Prof. Mingquan He
Office:Room LE519, Science Building, Campus D, Chongqing University
2010-2014: Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
2006-2010: Bachelor of Science in Physics, Chongqing University, China
Academic Experiences
2018-Present: Associate Professor, Chongqing University, China
2015-2018: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Solid State Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
2014-2015: Postdoctoral Fellow, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
Research Interests
Mingquan He’s group is focusing on the quantum phenomenon of strong correlated materials under extreme conditions(low temperature and strong magnetic fields) by means of electrical and thermal transport, thermal-expansion, magnetostriction, specific heat, magnetization and point-contact spectroscopy. Current ongoing research covers the following topics:
- Unconventional Superconductors-high temperature, topological, heavy fermion superconductors, etc.
- Quantum Spin liquids
- 2D Materials
Selective Publications
arXiv e-print
Xinrun Mi, Yecheng Jing, Kunya Yang, Yuhan Gan, Aifeng Wang, Yisheng Chai, andMingquan He,Relevance of sample geometry on the in-plane anisotropy of SrxBi2Se3superconductor,arXiv:2110.14447 (2021).
Kunya Yang, Hong Wu, Zefang Li, Chen Ran, Xiao Wang, Fengfeng Zhu, Xiangnan Gong, Yan Liu, Guiwen Wang, Long Zhang, Xinrun Mi, Aifeng Wang, Yisheng Chai, Yixi Su, Wenhong Wang,Mingquan He, Xiaolong Yang, and Xiaoyuan Zhou,Spin-Phonon Scattering-Induced Low Thermal Conductivity in a van der Waals Layered Ferromagnet Cr2Si2Te6,Adv. Funct. Mater. 33, 2302191 (2023).
Chen Ran, Xinrun Mi, Junying Shen, Honghui Wang, Kunya Yang, Yan Liu, Guiwen Wang, Guoyu Wang, Youguo Shi, Aifeng Wang, Yisheng Chai, Xiaolong Yang,Mingquan He, Xin Tong, and Xiaoyuan Zhou,Anomalous Nernst effect and topological Nernst effect in the ferrimagnetic nodal-line semiconductor Mn3Si2Te6,Phys. Rev. B 108, 125103 (2023).
Xintong Chen, Xiangqi Liu, Wei Xia, Xinrun Mi, Luyao Zhong, Kunya Yang, Long Zhang, Yuhan Gan, Yan Liu, Guiwen Wang, Aifeng Wang, Yisheng Chai, Junying Shen, Xiaolong Yang, Yanfeng Guo, andMingquan He,Electrical and thermal transport properties of the kagome metals ATi3Bi5(A = Rb, Cs),Phys. