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2018.7-2021.8 美国康奈尔大学 机械工程系博士

2015.8-2018.6 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学 机械工程系博士生

2011.8-2015.6 中国科学技术大学 物理系学士

1. 微纳尺度传热

2. 热电材料

1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2023-2025,30万,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2022-2024,8万,主持


1. Yongjie He, Qi Zhang, Hanlin Cheng, Yang Liu, Yue Shu, Yang Geng, Yujie Zheng, Bo Qin, Yongli Zhou, Shanshan Chen, Jing Li, Meng Li, George Omololu Odunmbaku, Chen Li, Tatyana Shumilova, Jianyong Ouyang, and Kuan Sun. "Role of Ions in Hydrogels with an Ionic Seebeck Coefficient of 52.9 mV K–1." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13, 4621-4627 (2022).

2. Qianzhi Gou, Haoran Luo, Yujie Zheng, Qi Zhang, Chen Li, Jiacheng Wang, Omololu Odunmbaku, Jing Zheng, Junmin Xue, Kuan Sun, Meng Li. "Construction of Bio‐inspired Film with Engineered Hydrophobicity to Boost Interfacial Reaction Kinetics of Aqueous Zinc–Ion Batteries." Small 2201732 (2022)

3. Boyce Chang*, Chen Li*, Jinghang Dai, Katherine Evans, Jingyu Huang, Mengdi He, Weili Hu, Zhiting Tian, and Ting Xu, “Thermal Percolation in Well-Defined Nanocomposite Thin Films”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14, 12, 14579–14587 (2022)

4. Chen Li, Hao Ma, Tianyang Li, Alessandro Mattoni, Zachary W. Rouse, Md Abu Jafar Rasel, Joseph Fesser, Shefford P. Baker, Ahmet Alatas, David Mitzi, and Zhiting Tian. “Remarkably Weak Anisotropy in Thermal Conductivity of Two-Dimensional Hybrid Perovskite Butylammonium Lead Iodide Crystals”. Nano letters 21, 9, 3708–3714(2021)

5. Hao Ma, Chen Li, and Zhiting Tian. “Hydrogen Bonds Significantly Enhance Out-of-Plane Thermal and Electrical Transport in 2D Graphamid: Implications for Energy Conversion and Storage”. ACS Appl. Nano Mater 3, 11, 11090–11097(2020)

6. Jing Zhang, Ting Zhang, Hang Zhang, Zhixun Wang, Chen Li, Zhe Wang, Kaiwei Li, Xingming Huang, Ming Chen, Zhe Chen, Zhiting Tian, Haisheng Chen, Li‐Dong Zhao, Lei Wei. “Single‐Crystal SnSe Thermoelectric Fibers via Laser‐Induced Directional Crystallization: From 1D Fibers to Multidimensional Fabrics.” Advanced Materials 32(36), 2002702 (2020)

7. Hao Ma, Chen Li, Yunwei Ma, Heng Wang, Zachary Rouse, Zhuolei Zhang, Carla Slebodnick, Ahmet Alatas, Shefford Baker, Jeffrey Urban, and Zhiting Tian. “Super Compliant and Soft (CH3NH3)3Bi2I9 Crystals with Ultralow Thermal Conductivity.” Physical Review Letters 123, 155901 (2019)

8. Callie E. Zawaski, Emily M. Wilts, Camden A. Chatham, Andre T. Stevenson, Allison M. Pekkanen, Chen Li, Zhiting Tian, Abby R. Whittington, Timothy E. Long, and Christopher B. Williams. "Tuning the material properties of a water-soluble ionic polymer using different counterions for material extrusion additive manufacturing." Polymer (2019).

9. Chen Li and Zhiting Tian. "Phonon Transmission across Silicon Grain Boundaries by Atomistic Green's Function Method". Frontiers in Physics, 7, 3 (2019).

10. Chen Li, Yunwei Ma and Zhiting Tian. “Thermal Switching of Thermoresponsive Polymer Aqueous Solutions”. ACS Macro Letters, 7 (1), 53-58 (2018).

11. Chen Li, Hao Ma and Zhiting Tian. “Thermoelectric Properties of Crystalline and Amorphous Polypyrrole: A Computational Study”. Applied Thermal Engineering, 111, 1441-1447 (2017).

12. Chen Li and Zhiting Tian. “Thermal Transport Properties of Black Phosphorus: A Topical Review”. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 21 (1), 45-57 (2017).

13. Hao Ma, Chen Li, Shixiong Tang, Jiaqiang Yan, Ahmet Alatas, Lucas Lindsay, Brian Sales, and Zhiting Tian. “Boron arsenide phonon dispersion from inelastic x-ray scattering: Potential for ultrahigh thermal conductivity”. Physical Review B: Rapid Communications, 94, 220303(R) (2016).

Liangbing Wang, Songtao Zhao, Chenxuan Liu, Chen Li, Xu Li, Hongliang Li, Youcheng Wang, Chao Ma, Zhenyu Li, Jie Zeng. “Aerobic Oxidation of Cyclohexane on Catalysts Based on Twinned and Single-Crystal Au75Pd25 Bimetallic Nanocrystals.” Nano letters 15.5, 2875-2880 (2015).
