近年来作为负责人承担国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作专项(项目负责人)、国家自然科学基金面上及青年项目、重庆市技术创新与应用示范项目、重庆市自然科学基金等各类科研项目10余项,以第一或通讯作者在Appl. Catal. B(IF=24.3)、J. Hazard. Mat. (IF=14.2)等国内外重要期刊上发表论文40余篇,论文总他引超过2000次,3篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,以第一发明人申请/获权国家发明专利10余项。曾在国内外会议上做邀请/口头报告10余次,应邀担任燃烧学年会等国内外学术会议会场主持人/分会主席3次,担任了第9届巴尔干三国催化材料会议等国际会议的学术委员会委员。受邀担任了中国环境科学学会环境与热能利用、臭氧污染控制两个专委会委员,受邀担任《能源环境保护》期刊青年编委、国际期刊Frontiers in Energy Research(SCI检索,IF=3.9)先进清洁能源技术栏目副主编。曾获教育部学术新人奖、高廷耀环保基金会全国优秀青年博士奖等学术奖项。研究得到的抗中毒脱硝催化剂、宽负荷烟气脱硝方法等成果已与华电、国电投集团等企业合作并实现应用。
(1) 2023年重庆大学最受学生欢迎老师;
(2) 2023年重庆大学先进工作者;
(3) 教育部博士研究生学术新人奖;
(4) 高廷耀环保基金会全国优秀青年博士奖;
(5) 南方电网科技进步二等奖;
(6) 浙江大学争创全国百篇优秀博士论文资助;
(7) 浙江大学优秀研究生一等荣誉4次(每个学年);
(8) 博士研究生国家奖学金、潍柴动力一等奖学金、岑可法研究生一等奖学金等;
(1) 2012.8–2013.8, University of Notre Dame, 化学工程, 联合培养博士
(2) 2008.9–2014.6, 浙江大学, 能源与环境工程, 博士
(3) 2004.9–2008.6, 浙江大学, 能源与环境系统工程
(1)氢氨结合储能(H2and NH3for energy storage);
(2) 氢能存储(H2 storage);
(3) 等离子催化清洁能源转化(Plasma catalysis for clean energy conversion);
(4) 燃烧烟气NOx及CO高效脱除技术(NOx and CO removal);
(5) 其他能源与环境催化相关课题;
(1) 国家重点研发计划政府间国际创新项目,2021-2024,项目负责人;
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022-2025,项目负责人;
(3) 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,2022-2024,项目负责人;
(4) 华电集团专利转让项目,2022-2023,项目负责人;
(5) 国家自然基金青年项目,2016-2018, 项目负责人
(6) 重庆市技术创新与应用示范项目,2018-2020,项目负责人;
(7) 重庆市基础及前沿应用研究项目,2016-2018,项目负责人;
(8) 中央高校基本科研业务费重点专项,2018-2020,项目负责人;
(9) 国电投远达企业催化剂项目横向课题,2016-2018,项目负责人
(10) 中国博士后基金一等资助,2014-2017,项目负责人
(11) 重庆市博士后科研基金,2015-2017,项目负责人
(12) 国电投远达企业重金属项目横向课题,2014-2016,项目负责人
1.Shen, X.; Li, Z.; Xu, J.; Li, W.; Tao, Y.; Ran, J.; Yang, Z.; Sun, K.; Yao, S.; Wu, Z.; Rac, V.; Rakic, V.;Du, X.*, Upgrading the low temperature water gas shift reaction by integrating plasma with a CuOx/CeO2catalyst. Journal of Catalysis 2023, 421, 324-331.
2.Wang, X.;Du, X.*; Chen, K.; Zheng, Z.; Liu, Y.; Shen, X.; Hu, C., Predicting the Ammonia Synthesis Performance of Plasma Catalysis Using an Artificial Neural Network Model. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2023,11, 12, 4543–4554
3.Zheng, Z. W.;Du, X. S.*; Wang, X.; Liu, Y. G.; Chen, K. L.; Lu, P.; Rac, V.; Rakic, V., Experimental investigation on the decomposition of NH4HSO4over V2O5-WO3/TiO2catalyst by NH4NO3at low temperature. Fuel 2023, 333.
