
Personal profile

Jian Zang now is an associate researcher working in Chongqing University with a focus on air pollution control in domestic environment. Invited researcher for IITGN. Now a national project leader, special post-doctor funding rewarder in Chongqing,China.
Jian Zang was born in Chengdu, Sichuan, China in 1992. He got his Ph.D from Newcastle University, UK. in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering with Professor David Werner after receiving his Environmental Engineering MSc diploma in the same University.
From 2016-2021, he has contributed to the knowledge needed for design, control and maintenance in water and energy related systems in future city. He is the author of two book and more than 8 articles including 3 SCI papers.
journal publications. He is also a member of International Water Association and the editor board member of . His research interests are the innovative method or application for improving efficiency and performance of modern systems.
How to build and maintain a safe & health indoor environment for occupants, especially for vulnerable group. He is also interesting in how can Internet of
things technology or Big data analyzing helps in Civil engineering and Environmental Engineering across area.

PhD. Newcastle University,2017-2021
Researcher. Indian Institute of Technology, 2018.9-2020.1
MSc. Newcastle University,2016-2017
Master. North China Institute Of Science And Technology

Research interests
Building environment sustainability and indoor air quality nexus.

Research Projects
Indoor health, risk and environmental resilience in urban city, air quality, water quality. Urban sustainability

Latest Publications
Zang, J., Royapoor, M., Acharya, K., Jonczyk, J. and Werner, D. (2022) 'Performance gaps of sustainability features in green award-winning university buildings', Building and Environment, 207, p. 108417.
Zang, J., Kumar, M. and Werner, D. (2020) 'Real-world sustainability analysis of an innovative decentralized water system with rainwater harvesting and wastewater reclamation', Journal of Environmental Management, p. 111639.
Fang, Xushen, Zang, Jian*, Zhai Zhenggang, Zhang Li, Shu Ziyu, and Liang Yuqi, Exploring potential dual-stage attention based recurrent neural network machine learning application for dosage prediction in intelligent municipal management, (SCI F 5.81).

International Conference papers:
Zang, J.and Werner,D.(2021), Water Energy Nexus Efficiency Analysis: Underperformance water cycle system solution based on IoT monitoring, IWA WIN2021,Aug
ZZang, J.,Kumar,M.,and Werner,D.(2021), Real-world water distribution issue and a decentralized water supply case study with different water saving technologies, H70 Global Water Security Symposium, Jan
Zang, J.and Werner,D.(2020), New method for water baseflow analysis based on real world data with quick PCR and DNA sequencing toolbox, 5C's of water vulnerability symposium, Feb
Zang, J.and Werner,D.(2019), New method for water and baseflow analysis based on real world data, IWA MEWE2019, Nov
Zang, J.and Werner,D.(2019), New water analysis method and the benefits for future new style safe water supply and portable environmental lab toolbox, Cardiff EPSRC conference,Sep
Zang, J.and Werner,D.(2019), Real world water sustainability analysis, case study: Newcastle University, NSE-20 symposium, Nov

