Bachelor's Degree Programs

◆Painting (including Chinese Painting, Oil Painting)

Based on the fundamental theory and practice of painting, we focus on pedagogical explorations into the traditions, as well as new developments in the field, and encourage originality. Mixing tradition with modernity, life with art, and skills with creativity, we are devoted to the philosophy of teaching that combines “tradition, life and creativity” and “close integration of facsimile, sketching and creation”. Focus is given at the same time to tapping students’ individual potential, cultivating imagination, creativity and spirit of exploration. Attention is paid to individualized teaching to train inter-disciplinary talents capable of painting, teaching and research.

◆Design (including Product Design, Environmental Design, Visual Communication Design)

l Product Design

This direction trains senior talents with strong capabilities in product innovation and design, focusing on students' awareness and ability of design innovation, and quality of plastic arts, among other aspects of training. We offer courses related to fundamentals in product design, systematic training in product design innovation, and product modelling design, among other professional modules. The goal is to cultivate talents with the ability to expand their knowledge and improve the awareness of market innovation. We make full use of the strong background of Chongqing University’s engineering-related disciplines and focus on the intersection of disciplines of arts and engineering, as well as interdisciplinary joint design research and teaching. Efforts have been made to develop product design with automotive collaborative innovation, artificial intelligence interaction, biotechnology innovation and other distinctive interdisciplinary features to train inter-disciplinary talents leading the development of academics, industries and society.

2 Environmental Design

With a long history and outstanding academic accomplishment, Environmental Design has developed into a municipal-level first-class major in Chongqing. Rooted in the regional cultures in the southwest of China, we are dedicated to promoting the intersection of urban and rural design with other emerging cutting-edge disciplines, and focus on the innovation of space theory and practice with Chinese characteristics. It is a comprehensive and applied discipline integrating architecture, planning, landscape, exhibition space design as well as art iteration and innovation. The curriculum consists of five main modules: architectural evolution, landscape iteration, urban renewal, exhibition space and design practice. We encourage an international perspective and inheritance of traditional culture in teaching and focus on in-depth integration with other disciplines. It aims to train leading inter-disciplinary talents in environmental design with extensive knowledge and a strong sense of innovation that expand to other related fields in both theory and practice.

3 Visual Communication Design

Visual Communication Design is a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary major integrating digital design, static advertising, dynamic advertising, packaging design, exhibition design, illustration art, photography, traditional art and contemporary design. It has extremely wide social applicability and adaptability. It aims to study the communicative function and role of visual design in social production and life, train students with the necessary skillset in art design, and enable students to find employment opportunities in teaching, scientific research in enterprises, professional design departments, institutions and scientific research units. Graduates are expected to have strong adaptability and ability in design, as well as moral integrity and professional competence.

◆Music Performance (Vocal)

This direction trains senior talents in music performance. Main courses include basic theory and skills with strict training modules to perfect students’ singing ability. Graduates are expected to have both humanistic quality and aesthetic taste, and outstanding performance skills. Inter-disciplinary employment opportunities can be found in music performance, teaching and research in professional arts organizations, and other relevant departments and institutions.

◆Dance Performance

Major courses are offered in classical Chinese dance, Chinese folk dance and stage performance. Professional courses are designed to combine the development of dance culture in the Southwest region to focus on theory, choreography, pedagogy, and multiple dance training. The comprehensive and systematic curriculum aims at cultivating senior talents with a strong sense of critical thinking and cultural innovation in dance performance, choreography and spreading of dance culture.
