Conferences and Seminars

Civil Engineering Sub-Forum of Foreign and Domestic Outstanding Young Scholar Forum

On November 11.11, 2019, Civil Engineering Sub-Forum of Foreign and Domestic Outstanding Young Scholar Forum, was held ceremoniously, 4 excellent young scholars and Some of the leaders of the academy ,some teachers and students of the Chongqing University attended the sub-forum. Among those invited excellent young scholars, they are from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Univers...

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The 2019 Academic Annual Meeting of Geotechnical Engineering Branch of Chongqing Society of Civil and Architecture Held in Chongqing University

Under the guidance of Chongqing Association for Science and Technology and Chongqing Society of Civil and Architecture, organized by Chongqing Society of Civil and Architecture Geotechnical Engineering Branch and China Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Environmental Geotechnical Engineering Branch, the "2019 Academic Annual Meeting of Geotechnical Engineering Branch of Chongqing Society...

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Senior Engineer, Dengnian Zhang of The Chongqing Surveying and Mapping Institute of the Ministry of Natural Resources Was Invited to Give Lectures for 18th Grade Students in Our College

On the morning of 22th November 2019, Senior Engineer, Dengnian Zhang of the Chongqing Surveying and Mapping Institute of the Ministry of Natural Resources were invited to come to the Civil Engineering College of our school. In the classroom of D1412 in Huxi Campus, he brought the academic report which called “High-speed railway engineering survey”.First of all, Mr. Zhang introduced the situa...

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Deputy President Hong Yang and Director Tiejun Wang of the Chongqing Surveying and Mapping Institute of the Ministry of Natural Resources Were Invited to Give Lectures for 18th Grade Students in Our College.

On the morning of 20th November 2019, Deputy President Hong Yang and Director Tiejun Wang of the Chongqing Surveying and Mapping Institute of the Ministry of Natural Resources were invited to come to the Civil Engineering College of our school. In the classroom of D1412 in Huxi Campus, he brought the academic report which called “Based on surveying and mapping geographical information, Using h...

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Director Wang Changhan, An Expert From Chongqing Survey Institute Was Invited to Give Lectures for 18th Grade Students in Our College.

On the morning of 15th November 2019, Director Wang Changhan of Chongqing Survey Institute was invited to come to the Civil Engineering College of our school. In the classroom of D1412 in Huxi Campus, he brought the academic report which called “Construction and Application of Chongqing Modern Surveying and Mapping Reference System”. First of all, Director Wang introduced the theme of this re...

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Academic Visit of Prof. Armin W. Stuedlein to School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University

Invited by Prof. Liu Hanlong and Prof. Xiao Yang, Prof. Armin W. Stuedlein from Oregon State University visited school of civil engineering, Chongqing University for academic exchange. On the morning of Nov. 15th Prof. Armin made a report titled “Use of Controlled Blasting for the Evaluation of the Deep, In Situ Dynamic Response of Soils” in No. 1 conference hall, and visited the laboratory o...

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Professor Wang Dahai from Wuhan University of Technology Was Invited to Come to Our School for Academic Report

At the invitation of Prof. Huang Guoqing, Professor Wang Dahai of Wuhan University of Technology visited our School of Civil Engineering, and on November 15, 2019, from 10:00 to 11:30 am, in Room 306 of the Construction Hall, the key to the wind load of large-span transmission lines was Academic report on the issue.Professor Wang Dahai explained the engineering background, experimental princip...

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Professor Jianhua Yin of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Visited Chongqing University and Gave an Academic Report

On November 15, 2019, at the invitation of the Prof. Hanlong Liu and Prof. Yang Xiao, the Prof. Jianhua Yin of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University visited Chongqing University, and gave an academic report for the topic of "Nonlinear Rheological Models of Clayey Soils and Their Applications" at 14:30pm-16:00pm in the No.1 Academic Report Hall. During the report, Prof. Jianhua Yin gave a detai...

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Li Jing, Deputy Director of Chongqing Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Application Center, Was Invited to Give Lectures for 18th Grade Students in Our College

On the morning of 11th November 2019, Li Jing, deputy director of Chongqing Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Application Center,was invited to give the title called “What are Maps - Recording, Reproduction and Reconstruction” for the 2018 surveying and mapping students in the D1412 classroom of Huxi Campus. First of all, Director Li took the evolution of map carrier and the pr...

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Experts from Chongqing Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Application Center Were Invited to Give Lectures for 18th Grade Students in Our College

On the morning of 8th November 2019, Mr. Pu Dexiang, Director of the Quality Inspection Center of Chongqing Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Application Center, and Liu Xingwei, the Service manager of Chongqing CORS, were invited to give an academic report entitled "Building and Application of GNSS Satellite Navigation and Positioning Reference Service System" for the 2018 surveying an...

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