Students' Work

USC Graduate Program Seminar

On the morning of September 30, 2022, Mr. Ray Xu, the director of East Asia Office of the University of Southern California, was invited to hold a graduate programs seminar for SCE undergraduate students.2022-10-2511:05:092022-10-252022-10-25The seminar focused on the main background of graduate programs in USC Viterbi School of Engineering, as well as the completion time, professional directio...

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Academician Zhou Xuhong delivers a special report in CQU Branch of the Youth University Science Camp

On the morning of July 12, 2022, upon invitation of CQU Branch of the Youth University Science Camp, Zhou Xuhong, an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and an expert in structural engineering, delivered a special report titled An Informal Discussion over Wind Power Generation and Wind Power Structure to members of the Camp in the Minzhu Lake Lecture Hall, Campus A, CQU.In the report,...

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The Course “Machine learning/ deep learning algorithms and their applications in (geotechnical) engineering” Ended

Machine learning/ deep learning algorithms and their applications in (geotechnical) engineering, SCE’s graduate course was carried out from May to June, 2022. This course was taught by a research fellow, Wang Zezhou from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, and Prod. Pijush Samui from Patna National Institute of Technology, India (NIT Patna).Thi...

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SCE Students Gained Success in the Chongqing Preliminary of 15th National College Students Advanced Mapping Technology and Product Information Modeling Innovation Contest

The 11th Chongqing College Students Advanced Mapping Technology Contest, also the Chongqing Preliminary of 15th Higher Education Cup National College Students Advanced Mapping Technology and Product Information Modeling Innovation Contest, organized by Chongqing Education Commission and Chongqing Engineering Graphics Society, undertaken by Yangtze Normal University, was held o...

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SCE Held a Mobilization Meeting of the 8th China International College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

In order to actively respond to and fully prepare for the 8th China International College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, SCE held a mobilization meeting on May 25, 2022. Prof. Zhang Wengang, the associate chair of SCE, presided the meeting.Firstly, Zhang reviewed and summarized the programme application of the domestic track, and introduced SCE’s encou...

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Dr. Wang from NUS Conducted Online Course for SCE Students

Dr. Zezhou WANG, research fellow from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, was invited by Professor Wengang ZHANG to deliver a 3.5-hour graduate course for SCE, CQU, titled “Machine learning/ deep learning algorithms and their applications in (geotechnical) engineering”, on 11 May, 2022. There are 85 students and staff in total take this cour...

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SCE PhD student Liang Han’s Recent Paper Selected as JRMGE Cover Paper

PhD candidate Mr Liang Han’s recent paper "Rockhead profile simulation using an improved generation method of conditional random field" was selected as the cover paper of the March 2022 issue, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (JRMGE), which is internationally reputable in geotechnical engineering.His study proposed an improved method to reverse the rockhead profile, which...

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The Graduate Global Academic Program is now open!

In order to implement the spirit of the National graduate Education Conference, to create outstanding graduate education with Chinese characteristics and Chongqing University’s style, to improve the internationalization level and international competitiveness of postgraduate education comprehensively, to further develop students’ global vision and creative thinking, the International Cooperat...

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The Lecture of Studying Aboard Guidance Held

On March 3th, 2022, the Lecture of Studying Aboard Guidance was held by the Career Development and Employment Guidance Center of Chongqing University (CQU) and the School of Civil Engineering (SCE).

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Alumni Prof. Yanqiang Li and Prof. Xueli Qin were Selected as National Engineering Survey and Design Masters

On January 5, 2022, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China announced the tenth list of national engineering survey and design masters. Professor Li Yanqiang Senior Engineer, an Alumni of Chongqing University (CQU) in 1978 that major in Gas (which has now been changed into the subject of Building Environment and Energy Application Engineering), t...

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