
Personal profile

Xiao-Ting He
Professor, Ph.D
School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400045, China
Fax: 0086-23-65123511
Email: hexiaoting@cqu.edu.cn

PH.D. 12/2007, Chongqing University
M.S. 12/2001, Chongqing University
B.S. 7/1994, Chongqing Jianzhu University

Career Details
Professor, Chongqing University (Sep 2015)
Associate Professor, Chongqing University (Sep 2009- Sep 2015)
Lecturer, Chongqing University (Sep 2000- Sep 2009)

Research interests
Elasticity theory of different moduli;
Structural nonlinear problems;
Mechanical problems in construction;
perturbation method

Research Projects
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11572061): Multi-parameter perturbation method and its application to multi-field coupling of functionally gradient piezoelectric materials and structures (Principle Investigator, Jan 2016-Dec 2019)
Research Projects of Foundations and Frontiers of Chongqing City (No. cstc2013jcyjA30012): Deformation study of flexible thin-layered structures with different moduli in tension and compression (Principle Investigator, Jul 2013-Jun 2016)

Latest Publications
[1] He XT, Yang ZX, Li YH, Li X, Sun JY. Application of multi-parameter perturbation method to functionally-graded, thin, circular piezoelectric plates, Mathematics, 2020, 8(3), 342.
[2] He XT, Li X, Yang ZX, Liu GH, Sun JY. Application of biparametric perturbation method to functionally graded thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression. ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2019, 99(7), e201800213.
[3] He XT, Li X, Li, WM, Sun JY. Bending analysis of functionally graded curved beams with different properties in tension and compression. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2019, 89(9), 1973–1994.
[4] Lian YS, He XT, Shi SJ, Li X, Yang ZX, Sun JY. A multi-parameter perturbation solution for functionally graded piezoelectric cantilever beams under combined loads. Materials, 2018, 11(7), Article ID 1222, 1–20.
[5] He XT, Li YH, Liu GH, Yang ZX, Sun JY. Non-linear bending of functionally graded thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression and its general perturbation solution. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(5), Article ID 731, 1–19.
[6] He XT, Wang YZ, Shi SJ, Sun JY. An electroelastic solution for functionally graded piezoelectric material beams with different moduli in tension and compression. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2018, 29(8): 1649–1669.
[7] He XT, Li WM, Sun JY, Wang ZX. An elasticity solution of functionally graded beams with different moduli in tension and compression. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2018, 25(2): 143–154.
[8] Lian YS, He XT, Liu GH, Sun JY, Zheng ZL. Application of perturbation idea to well-known Hencky problem: A perturbation solution without small-rotation-angle assumption. Mechanics Research Communications, 2017, 83: 32–46.
[9] He XT, Cao L, Wang YZ, Sun JY, Zheng ZL. A biparametric perturbation method for the Föppl-von Kármán equations of bimodular thin plates. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2017, 455(2):1688–1705.
[10] He XT, Pei XX, Sun JY, Zheng ZL. Simplified theory and analytical solution for functionally graded thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression. Mechanics Research Communications, 2016, 74: 72–80.
[11] He XT, Cao L, Guo Y, Sun JY, Zheng ZL. A perturbation solution of von-Kármán circular plates with different moduli in tension and compression under concentrated force. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2016, 23(3): 318–327.
[12] He XT, Xu P, Sun JY, Zheng ZL. Analytical solutions for bending curved beams with different moduli in tension and compression. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2015, 22(5): 325–337.
[13] He XT, Cao L, Sun JY, Zheng ZL. Application of a biparametric perturbation method to large-deflection circular plate problems with a bimodular effect under combined loads. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2014, 420(1): 48–65.
[14] He XT, Cao L, Li ZY, Hu XJ, Sun JY. Nonlinear large deflection problems of beams with gradient: A biparametric perturbation method. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 219(14): 7493–7513.
[15] He XT, Sun JY, Wang ZX, Chen Q, Zheng ZL. General perturbation solution of large-deflection circular plate with different moduli in tension and compression under various edge conditions. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 2013, 55: 110–119.
[16] He XT, Chen Q, Sun JY, Zheng ZL. Large-deflection axisymmetric deformation of circular clamped plates with different moduli in tension and compression. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2012, 62(1): 103–110.
[17] He XT, Chen Q, Sun JY, Zheng ZL, Chen SL. Application of Kirchhoff hypotheses to bending thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2010, 5(5): 755–769.
[18] He XT, Hu XJ, Sun JY, Zheng ZL. An analytical solution of bending thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2010, 36(3): 363–380.
[19] He XT, Zheng ZL, Sun JY, Li YM, Chen SL. Convergence analysis of a finite element method based on different moduli in tension and compression. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46(20): 3734–3740.
