
Personal profile

Name: Baizhan Li
Date of birth: 1957.9
Technical position: Professor, doctoral tutor
Email: baizhanli@cqu.edu.cn
Contact number: 13833345450
Mailing address: School of Civil Engineering, Campus B, Chongqing University, Shapingba District, Chongqing

1978-1982 Bachelor , Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1982-1985 Master , Former Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering
1985-1991 Lecturer Former Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering
1991-1993 Associate Professor, Former Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering,
1993-1997 Ph.D , University of Reading, UK Building Management and Engineering
(In the meantime, in December 1995, Former Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering, Professor)

Career Details
1997-2001 Postdoctoral fellow at Loughborough University, UK and Research Associate/Research Fellow
(Internship as an off-campus expert at the Martin Institute for Architectural Research in Cambridge, in 2000 and 2011 respectively)
2001-2002 Senior Analyst, Senior Analyst, Design Consulting International, Battle McCarthy, UK
2002-2018 Dean, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, School of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University

Research interests
Building environment and indoor environment quality
Building energy efficiency and green building

Research Projects
1. The UK-China collaborative research project "Low carbon climate-responsive Heating and Cooling of Cities (LoHCool)" supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grant No. 51561135002) and UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Grant No. EP/N009797/1), Chinese leader, £1 million, 2015-2018
2. Research on low-carbon urban heating and cooling method and mechanism based on climate response and building coupling (project approval number: 51561135002), National Natural Science Foundation International Cooperation Key Project, responsible person, 3 million yuan, 2015-2018
3. Theory and method of dynamic adjustment and control of building thermal environment (project approval number: 50838009), National Natural Science Foundation of China, responsible person, 2 million yuan, 2009-2012
4. System test evaluation criteria for cockpit air quality and thermal comfort, National Basic Research Planning Project (973 Program) Subproject 2 of the Ministry of Science and Technology, responsible person, 1.5 million yuan, 2012-2017
5. Research on building indoor air pollution monitoring and operation management technology (project approval number: 2012BAJ02B00), key project of the National 12th Five-Year Science and Technology Support Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, responsible person, 5.2 million yuan 2012-2015
6. Research on key technologies of building envelope system (China-US project) (Project approval number: 2010DFA72740-03), major project of international science and technology cooperation of Ministry of Science and Technology, presided over and completed, 3.89 million yuan, 2010-2012
7. Construction of the national government office building and large-scale public building energy conservation supervision system in Chongqing Municipality, Chongqing Municipal Construction Committee Science and Technology Plan Project, responsible for and completed, 1.69 million yuan, 2010-2012
8. Research on key technologies for control and improvement of indoor thermal and humid environment in buildings (Project approval number: 2006BAJ02A09), key project of the National “Eleventh Five-Year” Science and Technology Support Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, responsible for and completed, 5.6 million yuan, 2007-2011
9. Application research and product development of energy-efficient technology for building energy system, key project of science and technology plan of Chongqing Science and Technology Commission, responsible for and completed, 600,000 yuan, 2009-2011
10. Research on building energy-saving development model in summer hot and cold winter zone under low-carbon economy, scientific research plan project of National Development and Reform Commission, responsible for and completed, 650,000 yuan, 2010-2010
11. “China End Energy Efficiency Project (EUEEP) – Research on Building Energy Efficiency Technology Strategy in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone”, National Development and Reform Commission Scientific Research Project, responsible for and completed, 2009-2010
12. Implementation Rules for the Construction of Energy-saving Supervision System for Office Buildings and Large-scale Public Buildings of State Organs in Chongqing, and the Science and Technology Plan Project of Chongqing Municipal Construction Committee, responsible for and completed, 2.71 million yuan, 2008-2009
13. “Research and demonstration of key technologies for the construction of small cities and towns in Chongqing”, Chongqing Science and Technology Project for Small Towns Construction, responsible for and completed, 4 million yuan, 2004-2007
14. The “Tenth Five-Year” National Science and Technology Research Project, “Small Town Science and Technology Development Major Project 15: Key Technologies for Small Town Infrastructure Construction” (Project Approval No.: 2003BA8008A15), responsible for and completed, 4.8 million yuan, 2003-2005
15. “Establishment of China Green Building Comprehensive Evaluation System”, the Global Opportunities Fund Project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom, responsible for and completed, 2006-2008
16. “Sub-course on Economical Application of Environmental Infrastructure and Demonstration of “Technical Policy Research” in Small Towns in Western China” (Project Approval No. 2003-MOC-NGGP-03). The Dutch government grant project, responsible for and completed, 2004-2008
17. “Network for China-UK Building and Urban Sustainability (nCUBUS)”, the UK Natural Science Foundation (EPSRC) project, responsible for the Chinese (Cambridge University, UK as the first host), responsible for and completed, 2006-2009
18. “Design and Construction of Sustainable Building Engineering in Central Europe” (project approval number: CN/ASIA-LINK/011 (91400), EU Asia-link project, as the responsible person of the Chinese side (Cambridge University, UK as the first host) And completed, 2005-2008
19. “Design of Clean and Renewable Energy Development and Energy-Efficient Building Engineering in Western China”, the Global Opportunities Fund Project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom, as the responsible person of the Chinese side (Cambridge University, UK as the first host), responsible for and completed, 2003-2005
20. “Information flow simulation and simulation in the process of building engineering design”, the doctoral fund project of the Ministry of Education, responsible for and completed, 2003-2006
21. “Research on dynamic characteristics and control principle of residential hot and humid environment”, National Natural Science Foundation of China, responsible for and completed. 1991-1996

