
Yeong-Bin Yang
Professor, Ph.D.

Ph.D. Structural Engineering, Cornell University, 1984
M.Sc. Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University (NTU), 1980
B.Sc. Civil Engineering, NTU, 1976

Present Academic Positions
2009- Member, Chinese Academy of Engineering
2007- Foreign Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences
2022- Ordinary Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
2017- Director, Research Center for Vibration and Disaster Prevention, Chongqing University (CQU)
2014- Honorary Dean, School of Civil Engineering, CQU
2014- Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil Engineering, NTU
2000- Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics

Previous Academic Positions
2016-18 Distinguished Chair Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2015-19 President, Asian-Pacific Association of Computational Mechanics (APACM)
2015-19 Chairman, Int. Steering Committee, East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC)
2009-13 President, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
2008-09 Chair Professor, City University of Hong Kong
2007-14 C. C. Tzong Chair Professor, College of Engineering, NTU
2006-14 Distinguished Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NTU
2002-05 Chairman, Civil Engineering Division, National Science Council, Taiwan
1999-05 Dean, College of Engineering, NTU
1995-98 Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, NTU
1990-95 Head, Earthquake Simulation Lab, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan
1988-14 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NTU
1984-88 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NTU

Participation in Academic Societies
2010- Advisory Board, IASS
2009-13 President, Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET)
2009-11 President, Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan
2009 Honorary Member, The Phi Tau Phi Honorary Society of the Republic of China
2008 Selection Committee for Members of Control Yuan, Taiwan
2007-20 Founding President, Association of Computational Mechanics Taiwan (ACMT)
2007- General Council, IACM
2005-09 President, Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Taiwan
1992-00 Stability Committee, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division

Services to Government and Industries
1995-96 Technical Consultant, Office for High Speed Rail Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Taiwan
1998 Final Reviewer, Zhonghe Line of Taipei Mass Rapid System, Taiwan
1999 Final Reviewer, Xindian Line of Taipei Mass Rapid System, Taiwan
2006 Chairman, Final Review of Civil Works for operation, Taiwan High-Speed Railways, Ministry of Transportation and Communications
2008 Review Team of Washington Accord to monitor the accreditation of engineering programs by Engineers Canada
2009 Chairman, Initial Review Committee, Nehu Line of Taipei Mass Rapid System, Taiwan
Honors and Awards
2023 Lifetime Achievement Medal, ASCE Greater China Section
2022 Zienkiewicz Medal, APACM
2022 First Prize, Chongqing Natural Science Award
2022 Li-Guo-Hao Bridge Innovation Medal, Tongji University Bridge Foundation, China
2022 Honorary Member, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS)
2020 Scientific Advancement Award (First-level), China Metallurgical Group, China
2020 Distinguished Scholar, Chongqing, China
2019 Distinguished Scientist, Chongqing, China
2016 Nishino Medal, EASEC
2013 ICACM Award, International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics
2010 Honorary Member, Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Taiwan
2010 Fellow, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM)
2008 Tsuboi Award, IASS
2006- Fellow, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan
2006 Best Paper Award, Advances in Structural Engineering
2003 Munro Prize, Best Paper Award, Engineering Structures
2002 Best Paper Award, Chinese Society of Sound & Vibration
2000- Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
1998-03 Outstanding Scholarship, Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship chaired by Nobel Laureate Dr. Y. T. Lee, Taiwan
1994 Outstanding Teaching Award, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
1988-98 Distinguished Research Award, National Science Council, Taiwan

Editorial Services to Technical Journals
1991-95 Chief Editor, Bulletin of College of Engineering, NTU
1993- Editorial Board, Structural Engineering and Mechanics
1995- Editorial Board, Engineering Structures
2004- Editorial Committee, Journal of the IASS
2005- Editorial Board, Advanced Steel Construction
2007- Editorial Board, J. of Sound and Vibration
2008- Editorial Board, China Civil Engineering Journal
2012- Editorial Board, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering
2013- Editorial Board, International Journal of Computational Methods
2013- Editorial Board, International Journal of Bridge Engineering
2019- Editorial Board, Shock and Vibration
2021- Editorial Board, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids
2022- Editorial Board, Low Carbon Material and Green Construction

Keywords for Research and Teaching
Bridge; high-speed railways; nonlinear mechanics; structural stability; vehicle-bridge interaction dynamics; wave propagation.

Latest Publications
From present to 2014
1. Yang, Y.B., Mo, X.Q., Shi, K., Gao, S.Y., Liu, N., Effect of damping on torsional-flexural frequencies of monosymmetric thin-walled beams scanned by moving vehicles, Thin-Walled Struct., Oct. 9, 2023 (in revision).
2. Yang, Y.B., Zhou, Z.Y., Gao, B., Liu, P., Liu, Y.H., 2.5D seismic analysis of seabed overlain by seawater using exact free-field response to simulate oblique 3D incident waves, Ocean Eng., Oct. 1, 2023 (in revision).
