ST Gu, professor , Born in 1979 (Jiangsu Province).He graduated from the School of Civil Engineering, Hohai University in 2001 and received his PhD in solid mechanics from the University of East Paris in 2008. He also worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the French National Institute of Science (CNRS).He is mainly engaged in the research of meso-mechanics, interfacial mechanics, computational mechanics and so on. He has published 26 articles in SCI journals (JMPS, CST, IJSS, IJES, etc.).
2004.9-2008.2, Ph.D in Solid Mechanics at Universite Paris-Est, Laboratoire Modelisation et Simulation Multi-Echelle, UMR 8208 CNRS, France
Thesis title: Contributions to the modelling of imperfect interfaces and to the homogenization of heterogeneous materials
2003.10–2004.6 : Master 2 (research) in Applied Mechanics at Polytech-Lille, University of Lille 1, France
2002.9–2004.9 : Intensive formation of French at HoHai University, R.P. China and Polytech-Lille, University of Lille 1, France
2001.9–2002.6: Master 1 in Geotechnical Engineering at Hohai University, R.P. China.
1997.9–2001.6: Bachelor in Civil Engineering at HoHai University, R.P. China.
Career Details
2017.09–present: Professor at School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, R.P. China
2014.01–2017.08 : Associate Professor at School of Mechanics and Materials, Hohai University, Nanjing, R.P. China
2010.11–2013.12 : Associate Professor at School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chendu, R.P. China
2009.11–2010.10 : Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratoire Modelisation et Simulation Multi Echelle (MSME), University of Paris-Est, France
2008.11–2009.10 : Postdoctoral Fellow, Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) , France
2007.11–2008.10 : Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratoroire Mecanique de Lille (LML), University of Lille 1, France
Research interests
Multiscale simulation
Multilayered composite
Flexible Multibody Simulation
Research Projects
Research on the mechanism and the simulation of the interface dependent properties of composite with a general transition layer, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11202173), Jan, 2013-Dec, 2015
Modeling and numerical simulation of the interface debonding on Mudstone's strength, supported by the Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. Z013009), Jan, 2014-Dec, 2015
Research on the application of XFEM in the interface mechanics and the contact mechanics, supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. SWJTU11CX027), Jan, 2013-Dec, 2014
Latest Publications
1. S.-T. Gu*, A.-L. Wang, Y. Xu, Q.-C. He. Closed-form estimates for the effective conductivity of isotropic composites with spherical particles and general imperfect interfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 83 (2015) 817–826
2. S.-T. Gu, J.-T. Liu, Q.-C. He. Size-dependent effective elastic moduli of particulate composites with interfacial displacement and traction discontinuities. International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (2014) 2283–2296
3. S.-T. Gu*, L. Qin, Q.-Z. Zhu.Variational principles and size-dependent bounds for piezoelectric inhomogeneous materials with piezoelectric spring–layer imperfect interfaces. Smart Materials and Structures 23 (2014) 055003
4. S.-T. Gu*, J.-T. Liu, Q.-C. He. The strong and weak forms of a general imperfect interface model for linear coupled multifield phenomena. International Journal of Engineering Science 85 (2014) 31–46
5. S.-T. Gu*, J.-T. Liu, Q.-C. He. Piezoelectric composites: Imperfect interface models, weak formulations and benchmark problems. Computational Materials Science 94 (2014) 182–190
6. S.-T. Gu*, L. Qin. Variational principles and size-dependent bounds for piezoelectric inhomogeneous materials with piezoelectric coherent imperfect interfaces. International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 89–102
7. J.-T. Liu, S.-T. Gu*, Q.-C. He. A versatile interface model for thermal conduction phenomena and its numerical implementation by XFEM. Computational Mechanics 53 (2014) 825–843
8. S.-T. Gu, B. Bary, Q.-C. He, M.Q. Thai. Multiscale poro-creep model for cement-based materials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 36 (2012) 1932–1953
9. S.-T. Gu, Q.-C. He. Interfacial discontinuity relations for coupled multifield phenomena and their application to the modeling of thin interphases as imperfect interfaces. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (2011) 1413-1426
10. S.-T. Gu, E. Monteiro, Q.-C. He. Coordinate-free derivation and weak formulation of a general imperfect interface model for thermal conduction in composites. Composites Science and Technology 71 (2011) 1209-1216
11. J.-T. Liu, S.-T. Gu, Q.-C. He. A computational approach for evaluating the effective elastic moduli of non-spherical particle reinforced composites with interfacial displacement and traction jumps. Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering (Accepted)
12. B.-R. Wang, J.-T. Liu, S.-T. Gu, Q.-C. He. Numerical evaluation of the effective conductivities of composites with interfacial weak and strong discontinuities International Journal of Thermal Science (Accepted)
13. S.-C. Ren, J.-T. Liu, S.-T. Gu, Q.-C. He. An XFEM-based numerical procedure for the analysis of poroelastic composites with coherent imperfect interface. Computational Materials Science 94 (2014) 173–181
14. X.-Y. Li, S.-T. Gu, Q.-C. He, W.-Q. Chen. Penny-shaped Dugdale crack in a transversely isotropic medium and under axisymmetric loading. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 18 (2013) 1–17
15. Y. Yvonnet, A. Mitrushchenkov, G. Chambaud, Q.-C. He, S.-T. Gu. Characterization of surface and nonlinear elasticity in wurtzite ZnO nanowires. Journal of Applied Physics 111 (2012) 124305
16. Q.-Z. Zhu, S.-T. Gu, J. Yvonnet, J.-F. Shao and Q.-C. He. Three-dimensional numerical modelling by XFEM of spring-layer imperfect curved interfaces with applications to linearly elastic composite materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 88 (2011) 307-408
17. Q.-C. He, S.-T. Gu, Q.-Z. Zhu. Lower strain and stress bounds for elastic random composites consisting of two isotropic phases and exhibiting cubic symmetry. International Journal of Engineering Science 48 (2010) 429-445
18. O. Millet, S.-T. Gu and D. Kondo. A 2D micromechanical modelling of anisotropy in granular media. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences Comptes Rendus Mécanique 335 (2007) 231-237
19. O. Millet, S.-T. Gu and D. Kondo. A 4th order fabric tensor approach applied to granular media. Computers and Geotechnics 36 (2007) 736-742