Latest Publications
1. Du Chenqiu, Li Baizhan, Liu Hong, Ji Yu, Yao Runming, Yu Wei; Quantification of personal thermal comfort with localized airflow system based on sensitivity analysis and classification tree model; Energy and Buildings,2019, Volume 194, pages 1-11
2. Cai Jiao, Li Baizhan, Yu Wei, Wang Han, Du Chenqiu et al. Household dampness-related exposures in relation to childhood asthma and rhinitis in China: A multicentre observational study; Environment International, 2019, Volume 126, pages 735-746
3. Du Chenqiu, Li Baizhan, Yu Wei, Liu Hong, Li Chao, Yao Runming; Moisture in clothing and its transient influence on human thermal responses through clothing microenvironment in cold environments in winter; Building and Environment; 2019, Volume 150, pages 1-12
4. Li Baizhan, Du Chenqiu, Liu Hong, Yu Wei, Zheng Jie et al. Regulation of sensory nerve conduction velocity of human bodies responding to annual temperature variations in natural environments; Indoor Air, 2018, Volume 29, pages 308-319
5. Li Baizhan, R. Yao; Building energy efficiency for sustainable development in China: challenges and opportunities; Volume 40, Issue 4, pages 417-431, 2012, International journal of Building Research & Information; ISSN 0961-3218 (Print), 1466-4321
6. Nan Li, Wei Yu and Baizhan Li, Assessing adaptive thermal comfort using artificial neural networks in naturally-ventilated buildings, Volume 11 Number 2, pages 105 - 130, 2012, International journal of ventilation, ISSN: 1473-3315 (Print), 2044-4044
7. Short CA, Yao R, Luo G and Li B., Exploiting a Hybrid Environmental Design Strategy in the Continental Climate of Beijing, Volume 11 Number 2, pages 205 - 214, 2012, International journal of ventilation, ISSN: 1473-3315 (Print), 2044-4044
8. Nan Li, Guozhi Luo, Baizhan Li and Yanqi Huang, Impact of light-weight external thermal insulation materials on building surrounding thermal environment in summer, JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Vol.19,2012, ISSN: 2095-2899, Elsevier Science Direct
9. Dong Yang and Baizhan Li, Analytical models for evaluating buoyancy-driven ventilation due to stack effect in a shaft considering heat transfer from shaft interior boundaries, JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 19, 2012, ISSN: 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct
10. R. Yao, Yang Yulan and Baizhan Li, A holistic method to assess building energy efficiency combining D-S theory and the evidential reasoning approach, International journal of ENERGY POLICY, Vol. 45, 2012, ISSN: 0301-4215, Elsevier Science Direct
11. Yong Ding, Zhengliao Ding, Xiaobo Shi and Baizhan Li, Effect of different types of illuminants on indoor lighting comfort and energy-saving, ENERGY EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART A-ENERGY SCIENCE AND RESEARCH, Vol.29,2012, ISSN:1308-772X, Elsevier Science Direct
12. Liu jing, Yao R. and Baizhan Li, Occupants' behavioural adaptation in workplaces with non-central heating and cooling systems, International journal of APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 35, 2012, ISSN: 1359-4311, Elsevier Science Direct
13. Gao Yafeng; Runming Yao; Baizhan Li et al; Field studies on the effect of built forms on urban wind environments, Renewable Energy, Volume 46, Issue 10, 2012, ISSN 0960-1481, Elsevier Science Direct
14. Li Baizhan, Yu Wei et al, Climatic Strategies of Indoor Thermal Environment for Residential Buildings in Yangtze River Region, China; International journal of Indoor and Built Environment; Volume 20, Issue 1, 2011, ISSN: 1420-326X, SAGE
15. Yao R., Luo Q. and Li B. A simplified mathematical model for urban microclimate simulation, International Journal of Building and Environment, Volume 46, pages 253-265, 2011, ISSN 0360-1323, Elsevier Science Direct
16. Yu Wei, Baizhan Li et al, Analysis of a Residential Building Energy Consumption Demand Model, International journal of ENERGIES; Volume 4, Issue 3, 2011, ISSN: 1996-1073, Elsevier Science Direct
17. Liu Hong, Tian Qin, Baizhan Li et al; Impact of cold indoor thermal environmental conditions on human thermal response, Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2011, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct
18. Liu Hong, Zheng Wenxi, Baizhan Li et al; Behavioural adaptation of indoor thermal environment in hot-summer and cold-winter zone, Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 42, Issue 6, 2011, ISSN 1672-7207, Elsevier Science Direct
19. Liu Meng, Baizhan Li and R. Yao, Embodied coefficient of energy carriers and its calculation method, Journal of Central South University of Technology”, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2011, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct
20. Baizhan Li, Tan Meilan et al, Occupant's Perception and Preference of Thermal Environment in Free-running Buildings in China, International journal of Indoor and Built Environment, Volume 19, Issue 4, 2010, ISSN: 1420-326X, SAGE
21. Baizhan Li, Li Wenjie et al, Physiological Expression of Human Thermal Comfort to Indoor Operative Temperature in the Non-HVAC Environment, International journal of Indoor and Built Environment, Volume 19, Issue 2, 2010, ISSN: 1420-326X, SAGE
22. Y. Yang, B. Li, R. Yao, A method of identifying and weighting indicators of energy efficiency assessment in Chinese residential buildings; International journal of ENERGY POLICY, Volume 38, Issue 12, 2010, ISSN: 0301-4215. Elsevier Science Direct
23. Ding Yong, Baizhan Li et al, Part load operation coefficient of air-conditioning system of public building; International journal of ENERGY AND BUILDINGS; Volume 42, Issue 10, 2010, ISSN: 0378-7788. Elsevier Science Direct
24. Liu Meng, Baizhan Li et al, A generic model of Exergy Assessment for the Environmental Impact of Building Lifecycle; International journal of ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, Volume 42, Issue 9, 2010, ISSN: 0378-7788. Elsevier Science Direct
