
Personal profile

Yongtao Bai, Dr.Eng., Professor
Research Center for Steel Structure Engineering (RCSSE), School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University
E-mail: bai.yongtao@cqu.edu.cn; baiyongtao@gmail.com
Address: School of Civil Engineerjng,
Campus-B, Chongqing University,
Shapingba District, Chongqing 400044, P.R. China

2010-2013: Kyushu University, Ph.D. of Engineering, Japan (Advisor: Prof. Akihiko Kawano)
2007-2010: Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Master of Structural Engineering, China
2003-2007: Xiangtan University, Bachelor of Civil Engineering, China

Career Details
2020-now: Full Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, China
2019.12: Visiting Scholar, DICA, Polytechnical University of Milan, Italy (Host: Prof Fabio Biondini)
2019-2020:Humboldt Research Fellow, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany (Host: Prof Michael Beer)
2018-2019:Humboldt Research Fellow, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (Host: Prof Makus Knobloch)
2015-2018:Vice chair/Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
2013-2015:JSPS postdoctoral Fellow, DPRI, Kyoto University, Japan

Research interests
Macro-damage, and fracture mechanics for steel fatigue
Resilient Extra Terrestrial Habitats
Structural Metamaterials
Seismic Phononic Crystal Gratings
ORCID: Yongtao Bai (0000-0002-0726-9593)
Novel Fatigue Damage Theory for High-Performance Steel Structures
1.1 Macro-Damage Model for Ultra-Low Cycle Fatigue with the first damage evolution law of the Instantaneous Increment Method
1.2 Pre-Damage Model for High-Cycle Fatigue with the second damage evolution law of the nonstatinary amplitude method
1.3 Coupled-Damage Computation for Coupled Fatigue-Earthquake in Lifecycle
1.4 高强钢疲劳韧性与破坏机理
1.5 基于LSP的极端力学性能提升技术

Research Projects
Post-Earthquake Rehabilitation of Urban-Systems (PERUS)
Damage-Evolution Finite Element Program (D-Evolution)

Latest Publications
Selected journal publications:
1. Picon, R., Santos, D.M., Teles, D., Amorim, D., Zhou, X., Bai, Y.*, Proenca, S., Florez-Lopez, J. Modeling of localization using Nash variational formulations: the extended damage mechanics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, in proof.
1. Bai, Y. et al. Earthquake-induced collapse reliability of low-rise steel moment frames with additive mass based on shaking table test, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 19(6), 2457-2482.
2. Bai, Y. et al. Earthquake-induced fatigue damage updating for remaining-life assessment of steel frame substructure systems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, in press.
3. Bai, Y. et al. Cumulative component damages on collapse capacity of ductile steel and CFT moment resisting frames under over-design ground motions, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2020, 16, 1-22.
4. Bai, Y. et al. Post-local buckling failure of slender and over-design circular CFT columns with high-strength materials, Engineering Structures, 2020, 210: 110197.
5. Bai, Y., M. Kurata, Julio Florez, M. Nakashima: Macro modelling of crack damage in steel beams subjected to non-stationary low cycle fatigue, Journal of Structural Engineering, 2016, 142(10), 04016076.

Excellent Youth Fund, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2022)
Chongqing's First Level Award for the Promotion of Science and Technology (2021)
Humboldt Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Germany (2018)
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Japan (2014)