3. Liu, Y.Z., Yang, Y.B., Liu, X.H., Guo, D.Z., Xu, H., A novel beam element with 9 DOFs per node for resolving the warping-distortion compatibility in analysis of frames and curved beams made of I-sections, Thin-Walled Struct., Sep 30, 2023 (in revision).
4. Yang, Y.B., Chen, J., Chen, X.Y., Liu, Y.H. Liu, Xu, H., Normalized formula for removing damping effect in recovering bridge mode shapes using a moving and a stationary vehicle, J. Sound Vibr., Sep. 15, 2023 (in revision).
5. Xu, H., Liu, Y.H., Chen, J., Yang, D.S., Yang, Y.B., Novel formula for determining bridge damping ratio from two wheels of a scanning vehicle by wavelet transform, Mech. Syst. & Signal Processing, Sep. 15, 2023 (in revision).
6. Yang, Y.B., Mo, X.Q., Shi, K., Hu, X.S., Xu, H., Wang, Z.L., Ma, W.R., Bridge frequency identification using multi-contact responses computed from multi-DOF moving vehicle by nodal distribution method and enhanced integration algorithm, Comp. & Struct., Mar. 22, 2023 (in revision).
7. Yang, Y.B., Zhou, Z.Y., Wang, X.L., Zhang, X.F., Exact free-field response of 3D oblique incident waves for soil seismic analysis by 2.5D finite/infinite element method, Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn., Jan. 24, 2023 (in revision).
8. Yang, Y.B., Zhou, Z.Y., Wang, X.L., Zhang, X.F., Wang, Z.L., 2.5D soil seismic response to oblique incident waves based on exact free-field solution, Frontiers of Struct. & Civ. Eng., accepted, July 19, 2023.
9. Xu, H., Yang, M., Yang, J.P., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Yang, Y.B., Vehicle-scanning method for bridges enhanced by dual amplifiers, Struct. Control & Health Monitoring, 2023, 6906855.
10. 徐昊(Xu, H.), 刘玉红(Liu, Y.H.), 杨永斌(Yang, Y.B.), 基于移动车辆响应的曲线梁桥竖向和径向模态振型识别研究(Identification of vertical and radial mode shapes of curved bridges by a moving vehicle), 工程力学 (Engineering Mechanics), 2023, DOI: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2023.01.0017.
11. Yang, Y.B., Yang, M., Liu, D.H., Liu, Y.H., Xu, H., Bridge damping formula based on instantaneous amplitudes of vehicle's front and rear contact responses by Hilbert transform, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219455424710068
12. Yang, Y.B., Liu, Y.H., Xu, H., Recovering mode shapes of curved bridges by a scanning vehicle, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 2023, 253, 108404.
13. Wang, Z.L. Tan, Z. X., Yang, D.S., Xu, H., Shi, K., Yang, Y.B., Internal and external cancellation conditions for free vibration of damped simple beams traversed by successive moving loads, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2023, 2340007.
14. Pan, L., Yang, X., Yang, Y.B., Zhou, H., Cai, J., Li, N., Liu, J., Wang, M., Effect of material particle size on the permeability characteristics and sediment retention performance of cascade permeable dam, J. of Hydrology, 2023, 624,129948.
15. Yang, Y.B., Yau, J.D., Urushdaze, S., Lee, T.Y., Historical review on resonance and cancellation of simply supported beams subjected to moving train loads: from theory to practice, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2023, 2340008.
16. Yang, Y.B., Zhou, Z.Y., Zhang, X.F., Wang, X.L., Seabed seismic analysis using exact responses of solid-liquid free field for 2D oblique incident waves by finite/infinite element method, Ocean Eng., 2023, 285, 115171.
17. Yang, Y.B., Li, J., Nie, Q.Q., Zhou, Z.Y., Xu, H., A hybrid artificial boundary combining perfectly matched layer and infinite elements for analysing semi-infinite problems, Eng. Anal. Boundary Elements, 2023, 155, 528-540.
18. Shi, K., Hu, X.S., Mo, X.Q., Xu, H., Wang, Z.L., Ma, W.R., Yang, Y.B., Theory for computing vehicle-rail contact responses from a multi-DOF test vehicle and detecting track modulus and rail damages, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023, 121, 403-429.
19. Yang, Y.B. Wang, X.L., Zhou, Z.Y., Zhang, X.F., Li, Z., Seismic analysis of underground tunnels subjected to 3D oblique incident P and SV waves by 2.5D approach, Underground Space, 2023, 12, 271-286, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2023.03.004
20. Yang, Y.B., Li, Z., Wang, Z.L., Liu, Z., Zhou, Z.Y., Guo, D.Z., Xu, H., Refining the modal properties of damped bridges scanned by a single-axle test vehicle with field proof, J. Sound Vibr., 2023, 562, 117849.
21. Xu, H., Liu, Y.H., Yang, D.S., Zhang, H., Yang, Y.B., Separating and detecting the vertical and torsional mode shapes of thin-walled girders from vehicle’s contact responses by wavelet transform, Thin-Walled Struct., 2023, 189, 110889.
