
Personal profile

Dr Yi Jiang Tao obtained his PhD from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2010, majoring in Geotechnical Engineering. After graduation, he worked in NUS as a Research Engineer and subsequently as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Offshore Research & Engineering for close to four years. In early 2015, he joined the School of Civil Engineering of Chongqing University in China, as an assistant professor. His research areas lie mainly in development and application of large deformation finite element techniques, geotechnical centrifuge modelling, probabilistic geotechnical analysis, etc. One of his noteworthy contributions is the development of a dual-stage Eulerian–Lagrangian Technique. It is an effective-stress large deformation finite element technique, well suited for solving large deformation offshore problems accompanied by significant excessive pore pressure generation and dissipation. Another achievement, which has been achieved recently, is the development of large deformation random finite element technique. It is probably the first of its kind to combine the large deformation finite element calculation with random field theory within the Monte Carlo framework.

◆ PhD National University of Singapore (2004 — 2008)
Dissertation: “Centrifuge and Numerical Modelling of Sand Compaction Pile Installation”
Supervisor: Professor Lee Fook Hou
◆ BEng Hohai University, China (1999 — 2003)

Career Details
Research Engineer National niversity of Singapore Aug. 2008 — Nov. 2010
Research Fellow National University of Singapore Nov. 2010 — Jan. 2015
Associate professor Chongqing University, China Jan. 2015 —

Research interests
● Development of large deformation finite element computational techniques
● Probabilistic geotechnical analysis
● Geotechnical centrifuge modeling
● Offshore spudcan foundations and anchors
● Sand compaction piling
● Cone and T-bar penetrometers

Research Projects
Study on the key problems and governing mechanism of the squeezing effect of the jacked pile group,
Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51778091),
Role: Principal Investigator
Penetration mechanism and pull-out capacity of the non-vertically installed torpedo anchor Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 551509025) ,
Role: Principal Investigator
Microbial reinforcement method and mechanism for calcareous soil
Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51578096),
Role: Collaborator
Spudcan Fixity for Realistic Design of Jack-up Units
Funded by The Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore (No. 0821350042),
Role: Participant
Deepwater Dynamically Installed Anchors
Funded by The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (No. R-302-501-021-490),
Role: Participant

Latest Publications
Five representative publications over the past two years:
1. Yi, J.T.; Huang, L.Y.; Li, D.Q.; Liu, Y.* (2020). “A large deformation random finite element study: Failure mechanism and bearing capacity of spudcan in spatially varying clayey seabed”,Geotechnique, Vol.67(1):392–405, doi:10.1680/jgeot.18.P.171.
2. Yi, J.T.; Fu Y.*; Liu C. F.; Zhang Y.H.; Li Y.P.; Zhang, Y. H. (2020). “Pull-out capacity of an inclined embedded torpedo anchor subjected to combined vertical and horizontal loading”, Computers and Geotechnics, Vol.121: 103478., doi: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103478.
3. Yi, J.T.; Cao M.Y. ; Liu Y.; Zhang L. (2020)“Insight into centrifuge modelling errors in predicting embedment depths of dynamically installed anchors”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol 57(11),doi:10.1139/cgj-2017-0380.
4. Yi, J.T.; Pan Y.T.; Qiu Z.Z.; Liu F.; Zhang, Y. H.; Zhang L. (2020). “The post-installation consolidation settlement of jack-up spudcan foundations in clayey seabed soils”, Computers and Geotechnics,Vol.123: 103611,doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103611.
5. Yi, J.T.; Yang, Y.; Li, Y.P.*; Zhang, X.Y.; Lee, F.H. (2019). “Centrifuge study of lattice legs effect on spudcan fixity under cyclic combined loading condition”,Acta Geotechnica, 14(6): 2045-2064, doi:10.1007/s11440-019-00773-2.