4.Mei, D.; Shen, X.; Liu, S.; Zhou, R.; Yuan, X.; Rao, Z.; Sun, Y.; Fang, Z.;Du, X.*; Zhou, Y.; Tu, X.*, Plasma-catalytic reforming of biogas into syngas over Ni-based bimetallic catalysts. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 462, 142044.
5.Tang, T.;Du, X.*; Chen, Y.; Xue, J.; Chen, K.; Li, X., Study on the mechanism of selective catalytic reduction with propylene (C3H6-SCR) on the MnOx-based catalysts by a doping experiment and DFT+U calculation. J Environ Chem Eng 2023, 11 (3), 109831.
6.Liu, Y.; Guan, S.;Du, X.*; Chen, Y.; Yang, Y.; Chen, K.; Zheng, Z.; Wang, X.; Shen, X.; Hu, C.; Li, X., S-Vacancy Defect and Transition-Metal Atom Doping to Trigger Hydrogen Evolution of Two-Dimensional MoS2. Energ Fuel 2023.
7.Wang, X.;Du, X.*; Liu, S.; Yang, G.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, L.; Tu, X., Understanding the deposition and reaction mechanism of ammonium bisulfate on a vanadia SCR catalyst: A combined DFT and experimental study. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2020, 260, 118168.(IF=23,ESI高被引)
8.Yang, G. P.; Du, X. S. *; Ran, J. Y.*; Wang, X. M.; Chen, Y. R.; Zhang, L.; Rac, V.; Rakic, V.; Crittenden, J., Irregular influence of alkali metals on Cu-SAPO-34 catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with ammonia. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 387, 122007.(IF=14)
9.Xuesen Du*; Jingyu Xue; Xiangmin Wang; Yanrong Chen; Jingyu Ran; Li Zhang, Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide over V2O5/TiO2 Catalyst with Low VanadiumLoading: A Theoretical Study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122(8), 4517-4523. (SCI/EI,ESI高被引)
10.Wang, X.; Du, X.*; Zhang, L.; Chen, Y.; Yang, G.; Ran, J., Promotion of NH4HSO4 decomposition in NO/NO2 contained atmosphere at low temperature over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst for NO reduction.Applied Catalysis A: General2018,559, 112-121.(ESI高被引)
11.Xue, Z. G.; Du, X. S.; Rac, V.; Rakic, V.; Wang, X. M.; Chen, Y. R.; Xiang, J. Y.; Song, L. Q., Partial Oxidation of NO by H2O2 and afterward Reduction by NH3-Selective Catalytic Reduction: An Efficient Method for NO Removal. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2020, 59 (20), 9393-9397.
12.Wan, Y. Y.; Yang, G. P.; Xiang, J. Y.; Shen, X. Q.; Yang, D. F.; Chen, Y. R.; Rac, V.; Rakic, V.; Du, X. S., Promoting effects of water on the NH3-SCR reaction over Cu-SAPO-34 catalysts: transient and permanent influences on Cu species. Dalton Transactions 2020, 49 (3), 764-773.
13.Wang, X.;Du, X.*; Yang, G.; Xue, J.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, L., Chemisorption of NO2 on V-Based SCR Catalysts: A Fundamental Study toward the Mechanism of “Fast SCR” Reaction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123 (33), 20451-20458.
14.Xiang, J.;Du, X.*; Wan, Y.; Chen, Y.; Ran, J.; Zhang, L., Alkali-driven active site shift of fast SCR with NH3 on V2O5–WO3/TiO2 catalyst via a novel Eley–Rideal mechanism.Catalysis Science & Technology2019,9(21), 6085-6091.
15.Wang, X.;Du, X.*; Xue, J.; Yang, G.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, L., New insights into the N2O formation mechanism during selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 over V-based catalyst. Catalysis Today 2019.
