of philosophy and social science in colleges and universities of Chongqing.
                                Research Center for Public Economy and Public Policy of Chongqing University
                                It was founded in April 2001 initially as the “Research Center for Population, Resources and Environmental Economy and Management” utilizing resources of the School of Public Administration of Chongqing University. In November 2002, it was listed as one of the key research bases for humanities and social sciences of Chongqing. In April 2016, it was renamed as the “Research Center for Public Economy and Public Policy of Chongqing University”. The Research Center integrates research capacity of teachers of three first-level disciplines including the public administration, theoretical economics and applied economics, and its main research areas include “economic policy and welfare system”, “local finance and social insurance”, and “public services and policy support”. Among the full-time researchers, there are 10 professors, 15 associate professors and 15 lecturers.
                                  Research Center for Legal System Construction for Environment and Resources in West China of Chongqing University
                                  The Research Center was founded in June 2001, utilizing resources of the Law School of Chongqing University. It was listed as one of the key research bases for humanities and social sciences of Chongqing in December 2006. The Research Center is established to “carry out original academic research and science-based legislation analysis in frontier areas of environment and resources law of west China, and ultimately make substantial innovative contributions to the legal system construction for environment and resources of China that are fundamental, strategic and prospective.” Prominent achievements have been made by the Research Center in fields such as science-based development orientation, building of scientific research teams and modernization of scientific research approaches.
                                    Research Center for Language Cognition and Language Application of Chongqing University
                                    It was founded in September 2004 utilizing resources of the School of Foreign Languages of Chongqing University and was listed as one of the key research bases for humanities and social sciences of Chongqing in September 2007. It has 7 subordinate research groups, 2 subordinate labs and 1 subordinate editorial office. They are respectively the Research Group of Language Cognition and Information Processing, Research Group of Foreign Literature, Research Group of English for Specific Purpose, Research Group of Language Testing, Research Group of Foreign Language Education Technology, Research Group of Modern Foreign Language Education, Research Group of Language Database, Lab on Computational Linguistics, Lab on Psychological Linguistics and the Editorial Office of Studies on Foreign Languages and Literatures. Currently the Base has 15 researchers, including 9 full-time researchers and 6 part-time researchers, among which there are 10 professors and 11 doctorate holders.
                                      Construction Economics and Management Center of Chongqing University
                                      The Center was founded utilizing resources of the School of Construction Management and Real Estate of Chongqing University and was listed as one of the key research bases for humanities and social sciences of Chongqing in January 2013. It has 3 subordinate research groups, namely the Research Group of Complicated Engineering Project Management, Research Group of Sustainable Construction and Research Group of Safety and Emergency Management. Its main research areas include research of management organization modes for complicated engineering projects, information management technology of complicated engineering projects and theoretical foundation of complicated engineering projects; research of sustainable construction management and policy for engineering projects, management of building waste reduction and recycling, and incentive mechanism and management of building energy efficiency;and research of warning theory and emergency management.