
The 8th China International College Students’“Internet+”Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Notice to International Entrants

2022-05-13 18:38

China International College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCompetition has been held for seven sessions since 2015. Participated by 25.33million college students in 6.03 million teams from 121 countries and regions in fivecontinents, the competition has become the largest global event for innovation andentrepreneurship. The 8th China International College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition will be held in 2022. We inviteexcellent young people engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship all over the worldto this event where entrants can work to realize the dream of innovation andentrepreneurship, and to create a better future for the world.


I. Requirements for Projects Entered

1.The projects entered shall meet social needs, incubate new products, new business forms and models, promote the transformation and upgrading of industries such asmanufacturing, agriculture, health, energy, environmental protection, and otherstrategic emerging industries, and promote the integration of the digital technologieswith education, medical care, transport, finance, and consumption for living andcultural exchanges. For specific types of projects entered, please consult the Chinesehost university or overseas partners of the Competition.

2. The projects entered shall aim to attract positive energy and must be actual, ethical,legal, and free of harmful contents that violate laws and regulations.All inventions,patented technologies, and resources involved must have clear legal intellectualproperty rights and property rights. Entrants who submit plagiarized, pirated or falseentries will be disqualified with awards, if received, and bear all legal liabilities.

3. Entrants must choose the right category to register the projects. The participatingteams must truthfully fill out and submit entry materials involved in the project ontime in the registration system. Projects that have won the Gold or Silver Awards inprevious sessions of this Competition are not eligible this year.

4. Entrants must be under 35 years old (born after March 1, 1987).

II. How to Participate

This Competition only accepts team entries. All entrants must enter in teams of 2 to15 people (team leader included). A team may be formed by members from more thanone college. All entrants must be core members of the project entered.

All entrants must be students who are currently enrolled at a foreign college or thosewho have graduated within the past 5 years (graduated after 2017, the same below.)The application should be submitted by the leader of the participating team. Theparticipating team shall only represent one foreign college which the team leader iscurrently enrolled at or has graduated from. A foreign college refers to a highereducation institution or vocational school that is located outside the People’s Republicof China and is qualified to provide education and award degrees. A student enrolledat a foreign college refers to a student who has registered and studied at a foreigncollege and is qualified to receive a degree or diploma.

All projects entered will be divided into two main categories: UndergraduateCategory and Postgraduate Category according to entrants’ academic status. Eachcategory can be further divided into three categories: Creativity Category, EmergingProject Category, and Rising Project Category according to business start-up stages.All participating colleges shall instruct the entrants to fill out the application andregister in the right category.

Requirements for each Category are as follows:

1. Undergraduate Category.

(1) Creativity Category.Projects entered that:

1. are creative;

2. have mature product prototypes or service models;

3. have not completed business registration and other types of registration on orbefore April 8, 2022.

The applicant must be the team leader, and the team leader and members must becurrent undergraduates or junior college students.

(2) Emerging Project Category. Projects entered that have completed businessregistration or other types of registration within the past three years (after March 1,2019).

The applicant must be the team leader, the legal representative of the start-up andacurrent undergraduate or undergraduate/junior college student who hasgraduatedwithin the past 5 years.

(3) Rising Project Category.Projects entered that have completed businessregistration or other types of registration for over 3 years (prior to March 1, 2019).

The applicant must be the team leader, the legal representative of the start-up and a current undergraduate or undergraduate/junior college student who has graduated within the past 5 years.

2. Postgraduate Category.

(1) Creativity Category.Projects entered that:

1. are creative;

2. have mature product prototypes or service models;

3. have not completed business registration and other types of registration on orbefore April 8, 2022.

The applicant must be the team leader, and the team leader must be a currentpostgraduate student. The team members must be current postgraduate students orundergraduates/junior college students.

(2) Emerging Project Category.Projects entered that have completed businessregistration or other types of registration within the past three years (after March 1,2019).

The applicant must be the team leader, the legal representative of the start-up andacurrent postgraduate student or postgraduate who has graduated within the past5years.

(3) Rising Project Category.Projects entered that have completed businessregistration or other types of registration for over 3 years (prior to March 1, 2019).The applicant must be the team leader, the legal representative of the start-up anda current postgraduate student or postgraduate who has graduated within the past5 years.

III. Competition Rules

International entries participating in the higher education track competition will beevaluated in categories together with but ranked separately from the entries fromChinese mainland and those from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan regions of China.The Competition will be divided by the organizing committee into three stages ofqualification review, online evaluation, and on-site competition.

1.Qualification review (July 16-31, 2022). Regarding the main points of theevaluation rules, the organizing committee will review the qualifications and integrityof documents of the international entries.

2.Online evaluation (August 1-15, 2022).Multiple rounds of online evaluation willbe performed on qualified entries. The final round will be the online evaluation for thefinals.

3.On-site competition (October, 2022).The excellent projects selected by the onlineevaluation for the finals will participate in the on-site finals. If the COVID-19pandemic is brought under control and international flights are back to normal, theorganizing committee will cover for 1-2 members from each of the finalist teams theair travel expenses (round-trip and economy class only) and the local accommodationand transportation expenses during the competition period. If on-site competition isnot possible, evaluation of defense in the finals will be held in the form of online roadshow.

IV. Awards

A total of 500 international entries will be selected for online evaluation at the finals,150 of which will be shortlisted for the on-site finals, 50 of which will receive theGold Award, and the remaining 100 projects will receive the Silver Award. Theremaining 350 projects that fail to enter the on-site finals will receive the BronzeAward.

The organizing committee will present the winners with award certificates.International entries for the championship round will receive corresponding cashaward based on the results at the Competition.

The organizing committee will present the mentors of entries receiving the GoldAward with Outstanding Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mentor Award (only top5),and for our partners, we will present the International Project Organizing Award.

V. Registration

1. Entrants must register at, the official website for thePromotion Association for Global Youth Innovation Leaders Community (PILC).Registration will open at 0:00 on June 1, 2022 and close at 24:00 on July 15, 2022(Beijing time, UTC+8).

2. Entrants shall provide a business plan in PPT format and can also choose whetherto provide a business plan in Word format or a 1-minute video as a supplement. Tofacilitate the review, please convert your business plan to PDF format beforeuploading.

3. To facilitate the review of qualifications, all team members must submit proof ofacademic status or diploma or shareholding before the closing date. Teams withmentors must also fill out the mentors’ information on the registration system.

4. In principle, all entry materials and on-site defense should be in Chinese or English.For other languages, please contact the organizing committee.

VI. Judging Criteria

For detailed information on the judging rules and criteria of the Competition, pleasevisit or

VII. Miscellaneous

The organizing committee of the China International College Students’ “Internet+”Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition reserves the right to make the finalinterpretation of all terms in this Appendix.

VIII. Contact Us


Promotion Association for the Global Youth Innovation Leadership Community(PILC)

Tel: 0086-13581973690


Address: B28, Teli Aosen International Sports and Cultural Center, ChaoyangDistrict,Beijing. Postcode: 100101, China.


Center for Student Services and Development, Ministry of Education of the People’sRepublic of China

Tel: 0086-10-68352311


Address: Tower C3 Jinmao Building, No.18 Xizhimenwai Street, Xicheng District,Beijing. Postcode: 100044, China.

ZHAO Wansu

Office of International Affairs, Chongqing University

Tel: 0086-23-65102100


Address: No.174 Shazheng Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing.

ZHOU Jianlin

General Office, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education of thePeople’s Republic of China

Tel: 0086-10-66097850


Address: No.37, Damucang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing. Postcode: 100816,China

Organizing Committee of the China International College Students’

“Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

April 27, 2022