22. Wang, Z.L., Yang, Y.B., Yao, H., Li, Z., 不等支承刚度条件下桥梁-车辆动力耦合解析理论及应用, 中国公路学报, 2023, 36(3), 165-176.
23. Yang, Y.B., Wang, Z.L., Yao, H., Zhang, B., Xu, H., Shi, K., Weak-end and frequency detection of elastically supported bridges by contact residual response of two-axle test vehicle in round trip,” J. Bridge Eng., ASCE, 2023, 28(3), 06023001.
24. Xu, H., Liu, Y.H., Yang, M., Yang, D.S., Yang, Y.B., Mode shape construction for bridges from contact responses of a two-axle test vehicle by wavelet transform, Mech. Syst. & Signal Processing, 2023, 195, 110304.
25. Yang, Y. B., Li, J., Wang, Z.L., Nie, Q.Q., Zhou Z.Y., Liu, Q., Enhanced mixed boundary for modeling infinite domain in 2.5D soil vibration analysis, Soil Dyn. & Earthquake Eng. 172, DOI 10.1016/j.soildyn.2023.108021.
26. Yang, Y.B., Liu, Y.H., Guo, D.Z., Zhou, J.T., Liu, Y.Z., Xu, H., Scanning the vertical and radial frequencies of curved bridges by a single-axle vehicle with two orthogonal degrees of freedom, Eng. Struct., 2023, 283, 115939.
27. Yang, Y.B., Zhang, X.F., Zhou, Z.Y., Wang, Z.L., Li, Z., Seismic analysis of a half-space containing a water-filled valley under 2D oblique incident waves by finite/infinite element method, Soil Dyn. & Earthquake Eng., 2023, 169, 107872.
28. Yang, Y.B., Li Z., Wang, Z.L., Liu, Mo, X.Q., Qiu, F.Q., Closely spaced modes of bridges estimated by a hybrid time-frequency method using a multi-sensor scanning vehicle: theory and practice, Mech. Syst. & Signal Processing, 2023, 192, 110236.
29. Lin, K.C., Hsieh, H.L., Yang, Y.B., Chiu, C.K., Chang, H.Y., A coupled RKPM and dynamic infinite element approach for solving static and transient heat conduction problems, Eng. Anal. Boundary Elements, 2023, 150, 528-541.
30. Xu, H., Liu, Y.H., Yang, M., Yang, D.S., Yang, Y.B., Scanning and separating vertical and torsional-flexural frequencies of thin-walled girder bridges by a single-axle test vehicle, Thin-Walled Struct., 2023, 182,110266.
31. Xu, H., Wang, M.H., Wang, Z.L. Yang, D.S., Liu, Y.H., Yang, Y.B., Generation of surface roughness profiles for inclusion in vehicle-bridge interaction analysis and test application, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2023 2350094 (31 pages).
32. Yang, Y.B., Zhou, Z.Y., Zhang, X.F., Wang, X.L., Soil seismic analysis for 2D oblique incident waves using exact free-field responses by frequency-based finite/infinite element method, Frontiers of Struct. & Civ. Eng., 2022 16(12): 1530-1551.
33. Pan, L., Yang, X., Yang, Y.B., Zhou, H., Jiang, R., Cai, J., Li, N., Wang, J., Experimental study on the influence of barrier structures on water renewal capacity in slow-flow water bodies, Water, 2022, 14, 3757. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14223757
34. Wang, Z.L., Tan, Z.X., Hao, H., Shi, K., Xu, H., Yang, Y.B., Effect of soft-end amplification on elastically supported bridges with bearings of unequal stiffnesses scanned by moving test vehicle, J. Sound Vibr., 2022, 540, 117308.
35. Xu, H., Liu, Y. H., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Zhang, B., Yang, Y.B. Yang, General contact response of two-mass test vehicles for scanning bridge frequencies considering suspension effect, Eng. Struct., 2022, 270, 114880.
36. Yang, Y.B., Huang, C.C., Xu, H., Wang, M.H., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Frequency extraction for bridges with rough surface by a moving test vehicle enhanced by a shaker, Eng. Struct., 2022, 266, 114598.
37. Yang, Y.B., He, Y., Damage detection of plate-type bridges by uniform translational response generated by single-axle moving vehicle, Eng. Struct., 2022, 266, 114530.
38. Wang, Z.L., Yang, J.P., Shi, K., Xu, H., Qiu, F. Q., Yang, Y.B., Recent advances in researches on vehicle scanning method for bridges, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2022 (15), 2230005, DOI: 10.1142/S0219455422300051.
39. Chen, X., Wu, Y.T., Zhong, M., Yang, Y.B., and Wang, Z.L., Seismic collapse safety of 3D steel moment frames supported on two ground levels, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2022 (03-04), 2240018.
40. Chen, Z.H., He, M., Tao, Y., Yang, Y.B., An efficient and robust nonlinear dynamic analysis method for framed structures using the rigid body rule, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2022 (03-04), 2240001.