25. R. Yao, J. Liu and. B. Li, Occupants’ adaptive responses and perception of thermal environment in naturally conditioned university classrooms, International journal of Applied Energy, Volume 87, Issue 3, December 2010, Pages 1015-1022, ISSN: 0306-2619 Elsevier Science Direct
26. Runming Yao; Luo Qing; Baizhan Li; A simplifed mathematical model for urban microclimate simulation, Journal of Building and Environment, Volume 46, Issue 1,Pages 253-265,2010, ISSN:0360-1323. Elsevier Science Direct
27. Baizhan Li and R. Yao, Urbanisation and Its Impact on Building Energy Consumption and Efficiency in China, International journal of Renewable Energy, Volume 34, pages 1994-1998, 2009, ISSN 0960-1481, Elsevier Science Director
28. Jin Zhenxing; Wu Yong; Li Baizhan; Gao Yafeng, Energy efficiency supervision strategy selection of Chinese large-scale public buildings, International journal of Energy Policy, v 37, n 6, p 2066-2072, June 2009, ISSN: 0301-4215, Elsevier Science Direct
29. Yao R., Li Baizhan and Liu J. A theoretical adaptive model of thermal comfort- Adaptive Predicted Mean Vote (aPMV), International journal of Building and Environment, v 44, n 10, 2009, pp. 2089-2096, ISSN 0360-1323, Elsevier Science Direct
30. R. Yao, Baizhan Li, Koen Steemers, Alan Short, Assessing the natural ventilation cooling potential of office buildings in different climate zones in China, International journal of Renewable Energy, Vol. 34, No. 12, 2009, ISSN 0960-1481, Elsevier Science Director
31. Tan Meilan, Li Baizhan et al, Field experiments on thermal comfort in university dormitories in Chongqing, Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 16, Suppl.1 December 2009, pp.55-61, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct
32. Gao Yafeng, Li Baizhan et al, Outdoor Thermal Environment Analysis of Mountainous Towns Based On GIS, Journal of Central South University of Technology”, Volume 16, Suppl.1 December 2009, pp.230-234, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct
33. Runming Yao, Steemers K, Baker N and Baizhan Li, A method of energy efficient building design and planning, Journal of Architectural, Issue 8, 2009, ISSN 0529-1399
34. He Tai-rong,Li Baizhan,Li Xian-liang and Liu Cun-dong, Heavy metals pollution in water, suspended matter and surface sediment in typical mountainous urban river: A case study in Qingshui Stream in Chongqing, China; Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 16, Suppl.1 December 2009, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct
35. Runming Yao; Baizhan Li; Steemers K; Short A; Assessing the natural ventilation cooling potential of office buildings in different climate zones in China, International Journal of Renewable Energy, 2009, ISSN 0960-1481, Elsevier Science Direct.
36. Luo Q., Li Baizhan Yao R. and Ding Y. Math model and case study on outdoor thermal environment of urban architectural complexity based on image process, Journal of Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, VOl.29 ISSUE.5 pp.630-635, 2008, ISSN 0254-0096
37. Li Baizhan, Sustainable response to urbanisation in China, Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 14, 2007, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct
38. Liang J., Li Baizhan, Wu Y. and Yao R. An investigation of the existing situation and trends in building energy efficiency management in China, International journal of Energy and Buildings, 39(2007), pp. 1098-1106, ISSN 0378-7788, Elsevier Science Direct
39. Liu Hong, Li Baizhan et al, Winter indoor thermal environment analysis of heating office building in Chongqing, Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 14, 2007, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct
40. Liu Meng, Li Baizhan and Yao Runming, Building operational energy consumption of Chongqing and its exergy assessment, Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 14, 2007, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct
41. Li Nan, Li Baizhan et al, Research on design of energy efficiency building, Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 14, 2007, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct
42. Wang Janhui and Li Baizhan, Forecast of long-term gas load in small town based on grey theory, Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 14, 2007, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier
43. Yang Yongchuan, Yuan Xingzhong and Li Baizhan, Characteristics and significance of the remnant evergreen broad-leaved forest in the urban area of Chongqing, Journal of Biodiversity Science, No.3, 2007, ISSN 1005-0094
44. Liang Jing, Li Baizhan, Investigation of Public Building Energy- saving Management and Retrofit in China, Journal of Building Science, Vol.23 No.4, 2007, ISSN 1002-8528
45. Gao Junming, Hu Jianying, Zheng Huajun and Li Baizhan, Organotin compounds in the Three Gorges Reservoir region of the Yangtze River, BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY, Vol.13, 2006, ISSN 0007-4861
46. Baizhan Li, Meng Liu, Keith McKinnell, Energy Issue in Chongqing, Journal of Property Management, Vol.24, No.3, 2006, ISSN: 0263-7472
47. Baizhan Li, Meng Liu, Keith McKinnell, Impact of urbanization on building energy consumption and the role of BEE design codes in China: a position statement, Journal of Property Management, Vol.24, No.3, 2006, ISSN: 0263-7472
48. Li Baizhan, Luo Q., Yao R. and Steemers K, Image process for sunlight distribution among buildings, Journal of Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, Vol.27, ISSUE.12, pp.1247-1251 2006.12 ISSN 0254-0096
49. Baizhan Li et al, A workflow management system based-on construction project designing, International Journal for House Science and its applications, Vol.29, No.3, 2006, p235-243, ISSN 0146-6518
50. Ding Yong, Li Baizhan and Liu Hong, Current application of geothermal heat pump system, Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 13, 2006, ISSN 1005-9784, Elsevier Science Direct

