

孙园喜,重庆大学机械与运载工程学院副教授,硕士生导师。分别于2011年6月和2018年3月于西北工业大学获机械设计制造及其自动化工学学士学位以及机械设计及理论工学博士学位。2018年11月20日起于重庆大学工作。主要研究方向为外骨骼机器人、仿生假肢关节,以及智能人−机交互式机器人等方向。入职以来主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、重庆市自然科学基金、中央高校业务费以及重点实验室开放课题等项目,以第一作者/通讯作者发表学术期刊论文15篇 (其中JCR Q1 10篇,JCR Q2 5篇),包括IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering,Mechanism and Machine Theory,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,Smart Materials and Structures,ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics以及仿生工程学报(英文版)等机器人领域专业SCI期刊,并担任Frontiers in Robotics & AI期刊客座编辑。指导本科生参加全国大学生机械创新大赛、高校智能机器人创意大赛,全国大学生机器人大赛ROBOCON赛事以及第七届“互联网+”大赛等竞赛,获一等奖3项,二等奖3项。


a)排名及影响因子出处:科睿唯安(原汤森路透)Journal Citation ReportsJCRhttps://jcr.clarivate.com/JCRLandingPageAction.action“.


[1]Y. Sun*, Y. Tang, J. Zheng, D. Dong, X. Chen, and L. Bai, From sensing to control of lower limb exoskeleton: a systematic review. ANNUAL REVIEWS IN CONTROL 53 (2022) 83-96.

[2]Y. Sun, W. Ge, J. Zheng, F. Xia, and D. Dong, Optimization of actuating torques in multi-bar prosthetic joints with springs. ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION 49 (2017) 1183-1196.

[3]J. Zheng, Y. Sun*, Z. Luo, and D. Zhang, High precision post-processing framework for industrial computed tomography detection. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 192 (2022).

[4]Y. Sun*, P. Tang, J. Zheng, D. Dong, X. Chen, L. Bai, and W. Ge, Optimal Design of a Nonlinear Series Elastic Actuator for the Prosthetic Knee Joint Based on the Conjugate Cylindrical Cam. IEEE ACCESS 7 (2019) 140846-140859.

[5]Y. Sun*, W. Ge, J. Zheng, and D. Dong, Design and Evaluation of a Prosthetic Knee Joint Using the Geared Five-Bar Mechanism. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING 23 (2015) 1031-1038.

[6]Y. Sun*, P. Tang, D. Dong, J. Zheng, X. Chen, and L. Bai, Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of a Pneumatic Variable Stiffness Actuator. IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS (2022).

[7]L. Bai, C. Gong, X. Chen, J. Zheng, J. Yang, K. Li, and Y. Sun*, Heterogeneous compressive responses of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V lattice structures by varying geometric parameters of cells. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES 214 (2022).

[8]L. Bai, H. Wang, X. Chen, J. Zheng, L. Xin, Y. Deng, and Y. Sun*, Design and Experiment of a Deformable Bird-inspired UAV Perching Mechanism. JOURNAL OF BIONIC ENGINEERING 18 (2021) 1304-1316.

[9]Y. Sun*, H. Tang, Y. Tang, J. Zheng, D. Dong, X. Chen, F. Liu, L. Bai, W. Ge, L. Xin, H. Pu, Y. Peng, and J. Luo, Review of Recent Progress in Robotic Knee Prosthesis Related Techniques: Structure, Actuation and Control. JOURNAL OF BIONIC ENGINEERING 18 (2021) 764-785.

[10]Y. Sun*, Y. Tang, J. Zheng, D. Dong, and L. Bai, Optimal Variable Stiffness Control and Its Applications in Bionic Robotic Joints: A Review. JOURNAL OF BIONIC ENGINEERING (2022).

[11]Y. Sun, W. Ge, J. Zheng, and D. Dong, Solving the Kinematics of the Planar Mechanism Using Data Structures of Assur Groups. JOURNAL OF MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME 8 (2016).

[12]L. Bai, C. Gong, X. Chen, J. Zheng, L. Xin, Y. Xiong, X. Wu, M. Hu, K. Li, and Y. Sun*, Quasi-Static compressive responses and fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4 V graded lattice structures fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. MATERIALS & DESIGN 210 (2021).

[13]L. Bai, Y. Xu, X. Chen, L. Xin, J. Zhang, K. Li, and Y. Sun*, Improved mechanical properties and energy absorption of Ti6Al4V laser powder bed fusion lattice structures using curving lattice struts. MATERIALS & DESIGN 211 (2021).

[14]L. Bai, X. Zhou, X. Chen, L. Xin, J. Zhang, J. Yang, K. Li, and Y. Sun*, Influence of relative density distribution rules on the mechanical compression responses of additive manufactured Ti6Al4V graded lattice structures. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES (2022).

[15]Y. Sun, G. Dou, W. Duan, X. Chen, J. Zheng, L. Xin, and L. Bai, Involute-arc-leg for Multi-legged Robot: High Stability and Low Energy Consumption. MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY 170 (2022).

[16]Y. Sun, R. Gu, X. Chen, R. Sun, L. Xin, and L. Bai, Efficient time-optimal path planning of AUV under the ocean currents based on graph and clustering strategy. OCEAN ENGINEERING 259 (2022).

[17]Y. Sun*, R. Huang, J. Zheng, D. Dong, X. Chen, L. Bai, and W. Ge, Design and Speed-Adaptive Control of a Powered Geared Five-Bar Prosthetic Knee Using BP Neural Network Gait Recognition. SENSORS 19 (2019).

[18]J. Xiong, Y. Sun*, J. Zheng, D. Dong, and L. Bai, Design and experiment of a SMA-based continuous-stiffness-adjustment torsional elastic component for variable stiffness actuators. SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 30 (2021).

[19]Y. Sun, J. Zhan, W. Duan, L. Bai, J. Zheng, and X. Chen, Influence of Gait Trajectory and Parameters on Energy Consumption of Hexapod Robot, 2021 6TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS (ICARM 2021), 2021, pp. 436-441.