41. Yang, Y.B., Wang, B.Q., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Xu, H., Wu, Y.T., Scanning of bridge surface roughness from two-axle vehicle response by EKF-UI and contact residual: theoretical study, Sensors, 2022, 22, 3410.
42. Shi, K., Mo, X.Q., Xu, H., Wang, Z.L., Hui, X.S., Yang, Y.B., Furthering extraction of torsional-flexural frequencies for thin-wall beams from the rocking motion of a two-wheel test vehicle, Thin-Walled Struct., 2022, 175, 109224.
43. Yang, Y.B., Hu, X., Shi, K., Mo, X.Q., Zhang, B., Wang, Z.L., Xu, H., Damage detection for constituents of track-bridge systems from driving component of vehicle-rail contact response, Eng. Struct., 2022, 259, 114143.
44. Yang, Y.B., Shi, K., Mo, X.Q., Wang, Z.L., Xu, H., Wu, Y.T., Internal instability of thin-walled beams under harmonic moving loads, Thin-Walled Struct., 2022, 174, 109123.
45. Yang, Y.B., Xu, H., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Using vehicle-bridge contact spectra and residue to scan bridge’s modal properties with vehicle frequencies and road roughness eliminated, Struct. Control and Health Monitoring, 2022; e2968. doi:10.1002/stc.2968.
46. Yang, Y.B., Jiang, P.X., Liu, Y.Z., Straight-beam approach for analyzing lateral buckling of thin-walled curved I-beams, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2022, 22(11), 2271002.
47. Yang, Y.B., Liu, Y.Z., Treatment of warping deformation of curved I-beams for out-of-plane deformational analysis by straight-element approach, J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 2022, 148(4), 06022001.
48. Yang, Y.B., He, Y., Xu, H., Automatically extracting bridge frequencies using SSA and K-means clustering from vehicle-scanned accelerations, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2022, 2250079.
49. Yang, Y.B., Li, Z., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Xu, H., Qiu, F.Q., Zhu, J.F., A novel frequency-free movable test vehicle for retrieving modal parameters of bridges: Theory and Experiment, Mech. Syst. & Signal Processing, 2022, 170, 108854.
50. Yang, Y.B., Li, J., 2.5D prediction of soil vibrations due to railway loads by the isogeometric analysis with scaled boundary, Eng. Anal. with Boundary Elements, 2022, 134, 341-359.
51. Yang, Y.B., Xu, H., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Wu, Y.T., Refined detection technique for bridge frequencies using rocking motion of single-axle moving vehicle, Mech. Syst. & Signal Processing, 2022, 162, 107992.
52. Chen, Z.H., He, M., Tao, Y.C., Yang, Y.B., An efficient and robust nonlinear dynamic analysis method for framed structures using the rigid body rule, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2021, 2240001.
53. Yang, Y.B., Mo, X.Q., Shi, K., Wang, Z.L., Xu, H., Wu, Y.T., Scanning torsional-flexural frequencies of thin-walled box girders with rough surface from vehicles’ residual contact response: theoretical study. Thin-Walled Struct., 2021, 169, 108332.
54. Yang, Y.B., Mo, X.Q., Shi, K., Wang, Z.L., Xu, H., Wu, Y.T., Contact residue for simultaneous removal of vehicle’s frequency and surface roughness in scanning bridge frequencies using two connected vehicles, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2021, 21, 13, 2171006.
55. Yang, Y.B., Shi, K., Wang, Z.L., Xu, H., Wu, Y.T., Theoretical study on a dual-beam model for detection of track/bridge frequencies and track modulus by a moving vehicle, Eng. Struct., 2021, 112726.
56. Yang, Y.B., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Xu, H., Research progress on bridge indirect measurement and monitoring from moving vehicle response, China J. Highw. Transp., 2021, 34(4) (in Chinese).
57. Xu, H., Huang, C.C., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Wu, Y.T., Yang, Y.B., Damped test vehicle for scanning bridge frequencies: Theory, simulation and experiment, J. Sound & Vibr., 2021, 506, 116155.
58. Yang, Y.B., Shi, K., Wang, Z.L., Xu, H., Zhang, B., Wu, Y.T., Using a single-DOF test vehicle to simultaneously retrieve the first few frequencies and damping ratios of the bridge, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2021, 21(8), 2150108.
59. Yang, Y.B., Liu, S.J., Chen, W., Tan, Q., Wu, Y.T., Half-space response to trains moving along curved paths by 2.5D finite/infinite element approach, Soil Dyn. and Earthquake Eng., 2021, 145, 106740.
60. Yang, Y.B., Xu, H., Mo, X.Q., Wang, Z.L., Wu, Y.T., An effective procedure for extracting first few bridge frequencies from a test vehicle, Acta Mech., 2021, 232, 1227–1251.