In 1999, the British "Innovative Research Achievement", the British National Award, the United Kingdom;
In 2004, the State Council “Government Special Allowance” expert, the State Council;
In 2005, the first overseas Chinese professionals "Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award", the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, the National Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese;
In 2006, the second prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of Chongqing Science and Technology Award, (first host) Chongqing;
In 2007, the third prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of Chongqing Science and Technology Award, Chongqing;
In 2008, the third prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of Chongqing Science and Technology Award, (first host) Chongqing;
In 2008, the advanced individuals of the National Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese System for Earthquake Relief, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, and the National Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese;
In 2009, the advanced individuals of the National Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, the National Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese;
In 2008, the first prize of the Ministry of Education's Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Award (Science and Technology Progress Award), (first host) Ministry of Education;
In 2009, the first prize of the China Construction Science and Technology Award, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development;
In 2011, the third prize of the China Construction Science and Technology Award, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development;
In 2009, the China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council awarded the "Outstanding Chinese Overseas Chinese Award";
In 2010, Chongqing Top Ten Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Experts, Chongqing Municipal Government;
In 2012, the China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese "China Overseas Chinese Contribution Award (innovative talent);
In 2015, Chongqing Science and Technology Award for Science and Technology Progress won the first prize, (first host) Chongqing;
In 2016, the World Renewable Energy Alliance “lead the award”;
In 2017, the first prize of Chongqing Teaching Achievement Award, (first host) Chongqing;
In 2018, the second prize of the National Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, (second presiding) National Ministry of Education
In 2019, National outstanding teacher
