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The 13th National University Student Social Practice and Science on Energy Saving & Emission Reduction finals opened in Chongqing University

2020-08-28 11:26 点击:[]

On August 28, the finals of the 13th National University Student Social Practice and Science on Energy Saving & Emission Reduction were held at the Science Hall of Zone B of Chongqing University. At 8:30 a.m., the opening ceremony officially began after the southwest characteristic art show "Face Changing of Sichuan Opera", which was performed by the student association of Chongqing University.

Professor Zhang Zongyi, president of Chongqing University, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Chongqing University. President Zhang would like to extend his sincere welcome to all the leading experts and the participating teachers and students. He said that with the school tenet of "researching academic, cultivating talents, inspiring the township and guiding the society", Chongqing University is guided by the national needs, dedicating itself to the development of the times, and actively playing the role of leading innovation and serving the development of the two first-class key universities. Chongqing University is honored to be the organizer of the 13th National University Student Social Practice and Science on Energy Saving & Emission Reduction. We hope to further learn from the advanced experience of other colleges and universities, deep cooperation, and make greater contributions to promote the national ecological civilization construction and serving the high-quality economic and social development.


On behalf of MCC, Mr. Li Zhi, deputy general manager of MCC Saidi Engineering & Technology Co., LTD., chairman and general manager of Chongqing Saidi Environmental Engineering & Technology Co., LTD., expressed his heartfelt thanks to the competition Committee and the organizer Chongqing University. He introduced the Chongqing sadie thermal environmental engineering technology co., LTD., said the company as a commitment to the cause of state-owned enterprises always practice of energy conservation and environmental protection development philosophy "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.". The company is willing to work with the national university teachers and students with a deep and comprehensive green energy-saving technology innovation, aging liability for industry progress, and creating a green future.


Professor Zhang Xinxin, former president of Beijing University of Science and Technolog, delivered the opening speech. Professor Zhang introduced the development of the National University Student Social Practice and Science on Energy Saving & Emission Reduction on energy conservation and emission reduction as well as the participation of this competition, and said that the number of colleges and universities participating in this competition and the number of entries submitted had reached a record high. He noted that the novel coronavirus contest was accidentally joined by a novel coronavirus and successfully completed with all efforts to overcome the virus epidemic. All the finalists were displayed in the cloud gallery. He hopes that all students, teachers, experts, peers and friends who care about and support the cause of energy conservation and emission reduction, love what you love, do what you do, listen to your heart, be fearless and ask no questions. Finally, he pointed out that the 13th National University Student Social Practice and Science on Energy Saving & Emission Reduction will be a success.

Chen Guanghai, member of the education work committee of Chongqing municipal party committee and head of the discipline inspection and supervision group of Chongqing municipal education commission. He said that Chongqing is a city that plays an important strategic supporting role in the national regional development and deepening the opening-up process. Chongqing University is the leader of higher education in Chongqing and plays a positive role in the economic and social development of Chongqing. Chongqing university to undertake this competition, this is all energy power steering committee and the Ministry of Education in colleges and universities in Chongqing University and the trust of the Chongqing city board of education, the municipal education commission will in all aspects to give support in Chongqing University, believe that Chongqing University has actual strength also has the conditions to do well in the competition, finally he wished the contest a complete success.


Professor Zhang Xinxin, Professor Luo Zhongyang, Professor Liao Ruijin, Professor Wang Ruzhu, Mr. Li Zhi and Mr. Chen Guanghai jointly launched the contest after the admission of the contest flag, the flag of the participating universities and the sponsor of Chongqing University, declaring the final officially open.

After the opening ceremony, the participants took a group photo in front of the Science Hall of Zone B of Chongqing University.


A total of 427 colleges and universities have signed up for this competition, and submitted 4,138 valid works. The number of participants exceeds 22,000, which is a record high. After expert network review and expert consultation, 672 works were awarded the third prize in the 13th National University Student Social Practice and Science on Energy Saving & Emission Reduction , and 219 works entered the finals.

Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, the final of this competition adopts the combination of online and offline methods. The evaluation experts adopt the offline method of evaluation, the contestants adopt the online defense method, and the entries will be displayed in the cloud exhibition hall. In the next three days in the final, from Tsinghua University, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology University, Southeast University, and other 112 colleges and universities, took the final selection of themes, competing for the grand prize, first prize, second prize, and organization and other awards.

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