61. Yang, Y.B., Liu, Y.Z., Invariant isogeometric formulation for the geometric stiffness matrix of spatial curved Kirchhoff rods, Comp. Meth. Appl. Eng., 2021, 377, 113692.
62. Jin, N., Yang, Y.B., Dimitrakopoulos, E.G., Paraskeva, T.S., Katafygiotis, L.S., Application of short-time stochastic subspace identification to estimate bridge frequencies from a traversing vehicle, Eng. Struct., 2021, 230, 111688.
63. Yang, Y.B., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Hao, X., Yang, J.P., Adaptive amplifier for a test vehicle moving over bridges: Theoretical study, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2021, 21(3), 2150042.
64. Yang, Y.B., Chen, A.Q. He, S., Wu, Y.T., Research on nonlinear, postbuckling and elasto-plastic analyses of framed structures and curved beams, Meccanica, 2021, 56:1587–1612.
65. Yang, Y.B., Li, P.L., Chen, W., Li, J., Wu, Y.T., 2.5D formulation and analysis of a half-space subjected to internal loads moving at sub- and super-critical speeds, Soil Dyn. and Earthquake Eng., 2021, 142, 106550.
66. Lam, H.F., Adeagbo, M.O., Yang, Y.B., Time-domain Markov chain Monte Carlo-based Bayesian, Struct. Health Monitoring, 2020, DOI: 10.1177/1475921720966950.
67. Yang, Y.B., Wang, B.Q., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Xu, H., Wu, Y.T., Bridge surface roughness identified from the displacement influence lines of the contact points by two connected vehicles, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2020, 20(14), 2043003.
68. Yang, Y.B. Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Xu, H., Mo, X.Q., Wu, Y.T., Two-axle test vehicle for damage detection for railway tracks modeled as simply supported beams with elastic foundation, Eng. Struct. 2020, 219, 110908.
69. Yang, Y.B., Wang, Z.L., Shi, K., Xu, H., Wu, Y.T., State-of-the-art of vehicle-based methods for detecting various properties of highway bridges and railway tracks, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2020, 20(13), 2041004.
70. Yang, Y.B., Yau, J.D., Urushadze, S., Wave attenuation of a pre-tensioned wire with periodic spring supports subjected to a moving force, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2020, 20(11), 2071009.
71. Chen, Z.H., Tao, Y.C., Yang, Y.B., Elasto-plastic nonlinear analysis method for spatial frames based on rigid body rule, J. Building Struct., 2020, 41(10), 139-149. 建筑结构学报,基于刚体准则的空间框架弹塑性非线性分析方法.
72. Yang, Y.B., Wang, Z.L., Xu, H., Wang, B.Q., Track modulus detection by vehicle scanning method, Acta Mechanica, 2020, 231, 2955–2978.
73. Yang, Y.B., Liu, Y.Z., Lateral buckling of cantilevered circular arches under various end moments, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2020, 20(7), 2071005.
74. Yang, Y.B., Chen, A.Q., He, S., Wu, Y.T., Rational nonlinear analysis of framed structures and curved beams considering joint equilibrium in deformed state, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 2020, 125, 103538.
75. Chen, Z.H., Yang, S., Yang, Y.B., The rigid body rule for nonlinear analysis of membrane structures, Eng. Mech., 2020, 37(6), 246-256. 工程力学,弹性膜结构几何非线性分析的刚体准则法.
76. Yang, Y.B., Liu, Y.Z., Wu, Y.T., Invariant isogeometric formulations for three-dimensional Kirchhoff rods, Comp. Meth. Appl. Eng., 2020, 365, 112996.
77. Yang, Y.B., Xiong, F., Wang, Z.L., Xu, H., Extraction of bridge frequencies inclusive of the higher modes by the ESMD using the contact-point response. Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2020, 20(4), 2050045 (29 pages).
78. Liao, M., Xu, G., Yang, Y.B., Geometrically nonlinear quadrature element analysis of spatial curved beams, Eng. Struct. 2020, 209, 110004.
79. Yang, Y.B., Xu, H., Zhang, B., Xiong, F., Wang, Z.L., Measuring bridge frequencies by a test vehicle in non-moving and moving states, Eng. Struct., 2020, 203, 109859.
80. Urushadze, S., Yau, J.D., Yang, Y.B., Bayer, J., Theoretical and experimental verifications of bridge frequency using indirect method, Dyn. of Civil Struct., 2020, 2, 153-158.
81. Wu, Y.T., Wang, B., Yang, Y.B., Fu, J.J., Nonlinear optimization for geometric parameters of reinforced concrete coupled structural walls, KSCE J. Civil Eng., 2019, 23(10), 4339-4353.
82. Yang, Y.B., Li, P.L., Liu, M., On global trend of engineering education accreditation, Research in Higher Edu. of Eng., 2019, 5, 5-10. (in Chinese, CSSCI)
83. Yang, Y.B., Li, P.L., Theoretical and numerical analyses of a half space with overlying liquid subjected to an internal line load, Soil Dyn. and Earthquake Eng., 2019, 126, 105823.
