About SCE

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School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University

Chongqing University(CQU) is one of the top 1% Chinese universities within the framework of the State 211 Project and 985 Project. Over 49,000 students attend classes in 35 schools, under seven faculties in Science, Social Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, Built Environment, Information Science and Technology, Medicine. CQU is a key national university, a member of the “Excellence League”. There are 4 main campuses cover a total of 247 hectares, and a large library collection amounts to 4.5 million volumes. CQU is committed to making a first-class comprehensive research-oriented university in China, with unique characteristics and international fame.

School of Civil Engineering(SCE) can be traced back to 1935. In 2022, the discipline Civil Engineering of CQU was selected into the second round of “Double First-Class” Construction Disciplines. There are 6 teaching departments, 2 teaching groups, 9 institutes and 1 laboratory center including 4 international research centers. SCE has 283 staffs, including 214 full-time professional teachers with 37 national talents such as 3 (foreign) academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 Changjiang Scholar Innovation Group of Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and 1 national “Huang Danian” Teaching Group.

Talents from the following disciplines are welcome:

● Civil Engineering

● Geotechnical Engineering

● Bridge and Tunnel Engineering

● Road Engineering

● Safety and Disaster Prevention Engineering

● Civil and Hydraulic Engineering and Construction

● Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering

● Geomatics Engineering

● And some inter-disciplines

Recruiting Schemes

1. Hongshen Prominent Scholar

● Qualifications & Requirements: master level scholar with the ability to be a leader in related disciplines to maintain or surpass the international advanced level.

● Salary & Fringe Benefits:An annual salary of CNY 1.2 million (before tax); relocation allowance and scientific research start-up grants are negotiable.

2. Hongshen Outstanding Scholar

● Qualifications & Requirements: famous professor, generally under 55 years old, with the ability to be a leader in related disciplines to maintain or surpass the international advanced level.

● Salary & Fringe Benefits:

1) An annual salary of CNY 0.8 million (before tax). High teaching and scientific research awards can be enjoyed once workload is beyond the work tasks.

2) Be employed as a professor, be granted doctoral supervisor qualification.

3) CQU provides scientific research start-up grants of CNY 1-3 million.

4) A relocation fee of CNY 2 million.

5) CQU helps to solve the problems such as spouse’s employment and children’s enrollment.

3. Hongshen Excellent Scholar

● Qualifications & Requirements:

1) Generally, be under 45 years old.

2) Have independent scientific research ability and stable research direction, active academic thinking, and the potential to be a leader in related disciplines.

● Salary & Fringe Benefits:

1) An annualincome of CNY0.6 million. High teaching and scientific research awards can be enjoyed once workload is beyond the work tasks.

2) Be employed as a tenure-track professor, be granted doctoral supervisor qualification.

3) CQU provides scientific research start-up grants of CNY 1-3 million.

4) A relocation fee of CNY 2.1 million.

5) CQU helps to solve the problems such as spouse’s employment and children’s enrollment.

4. Hongshen Young Scholar

● Qualifications & Requirements: Hold a doctorate; Generally, be under 35 years old, with no less than 2 years of academic work experience; Assistant professors from overseas universities and research institutes or outstanding young talents with similar experience and comparable level.

Salary & Fringe Benefits:

1) An annual income of CNY 0.35-0.45 million. High teaching and scientific research awards can be enjoyed once workload is beyond the work tasks.

2) Be employed as a tenure-track professor beforehand, be granted doctoral supervisor qualification.

3) CQU provides scientific research start-up grants of CNY 1-2 million.

4) A relocation fee of CNY 0.5-0.6 million.

5) CQU helps to solve the problems such as children’s enrollment.

5. Professor

● Qualifications & Requirements: Hold a doctorate; Have high academic attainments; academic achievements in recent 5 years are higher than or basically equal to the academic level of the professors that CQU has appointed at the same year; generally, be under 45 years old.

Salary & Fringe Benefits:Salary implemented under the merit-based pay system; a relocation fee of CNY 0.4-0.6 million; scientific research start-up grants of CNY 0.6-1 million.

6. Hongshen Young Lecture

● Qualifications & Requirements: Generally, be under 35 years old; Ph.D. obtained within recent 3 years; have the independent scientific research ability, teamwork ability, and excellent academic development potential.

● Salary & Fringe Benefits:

1) An annual income of CNY 0.37-0.4 million + bonus for Special Fund; an annual income of CNY 0.27-0.3 million + bonus for Key Fund.

2) Others

• If selected into the National Postdoctoral Innovative Talents Support Program, CQU will provide supporting living benefits of CNY 0.1 million per year and research funds of CNY 0.1 million per year during the two-year implementation period.

• If selected into the National Postdoctoral International Exchange Introduction Program, CQU will provide supporting living benefits of CNY 0.1 million per year during the two-year implementation period.

• To participate in the qualification evaluation of professional and technical positions of full-time scientific research.

• CNY 15 thousand will be subsidized for participating in high-level international academic conferences by CQU.

• Enjoy the same welfare treatment of the tenure track staff; children can be enrolled in CQU affiliated kindergarten, primary school and secondary schools.

• Chongqing municipal government will subsidize CNY 0.15 million for those working in Chongqing after leaving the station.

7. Full-time Scientific Researcher

(1) Distinguished Research Fellow

● Qualifications & Requirements: Hold a doctorate; Scientific research ability and academic level are equal to CQU full-time researchers.

● Salary & Fringe Benefits: The annual salary is payed by CQU and SCE at the ratio of 1:2, the maximum annual salary payed by CQU shall not exceed CNY 0.1 million.

(2) Distinguished Associate Research Fellow

● Qualifications & Requirements: Hold a doctorate; Scientific research ability and academic level are equal to CQU full-time associate researchers.

● Salary & Fringe Benefits: The annual salary is payed by CQU and SCE at the ratio of 1:2, the maximum annual salary payed by CQU shall not exceed CNY 50 thousand.

(3) Distinguished Assistant Research Fellow

● Qualifications & Requirements: Hold a doctorate.

● Salary & Fringe Benefits: SCE determines the annual salary.

Post application

Mobile: Please scan the QR code below with your mobile phone to register, fill in and submit your resume online.

● PC: please visithttp://recruit.cqu.edu.cn/, register and submit your resume online.

Contact us

Contact: Mrs. Peizhi CHEN

Tel: +86(0)23 65121983

Email: tmrc@cqusce.com