16.Wang, X.; Du, X. *; Zhang, L.; Yang, G.; Chen, Y.; Ran, J., Simultaneous Fast Decomposition of NH4HSO4 and Efficient NOx Removal by NO2 Addition: An Option for NOx Removal in H2O/SO2-Contained Flue Gas at a Low Temperature. Energy & Fuels 2018, 32 (6), 6990-6994.
17.Guangpeng Yang ; Jingyu Ran;Xuesen Du(*); Xiangmin Wang; Yanrong Chen; Li Zhang, Different copper species as active sites for NH3-SCR reaction over Cu-SAPO-34 catalyst and reaction pathways: A periodic DFT study , Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2018, 266, 223-231.
18.Du, X. *; Yang, G.; Chen, Y.; Ran, J.; Zhang, L., The different poisoning behaviors of various alkali metal containing compounds on SCR catalyst.Applied Surface Science2017,392, 162-168.(SCI/EI, IF=3.4)
19.Du, X.*; Tang, J.; Chen, Y.; Yang, X.; Ran, J.; Zhang, L. Adsorption of As4O6 from flue gas by zeolites: Influence of pore structure and Al substitution.Micropor Mesopor Mater2017,243, 22-27.(SCI/EI, IF=3.6)
20.Du, X.*; Wang, X.; Chen, Y.; Gao, X.; Zhang, L., Supported metal sulfates on Ce–TiOx as catalysts for NH3–SCR of NO: High resistances to SO2 and potassium.Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016, 36, 271-278.(SCI/EI, IF=3.7)
21.Du, X. S. *; Tang, J. Y.; Gao, X.; Chen, Y. R.; Ran, J. Y.; Zhang, L., Molecular Transformations of Arsenic Species in the Flue Gas of Typical Power Plants: A Density Functional Theory Study.Eneryg & Fuels2016,30(5), 4209-4214.(SCI/EI, IF=2.8)
22.Niu, J.;Du, X.*;Ran, J.; Wang, R., Dry (CO2) reforming of methane over Pt catalysts studied by DFT and kinetic modeling. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 376, 79-90.(SCI/EI, IF=3.4)
23.Ji, P. D.; Gao, X.;Du, X. S.; Zheng, C. H.; Luo, Z. Y.; Cen, K. F., Relationship between the molecular structure of V2O5/TiO2 catalysts and the reactivity of SO2 oxidation.Catalysis Science & Technology2016, 6 (4), 1187-1194.(SCI/EI, IF=6.9)
24.Niu, J. T.; Ran, J. Y.; Li, L. Y.;Du, X. S.; Wang, R. R.; Ran, M. C., Effects of trapezoidal bluff bodies on blow out limit of methane/air combustion in a micro-channel.Applied Thermal Engineering2016,95, 454-461.(SCI/EI, IF=3.4)
25.Du Xuesen,Gao Xiang,Qiu Kunzan,Luo Zhongyang,Cen Kefa,The reaction of poisonous alkali oxides with vanadia SCR catalyst and the afterward influence: A DFT and experimental study,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2015,119(4):1905-1912.(SCI/EI, IF=4.5)
26.Du, Xuesen,Gao, Xiang,Hu, Wenshuo,Yu, Jinpin,Luo, Zhongyang,Cen, Kefa,Catalyst Design Based on DFT Calculations: Metal Oxide Catalysts for Gas Phase NO Reduction,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014,118(25):13617-13622.(SCI/EI, IF=4.5)
27.Du, Xuesen,Gao, Xiang,Cui, Liwen,Zheng, Zhizhan,Ji, Peidong,Luo, Zhongyang,Cen, Ke-fa,Experimental and theoretical studies on the influence of water vapor on the performance of a Ce-Cu-Ti oxide SCR catalyst,Applied Surface Science,2013,270:370-376.(SCI/EI, IF=3.7)