84. Zheng, X.W., Li, H.N., Yang, Y.B., Li, G., Huo, L.S., Liu, Y., Damage risk assessment of a high- rise building against multihazard of earthquake and strong wind with recorded data, Eng. Struct., 2019, 200, 109697.
85. Li, L.X., Li, H.N., Li, C., Yang, Y.B., Zhang, C.Y., Modeling of force-displacement behavior of post-tensioned self-centering concrete connections, Eng. Struct., 2019, 198, 109538.
86. Yang, Y.B., Chen, A., Yan, Y., Wang, Z.L., Using only elastic stiffness in nonlinear and postbuckling analysis of structures, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 2019, 19(10), 1950112.
87. Yang, Y.B., Chen, Z.H., Tao, Y.C., Li, Y.F. Li, Liao, M.M., Elasto-plastic analysis of steel framed structures based on rigid body rule and plastic-hinge concept, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 2019, 19(9) 1950104 (25 pages)
88. Cheng, H., Li, H.N., Yang, Y.B., Wang, D.S., Seismic fragility analysis of deteriorating RC bridge columns with time-variant capacity index, Bulletin of Earthquake Eng., 2019, 17:4247-4267.
89. Yang, Y.B., Liu, S.J., Li, Q.M., and Ge, P.B., Stress waves in half-space due to moving train loads by 2.5D finite/infinite element approach, Soil Dyn. and Earthquake Eng., 2019, 125, 105714.
90. Yang, Y.B., Yau, J.D., and Urushadze, S., Wave transmission of linked railcars moving over multi simple beams under dual resonance, J. Sound & Vibr., 2019, 452, 51-57.
91. Yang, Y.B., Zhang, B., Chen, Y.N., Qian, Y., and Wu, Y.T., Bridge damping identification by vehicle scanning method, Eng. Struct., 2019, 183:637-645.
92. Xu, Y.L., Wang, Z.L., Li, G.Q., Chen, S.W., and Yang, Y.B., High-speed running Maglev trains interacting with elastic transitional viaducts, Eng. Struct., 2019, 183:562-578.
93. Wang, Z. L., Xu, Y. L., Li, G. Q., Yang, Y. B., Chen, S. W., and Zhang, X. L., Modeling and validation of coupled high-speed maglev train-and-viaduct systems considering support flexibility, Vehicle Syst. Dyn., 2019, 57(2), 161-191.
94. Yang, Y.B., Zhang, B., Wang, T.Y., Xu, H., and Wu, Y.T., Two-axle test vehicle for bridges: theory and applications. Int. J. Mech. Sci., 2019, 152:51-62.
95. Yang, Y.B., Yau, J.D., and Urushadze, S., Scanning the modal coupling of slender suspension footbridges by a virtual moving vehicle, Eng. Struct., 2019, 180:574-585.
96. Yang, Y.B., Kang, J.H., Comparisons of paraboloidal shells and sinusoidal-shaped shells in natural frequencies, Int. J. Acoustics & Vibr., 24(3), 2019, 451-457.
97. Liu, J., Wu, Y., Yang, Y.B., Tu, J., Zhou, M., Experimental study on seismic behavior of composite steel plate coupled wall system with bolt connection, Jianzhu Jiegou Xuebao/J. of Building Struct. 39, 2018, 136-143. (in Chinese).
98. Kuo, S. R., Yang, J. P., and Yang, Y. B., A qualified plate theory for rigid rotation in post-critical nonlinear analysis, Mech. Adv. Materials & Struct., 2018, 25(15-16), 1323-1334.
99. Yang, Y.B., and Kang, J.H., Closed-form exact solutions for hysteretically damped longitudinal free and forced vibrations of tapered beams, Acta Mechanica, 2018, 229(11): 4741-4751.
100. Hu, Y., Teh, L., Yang, Y. B., and Yang, C. B., Reduction factors for stainless steel bolts at elevated temperatures, J. Constr. Steel Research, 2018, 148:198-205.
101. Yang, Y. B., Zhang, B., Qian, Y., and Wu, Y. T., Further revelation on damage detection by IAS computed from contact-point response of moving vehicle, Int. J. Struct. Stab. & Dyn., 2018, 18(11), DOI: 10.1142/S0219455418501377.
102. Wu, Y., Fu, J., Zhou, Q., Lan, T., Yang, Y.B., Seismic performance of endplate connections between steel reinforced concrete walls and steel beams, Struct. Eng. Int. 2018, 28 (2), 208-217.
103. Wu, Y.T., Zhou, Q., Wang, B., Yang, Y.B., and Lan, T.Q., Seismic collapse safety of high-rise RC moment frames supported on two ground levels, Earthq. & Struct., 2018, 14(4), 349-360.
104. Wu, Y., Kang, D., Gao, L., Su, Y., and Yang, Y. B., Seismic behavior of bolted endplate connection between steel reinforced concrete (SRC) wall and SRC beam for use in high-rise buildings, Int. J. Civ. Eng. 2018, 16(11), 1561–1572.
