The 18thInternationalAdvancedSchool onWindEngineering (IAS18)
August 21-22, 2021
-Base for Innovations of Discipline to University on High-performance Wind Energy System and Effective
Operation, Chongqing University
- Base for Innovations of Discipline to University on Mitigating Wind-induced Disaster of Wind-sensitive
Infrastructures, Beijing Jiaotong University
- Joint Usage Research Center, Wind Engineering Research Center, Tokyo Polytechnic University
-Universiti Malaysia Pahang
- Chongqing’s Key Laboratory of Wind Engineering and Wind Resources Utilization, School of Civil Engineering,
Chongqing University
Aims and Scope
Wind engineering is an important research area in the field of civil engineering. The 18th international advanced school on wind engineering, which is initiated and presided over by Prof. Yukio Tamura, Academician of Japan and China Academy of Engineering (JAE, CAE), and former chairman of International Association of Wind Engineering (IAWE), honorary Professor of Tokyo Polytechnic University and Professor of Chongqing University, will be held online from August 21 to 22, 2021. The course covers wind flow characteristics, buildings and bridges aerodynamics under stationary and non-stationary strong winds, equivalent wind loads and wind-induced responses, the wind tunnel techniques, Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and its applications in wind engineering, introduction of wind load codes, offshore wind energy potential, and offshore floating wind turbines under the interaction of wind-wave-current.
Researchers and students in the universities and research institutions, relevant engineers and governmentemployees are all greatly welcome to join the IAS18.
3.Course Schedule
Please visit the registration link at:
Deadline of registration is August 18th. The organization committee will confirm your registration within 2 working days prior to the start of the conference. If you do not receive a reply, please contact the organization committee.
To ensure that you get the online zoom link and reminders, please correctly fill your email address in the registration form.
5. Organization Committee
Chairmen of the Organization Committee
Honorary Chairman Prof. Y. Tamura
Chairman Prof. Q.S. Yang
Executive Chairman Prof. G.Q. Huang
Members of the Organization Committee
Dr. B.W. Yan
Ms. Z.S. Mo
Ms. W.L. Zhong
Ms. J.J. Shi
6. Contact Information
Phone:+86 15683789537(Bowen Yan);+86 18996087236(Zhishan Mo) registration only)