
Personal profile

Huang Guoqing, Professor of Chongqing University. He graduated from Texas Tech University of USA in 2008. National level young scholar, Chongqing academic discipline leader, Sichuan provincial outstanding youth, top 2% scientists in the world. He has published more than 60 papers in internationally famous SCI journals of structural engineering and wind engineering. Presided over several programs such as National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program (3 programs) and Sichuan Youth Program. He won the R.D. Marshall Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award in 2009, the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2018 (ranked fifth), and the first prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award in 2019 (ranked first).

Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA, July 2008
M.S., Civil Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA, May 2005
B.S., Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, July 1997

Career Details
Professor, 07/2011-
Southwest Jiao University, Chongqing University

Project Engineer, 2008-
ABKJ, Seattle, WA, USA

Research Assistant, 2004-
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA

Bridge Engineer, 1997-
Suzhou Transportation Design & Research Co., China

Research interests
Structural Mechanics II (undergraduate); Wind engineering and wind energy utilization (undergraduate); Structural Wind Engineering (postgraduate)

Research Projects
1). General project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (52178456), wind vibration analysis, parameter optimization and equivalent static wind load research of high-rise buildings with inter story isolation, 2022-2025, 590000 yuan

2). Key International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51720105005), Local Damage and Disaster Propagation of Network Infrastructure under Local Strong Winds such as Tornadoes, 2018-2022, 800000 yuan for subproject

3). General project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (51778546), wind disaster vulnerability analysis of single and regional low buildings based on gradual damage, 2018-2021, 620000 yuan

4). Sichuan Youth Fund Project (2016JQ0005), wind-induced vibration control of long-span bridges under complex wind fields in mountainous areas, 2016-2018, 500000 yuan

5). General project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (51578471), Research on wind-induced vibration response and equivalent static wind load of long-span bridges under non-stationary strong wind in mountain valleys, 2016-2019, 630000 yuan

6). Sichuan Basic Research Project (2015JY0060), wind field measurement and bridge buffeting response analysis at long-span bridges in difficult and dangerous mountainous areas, 2015-2016, 150000 yuan

Latest Publications
1.Guoqing Huang*, Ying Luo, Qingshan Yang and Yuji Tian (2017). “A semi-analytical formula for estimating peak wind load effects based on Hermite polynomial model.” Engineering Structures, 152, 856–864. (SCI)

2.Guoqing Huang*, Xiaowen Ji, Haitao Zheng, Ying Luo, Xinyan Peng and Qingshan Yang (2018). “Uncertainty of Peak Value of Non-Gaussian Wind Load Effect: Analytical Approach.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 144 (2), 04017172. (SCI)

3.Liuliu Peng, Guoqing Huang*, Xinzhong Chen and Qingshan Yang (2018). “Evolutionary Spectra-based Time-varying Coherence Function and Application in Structural Response Analysis to Downburst Winds.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 144 (7), 04018078. (SCI)

4.Guoqing Huang*, Xu Cheng, Liuliu Peng and Mingshui Li (2018). “Aerodynamic shape of transition curve for truncated mountainous terrain model in wind field simulation.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 178, 80-90. (SCI)

5.Guoqing Huang, Yan Jiang, Liuliu Peng*, Giovanni Solari, Haili Liao, Mingshui Li (2019). “Characteristics of Intense Winds in Mountain Area Based on Field Measurement: Focusing on Thunderstorm Winds.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 190, 166-182.

6.Ning Zhao, Guoqing Huang*, Qingshan Yang, Xuhong Zhou, Ahsan Kareem (2019). “Fast convolution integration-based nonstationary response analysis of linear and nonlinear structures with nonproportional damping.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 145 (8), 04019053.

7.Ning Zhao, Guoqing Huang*, Ruili Liu, Peng Zhang, Chengwen Lu, Gangbing Song (2020). “Novel hidden Pounding Tuned Mass Damper for vibration control of a cantilevered traffic signal structure.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 146(3), 04020005.

8.Xiaowen Ji, Guoqing Huang*, Fengbo Wu, Zhao-Hui Lu, (2020). “Wind-induced hazard assessment for low-rise building envelope considering potential openings.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 146(4), 04020039.

9.Zhihao Li, Guoqing Huang*, Xinzhong Chen, Ying Zhou, Qingshan Yang (2019). “Wind-resistant design and equivalent static wind load of base-isolated tall building: A case study”, Engineering Structures, 212, 110533.

10.Fengbo Wu, Guoqing Huang*, Xuhong Zhou (2021). “Enhanced circular subregion method in typhoon hazard analysis.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 147(6), 06021003.

2022 Technical Innovation Award of China Steel Structure Association (ranking No. 1) "Research and engineering application of wind resource assessment, layout optimization and yaw control of wind farms in complex environments"

2022 The first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Association of Steel Structures (ranking 7th) "Key wind resistant technologies and applications of steel structure buildings in high-speed railway stations"

2021 The first prize of Chongqing Teaching Achievement Award (ranking 13th) "One Sword in Ten Years: Exploration and Practice of Training Excellent Civil Engineering Engineers"

2019 The first prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award (ranked first) "Wind resistance research and engineering application of high flexible structures in mountain areas"

2018, The second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award (ranked fifth) "Wind and Disaster Prevention Theory, Key Technology and Engineering Application of Large Roof and Enclosure System"

2009, Richard D. Marshall's Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award at the 11th All American Wind Engineering Conference.