105. Yang, Y. B., Li, M., Zhang, B., Wu, Y. T., and Yang, J. P., Resonance and cancellation in torsional vibration of monosymmetric I-sections under moving loads, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 2018, 18(9), 1850111.
106. Yang, Y. B., Ge, P. B., Li, Q. M., Liang, X. J., and Wu, Y. T., 2.5D vibration of railway-side buildings mitigated by open or infilled trenches considering rail irregularity, Soil Dyn. and Earthquake Eng., 2018, 106, 204-214.
107. Zhang, B., Qian, Y., Wu, Y. T., and Yang, Y. B., An effective means for damage detection of bridges using the contact-point response of a moving test vehicle, J. Sound & Vibr., 2018, 419, 158-172.
108. Yang, Y. B., and Kang, J. H., Vibration and buckling analysis of a rotating annular plate subjected to a compressive centrifugal body force, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 2018, 18(7), 1850097.
109. Cheng, X., Chen, H., Gong, Y. Q., and Yang, Y. B., Stocky thin- or thick-walled beams: theory and analysis, Eng. Struct., 2018, 159, 55-65.
110. Yang, Y.B., Zhang, B., Qian, Y. and Wu, Y. T., Contact-point response for modal identification of bridges by a moving vehicle, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 2018, 18(5), 1850073 (24 pages).
111. Yang, Y. B., and Yang, J. P., State-of-the-art review on modal identification and damage detection of bridges by moving test vehicles, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 2018, 18(2), 1850025 (31 pages).
112. Yang, Y.B., and Ge, Y.J., The statics, dynamics and aerodynamics of long-span bridges, Engineering, 2017, 2(6), 779-779.
113. Li, Y. F., Chen, Z. H., Yang, Y. B., Chen, F., and Liao, M. M., Buckling and post-buckling analysis of arches based on rigid body rule and GDC method, China Civil Eng. J., 2017, 50(12): 37-45.
114. Yang, Y. B., and Kang, J. H., Vibrations of a composite shell of hemiellisoidal-cylindrical shell having variable thickness with and without a top opening, Thin-Walled Struct., 2017, 119, 677-686.
115. Li, G., Dong, Z. Q., Li, H. N., and Yang, Y. B., Seismic collapse analysis of concentrically-braced frames by the IDA method, Adv. Steel Construction – Int. J., 2017, 13(3), 273-293.
116. Liang, X. J., Yang, Y. B., Ge, P. B., Hung, H. H., and Wu, Y. T., On computation of soil vibrations due to moving train loads by 2.5D approach, Soil Dyn. and Earthquake Eng., 2017, 101, 204-208.
117. Wu, Y.T., Lan, T.Q., Xiao, Y., and Yang, Y.B., Macro-modeling of reinforced concrete structural walls: state-of-the-art, J. Earthquake Eng., 2017, 21(4), 652-678.
118. Liao, M. M., Chen, F., Chen, Z. H. and Yang, Y. B., A weak-form quadrature element formulation for 3D beam elements used in nonlinear and postbuckling analysis of space frames, Eng. Struct., 2017, 145, 34-43.
119. Yang, Y. B., and Yau, J. D., Resonance of high-speed trains moving over a series of simple or continuous beams with non-ballasted tracks, Eng. Struct., 2017, 143, 295-305.
120. Lin, S. Y., Hung, H. H., Yang, J. P., and Yang Y. B., Seismic analysis of twin tunnels by finite/infinite element approach, Int. J. Geomech., ASCE, 2017, 17(9), 1-1.
121. Yang, Y. B., and J. H. Kang, Stress analysis of an infinite rectangular plate perforated by two unequal circular holes under bi-axial uniform stresses, Struct. Eng. & Mech., 2017, 61(6), 747-754.
122. Yang, Y. B., Liang, X., Hung, H. H., and Wu, Y. T., Comparative study of 2D and 2.5D responses of long underground tunnels to moving train loads, Soil Dyn. & Earthquake Eng., 2017, 97, 86-100.
123. Wu, Y. T., Zhang, J., Yang, Y. B., Ye, P., and Xiao, Y., Seismic performance of reinforced concrete squat walls with embedded cold-formed and thin walled steel truss, Eng. Struct., 132, 2017, 714-732.
124. Yang, Y., Yang, Y. B., and Chen, Z. X., Seismic damage assessment of RC structures under shaking table tests using the modified direct stiffness calculation method, Eng. Struct., 131, 2017, 574-586.
125. Yau, J. D., Yang, J. P., and Yang, Y. B., Wave number-based technique for detecting slope discontinuity in simple beams using the moving test vehicle, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 17(6), 1750060 (21 pages), 2017.
126. Yin, S. H., and Yang, Y. B., Finite element analysis of an infinite beam on a viscoelastic foundation subjected to a moving vehicle, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 17(4), 1750045, 2017.
