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李振中,博士,硕士生导师,中国工程热物理学会会员,中国颗粒学会会员,中国核学会会员。主要从事能源动力领域内的颗粒-流体两相流动及换热、汽液两相流与传热和聚光太阳能热利用及转化等方向的相关研究。目前已主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、重点实验室开放课题1项、横向项目3项。参与包括国家重点研发计划项目、国家杰出青年基金项目,国家自然科学基金面上项目和企业横向项目在内的科研项目多项。发表论文20余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者在International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、International Journal of Multiphase Flow、《核动力工程》等重要期刊上发表SCI/EI 论文10余篇,获授权国家发明专利1项。担任Physics of Fluids、Geofluids、西安交通大学学报等期刊审稿人。主讲本科生课程《热工过程自控原理及系统》和研究生交互式课程《计算流体力学实训》。

2006-2010 西安交通大学 大学本科 工学学士

2010-2016 西安交通大学 硕博连读 工学博士

1. 颗粒-流体两相流动及换热;

2. 汽液两相流与沸腾换热;

3. 基于固体颗粒的聚光太阳能热利用技术及系统。




[1] 基于机器学习的湍流模型修正及构建研究,横向项目,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于多物理耦合及降阶模拟的流化床核反应堆动力学特性研究,主研人

[3] 科技部国家重点研发计划,液态熔渣高效离心粒化技术及其自适应调控方法(课题),参与


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,颗粒-流体两相流拟点源模型及耗散尺度颗粒与流体相互作用机理研究,主持

[2] 气泡及温度反馈模型研究,横向项目,主持

[3] JG20200179,横向项目,主持

[4] 国家杰出青年科学基金项目,两相流动与传热,主研人

[5] 中国核动力研究设计院横向项目,热工水力程序守恒方程求解与加速技术研究,主研人

[6] 中国核动力研究设计院横向项目,热工水力计算程序等第三方软件测试,主研人

[7] 国家电网四川省电科院横向项目,片式散热器三维扩展无源强化传热表面换热特性及内部流场优化研究,主研人


[1]Zhenzhong Li, Bowen Wang, Liangjin Xu, Jinjia Wei, Shanshan Bu, Deqi Chen. Numerical study on influence of wind on thermal performance of a solid particle solar receiver. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 916559.

[2]Zhenzhong Li, Junjie Pan, Huangjin Peng, Deqi Chen, Wei Lu, Haochuang Wu. Numerical study on subcooled flow boiling in narrow rectangular channel based on OpenFOAM. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2022, 154: 104451.

[3]Zhenzhong Li, Deqi Chen, Dan Wu, Sufang Xin, Xiang Li. Subchannel analysis of thermal-hydraulic performance in rod bundle with spacer grid considering anisotropic turbulent mixing. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021,167: 107039.

[4]Zhenzhong Li, Yudong Ding, Qiang Liao, Min Cheng, Xun Zhu. An approach based on the porous media model for numerical simulation of 3D finned-tubes heat exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021,173: 121226.

[5]Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Shanshan Bu, Bo Yu. A Frequency Analysis Method to Estimate the Relative Importance of Basset Force on Small Particles in Turbulence. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2021, 139 :103640.

[6] Shanshan Bu, Bo Chen,Zhenzhong Li, Junze Jiang, Deqi Chen. An explicit expression of empirical parameter in ZBS model for predicting pebble bed effective thermal conductivity. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2021, 376: 111106.

[7] Xinxin Deng,Zhenzhong Li, Wenjie Li. Molecular dynamics simulation of evaporation of R32 on the solid surface. Modern Physics Letters B, 2021, 35: 2150133.

[8] Shanshan Bu,Zhenzhong Li, Zaiyong Ma, Wan Sun, Luteng Zhang, Deqi Chen. Numerical study of natural convection effects on effective thermal conductivity in a pebble bed. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 144: 107524.

[9]Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. A pseudo point source model based on velocity coupled method for dilute particle-laden flow with dissipation scale particles. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2018, 103: 106-123.

[10]Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Analysis of Interphase Forces and Investigation of Their Effect on Particle Transverse Motion in Particle-laden Channel Turbulence. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2017, 88: 11-29.

[11]Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Direct Numerical Study on the Effect of Inter-particle Collision in Particle-laden Channel Turbulence. AIAA Journal, 2016, 54: 3212-3222.

[12]Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Direct Numerical Study of the Effects of Particle Parameters on a Particle-Laden Flow. Particulate Science and Technology, 2015, 33: 357-368.


[1]黄尚龙,唐忠,李振中,杨晨.圆柱形流化床内气固两相流动特性的CFD-DEM模拟研究. 2022年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议, 2023.02.15-2023.02.18.

[2]李振中.基于OpenFOAM的沸腾模型开发及流动换热特性研究.中国核学会核反应堆热工流体力学分会第一届学术年会, 2021.10.11-2021.10.16,(邀请报告).

[3]汪博文,李振中,魏进家,.环境风对太阳能颗粒式吸热器性能影响的模拟研究. 2021年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议, 2022.01.27-2022.01.29.

[4]李振中,魏进家,步珊珊,.基于泊肃叶流中单颗粒绕流的相间作用模型分析和验证. 2020年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议, 2020.12.11-2020.12.14.

[5]李振中,魏进家,宇波.湍流场中颗粒所受Basset力的相对大小分析. 2017年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议, 2017.9.8-2017.9.11.

[6]李振中,魏进家,宇波.槽道内气-固两相湍流中颗粒受力的理论和数值分析. 2015年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议, 2015.11.13-2015.11.16.

[7]Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Numerical Simulations of Particle-Laden Flow Based on Given Friction Reynolds Number and Mean Reynolds Number Respectively, 4th ASME Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Diviison Summer Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2014.8.3-2014.8.7.

[8]Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu. Direct numerical simulation of particle-fluid flow with regarding the matching effects of two phases' calculation time. The 7th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion - ISMF2012, Xi’an, China, 2012.10.26-2012.10.30.

[9]Zhenzhong Li, Jinjia Wei. Numerical study of the performance of an entrained-flow coal gasifier. Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow-2011, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.09.22-2011.09.26.
