
The 17th International Advanced School on Wind and Structural Engineering (IAS17)

The 17th International Advanced School on Wind and Structural Engineering (IAS17) was held in Beijing from August 30th to September 1st, 2019. The IAS17 was co-chaired by Prof. Yukio Tamura of Chongqing University (Professor at Chongqing University, former president of the International Wind Engineering Association (IWEA) and a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering) and Prof. Qingshan Yang (Dean of the School of Civil Engineering at Chongqing University and Director of the Beijing Key Laboratory of Structural Wind Engineering and Urban Wind Environment).

IAS17 saw 13 well-known experts from China and abroad delivered 21 excellent lectures. After each lecture, the experts and the participants had a lively academic exchange and discussion, inspiring the attendants. IAS17 had a total of 127 attendants from 10 countries, making IAS17 the largest and most international among the IAS series. At the closing ceremony of IAS17, Prof. Yukio Tamura, Prof. Qingshan Yang, and Prof. Youlin Xu issued certificates to the participants and took group photos together with the participants and volunteers.

Group photo of participants and lecturers

Prof. Yukio Tamura, Professor Qingshan Yang, and Professor Youlin Xu issued certificates to the participants

IAS17 is sponsored by Base for Introducing Talents of Discipline to University on Wind-sensitive Infrastructure and Wind-induced mitigation (Beijing Jiaotong University), High-performance Wind Energy System and Effective Operation (Chongqing University), School of Civil Engineering (Beijing Jiaotong University), School of Civil Engineering (Chongqing University), Beijing’s Key Laboratory pf Structural Wind Engineering and Urban Wind Environment, Tokyo Polytechnic University, and Journal of Building Structure. Professor Bo Li from Beijing Jiaotong University, Associate Professor Bowen Yan from Chongqing University, and Huizhen Li from the Journal of Building Structure were responsible for the organization and coordination of IAS17. Volunteers from School of Civil Engineering of Beijing Jiaotong University provided professional services for IAS17.

Prof. Yukio Tamura, Professor Qingshan Yang and Professor Youlin Xu took photos with the volunteers of the conference
