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2015.10~2018.9 日本东北大学,量子能源工程,工学博士

2012.9~2015.3 上海交通大学,核能科学与工程,硕士

2008.9~2012.6 重庆大学,动力工程学院,核工程与核技术专业





[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,52201091,2023-01至 2025-12,30万元,在研,主持。

[2] 四川省科学技术厅, 应用基础研究, 2021YJ0512 ,2021-04至 2023-03, 10万元, 在研,主持。

[3] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 联合基金项目, U2067221, 2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 280万元, 在研,参与。

[4] 科技部,国家重点研发计划,2019YFB1901000, 2019-1至2022-12,1269万元,结题,参与。

[1] Zhengang Duan, Huilong Yang, Yuhki Satoh, Kenta Murakami, Sho Kano, Zishou Zhao, Jingjie Shen, Hiroaki Abe. Current status of materials development of nuclear fuel cladding tubes for light water reactors[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2017, 316: 131-150.(ESI)

[2] Zhengang Duan, Huilong Yang, Sho Kano, Kenta Murakami, Yuhki Satoh, Yoichi Takeda, Hiroaki Abe. Oxidation and electrochemical behaviors of Al2O3 and ZrO2 coatings on Zircaloy-2 cladding by thermal spraying[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017, 334:319-327.

[3] Zhengang Duan, Huilong Yang, Sho Kano, John McGrady, Hiroaki Abe. Application of chemical interaction between (Fe, Cr) oxides and Mo oxide at high temperature for self-healing intelligence on nuclear fuel cladding in LWRs[J]. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2018, 55:1-10.

[4] Zhengang Duan, Huilong Yang, Sho Kano, John McGrady, Shixin Gao, Yi Zhou, Yuanming Li, Hiroaki Abe. Investigation on the feasibility of the interaction between NiO and Mo oxide for self-healing intelligence on the nuclear fuel cladding[J]. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2019, 56(8):1-

[5] Zhengang Duan, Farzin Arjmand, Lefu Zhang, Hiroaki Abe. Investigation of the corrosion behavior of 304L and 316L stainless steels at high-temperature borated and lithiated water[J]. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2016, 53(9): 1435-1446.

[6] Zhengang Duan, Farzin Arjmand, Lefu Zhang, Fanjiang Meng, Hiroaki Abe. Electrochemical and XPS investigation of the corrosion behavior of Alloy 690 at high temperature water[J]. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2015, 19(8):2265-2273.

[7] Zhengang Duan, Yanli Zhao, Liangliang Lv, Wenjie Li, Yuanming Li, Yongjun Jiao, Overview of performances and service behaviors of uranyl nitrate solution for medical isotope production reactors[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2023, 157: 104591.

[8] Shixin Gao, Zhengang Duan, Yingwei Wu, Yi Zhou, Ping Chen, Hongtao Huang, Yang Liu, Rong Liu, Shengyu Liu, Chunyu Yin. Deuterium permeability and diffusivity in FeCrAl alloys for LWR cladding application[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022,47(46): 20323-20332.

[9] Yuan Shen, Zhengang Duan, Chuan Lu, Li Ji, Caishan Jiao, Hongguo Hou, Meng Zhang, Yu Zhou. Development of the vapor film thickness correlation in porous corrosion deposits on the cladding in PWR, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, (in press)

[10] Zhengang Duan, Shixin Gao, Yi Zhou, et al. Development of self-healing coating on fuel cladding for water-cooling nuclear reactors[C]. Presented at the Proceedings of Top Fuel 2019, Seattle, WA, USA, 2019.

[11] Shixin Gao, Zhengang Duan, Yi Zhou, Ping Chen, Liang He, Shichao Liu, Kun Zhang, Xi Qiu, Ruiqian Zhang, Preliminary evaluation of fecral-UN fuel rod performance[C]. Presented at the Proceedings of Top Fuel 2019, Seattle, WA, USA, 2019.

[12] 段振刚,陈平,周毅,高士鑫,焦拥军,尹春雨,何梁.耐事故燃料用Cr涂层锆合金包壳研究进展[J].核技术,2022,45(03):3-14.

[13] 段振刚,高士鑫,赵艳丽,李垣明,辛勇,李权,粟敏,新型核反应堆用氢化钇慢化材料服役性关键性能,核工程与核技术.( In press)。

[14] 陈平,张瑞谦,段振刚,高士鑫,杜沛南,邱玺,周毅,尹春雨,何琨,何梁.面向不同先进反应堆应用的新型不锈钢包壳研发进展[J].中国基础科学,2021,23(04):1-8.

[15] 焦拥军,于俊崇,周毅,李垣明,陈平,段振刚, 商用压水堆核燃料研发进展及应用展望[J]. 核动力工程, 2022, 43(6): 1-7.