28.Du, Xue-sen,Gao, Xiang,Cui, Li-wen,Fu, Yin-cheng,Luo, Zhong-yang,Cen, Ke-fa,Investigation of the effect of Cu addition on the SO2-resistance of a Ce-Ti oxide catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3,Fuel,2012,92(1):49-55.(SCI/EI, IF=4.6)
29.Du, Xuesen,Gao, Xiang,Qu, Ruiyang,Ji, Peidong,Luo, Zhongyang,Cen, Ke-fa,The Influence of Alkali Metals on the Ce-Ti Mixed Oxide Catalyst for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx,ChemCatChem,2012,4(12):2075-2081.(SCI/EI, IF=4.8)
30.Du, Xuesen,Gao, Xiang,Fu, Yincheng,Gao, Feng,Luo, Zhongyang,Cen, Kefa,The co-effect of Sb and Nb on the SCR performance of the V2O5/TiO2 catalyst,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2012,368:406-412.(SCI/EI, IF=4.2)
31.Gao, Xiang,Du, Xue-sen,Fu, Yin-cheng,Mao, Jian-hong,Luo, Zhong-yang,Ni, Ming-jiang,Cen, Ke-fa,Theoretical and experimental study on the deactivation of V2O5 based catalyst by lead for selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxides,Catalysis Today,2011,175(1):625-630.(SCI/EI, IF=4.6)
32.Gao, Xiang,Du, Xue-sen,Cui, Li-wen,Fu, Yin-cheng,Luo, Zhong-yang,Cen, Ke-fa,A Ce-Cu-Ti oxide catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3,Catalysis Communications,2010,12(4):255-258.(SCI/EI, IF=3.3)
33.Gao, Xiang,Du, Xue-sen,Jiang, Ye,Zhang, Yang,Luo, Zhong-yang,Cen, Ke-fa,A DFT study on the behavior of NO2 in the selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxides with ammonia on a V2O5 catalyst surface,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical,2010,317(1-2):46-53.(SCI/EI, IF=3.8)
34.Qi, W. J.; Ran, J. Y.; Wang, R. R.; Du, X. S.; Shi, J.; Ran, M. C. Kinetic mechanism of effects of hydrogen addition on methane catalytic combustion over Pt(111) surface: A DFT study with cluster modeling.Comp Mater Sci2016,111, 430-442.(SCI/EI, IF=4.6)
35.Gao, Xiang,Liu, Shaojun,Zhang, Yang,Du, Xuesen,Luo, Zhongyang,Cen, Kefa,Low temperature selective catalytic reduction of NO and NO2 with NH3 over activated carbon-supported vanadium oxide catalyst,Catalysis Today,2011,175(1):164-170.(SCI/EI, IF=4.6)
(1)杜学森,基金进展交流报告-基于多尺度分子模拟的脱硝催化剂抗中毒机理研究,2017年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术会议暨基金燃烧项目进展交流会,钟山宾馆, 2017.10.13-2017.10.15
(2)Xuesen Du ; Xiang Gao ,An atomic determination on the alkali metals poisoning of a V2O5 /TiO2 catalyst for SCR of NOx, 7th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, 2012.09.02-2012.09.06
(1)杜学森;王向民;陈艳容;杨广鹏;杨仲卿;冉景煜;张力,一种基于Fast SCR反应的中低温含硫烟气高效脱硝装置及方法, 2017.6.21,中国, CN201710475256.1
(2)杜学森;王向民;陈艳容;向劲瑶;杨仲卿;蒲舸;冉景煜;张力,一种硫中毒SCR脱硝催化剂原位再生方法及装置, 2017.7.6,中国, CN201710545601.4
(3)杜学森;杨政;陈艳容;杨仲卿;蒲舸;冉景煜;张力,一种具有高抗碱金属中毒的SCR脱硝催化剂及制备方法, 2016.6.17,中国, CN201610437405.0
(4)杜学森;杨鑫;资栋梁;欧金树;陈艳容;杨仲卿;冉景煜;蒲舸,一种基于低温等离子体技术的厨房油烟净化装置及系统, 2017.1.13,中国, CN201710026037.5