127. Wu, Y.T., Yang, Y.B., Yang, W., Mei, F., Li, L., Experimental study on seismic behavior of concrete composite shear walls with lightweight shaped steel truss, Jianzhu Jiegou Xuebao/J. of Building Struct., 37(5), 2016, 12-19. (in Chinese).
128. Yang, Y. B., and Kang, J. H., Deformation of a rectangular plate with an arbitrarily located circular hole under in-plane pure shear loading, Struct. Eng. & Mech., 2016, 60(2), 351-363.
129. Wu, Y. T., Kang, D. Y., and Yang, Y. B., Seismic performance of steel and concrete composite shear walls with embedded steel truss for use in high-rise buildings, Eng. Struct., 2016, 125, 39-53.
130. Wu, Y. T., Kang, D. Y., and Yang, Y. B., Seismic behavior of composite walls with encased steel truss, Steel and Compos. Struct., 2016, 22, 449-472.
131. Hou L., Li, X., Yang, Y. B., and Li, H. N., Damage detection of structures for ambient loading based on cross correlation function amplitude and SVM, J. Shock & Vibr., 2016, 3989743, 12 pages.
132. Yang, Y. B., and Kang, J. H., Exact deformation of an infinite rectangular plate with an arbitrarily located circular hole under in-plane loadings, Struct. Eng. and Mech. 58(5), 783-797, 2016.
133. Lin, K. C., Hung, H. H., Yang, J. P., and Yang, Y. B., Seismic analysis of underground tunnels by the 2.5D finite/infinite element approach, Soil Dyn. and Earthq. Eng., 85, 31-43, 2016.
134. Zeng, Q., Yang, Y.B., and Dimitrakopoulos, E. G., Dynamic response of high speed vehicles and sustaining curved bridges under conditions of resonance. Eng. Struct., 114, 2016, 61-74.
135. Kuo, S. R., Yang, J., and Yang, Y. B., A novel approach for buckling analysis of pretwisted spatially curved beams by state equations, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 16(5), 2016, 1550011 (31 pages).
136. Yang, Y. B., and Chen, W. F., Extraction of bridge frequencies from a moving test vehicle by stochastic subspace identification, J. Bridge Eng., ASCE, 21(3), 04015053, 2016.
137. Fu, X., Li, H. N., and Yang, Y. B., Calculation of rain load based on single raindrop impinging experiment and applications, J. Wind Eng. and Industrial Aerodyn., 147, 2015, 85-94.
138. Wu, Y., Jiang, K., Yang, Y. B., and Li, Y., Comparative study on performance-based seismic design of RC tall buildings beyond code limits in China and United States, J. Building Struct., 36(2), 2015, 19-26 (in Chinese).
139. Fu, J. Wu, Y., and Yang Y. B., Effect of reinforcement strength on seismic behavior of concrete moment frames, Earthq. & Struct., 9(4), 2015, 699-718.
140. Yang, Y. B., Hung, H. H., Lin, K. C., and Cheng, K. W., Dynamic response of an elastic half space with cavity subjected to P and SV waves by the finite/infinite element approach, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 15(7), 2015, 1540009.
141. Yang, Y.B., and Yau, J. D., Vertical and pitching resonance of train cars moving over a series of simple beams, J. Sound and Vibr., 337, 2015, 135-149.
142. Peng, J. L., Ho, C. M., Chen, C. Y., Yang, Y. B., Experimental study on load capacities of isolated heavy-duty scaffolds used in construction, Int. J. Adv. Steel Construction, 10(3), 2014, 248-273.
143. Zenz, G., Gerstmayr, J., Nachbagaur, K., Shih, M. H., and Yang, Y. B., Identification of system properties in a square frame: numerical and experimental investigations, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 14(6), 2014,1450017 (26 pages).
144. Yang, Y.B., Li, Y.C., and Chang, K.C., Constructing the mode shapes of a bridge from a passing vehicle: a theoretical study, Smart Structures & Systems, An Int. J., 13(5), 2014, 797-819.
145. Yang, Y.B., Kuo, S. R., and Yau, J. D., A new buckling theory for curved beams of solid cross sections derived from rigid body and force equilibrium considerations, IES J. Part A: Civil & Struct. Eng., 7(2), 2014, 63-72.
146. Zhou, B., Xie, X. Y., and Yang, Y. B., Simulation of wave propagation of floating slab track-tunnel-soil system by a 2D theoretical model, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dyn., 14(1), 2014, 1350051 (24 pages).

Major Books
1. Yang, Y.B., Yau, J.D., and Wu, Y.S. (2004), Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Dynamics: with Applications to High-Speed Railways, World Scientific.
2. Yang, Y.B., and Kuo, S.R. (1994), Theory and Analysis of Nonlinear Framed Structures, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
3. Yang, Y.B., and Hung, H.H. (2009), Wave Propagation for Train-Induced Vibrations, World Scientific.
4. Yang, Y.B., Yang, J.P., Wu, Y.T., and Zhang, B. (2019), Vehicle Scanning Method for Bridges, Wiley.
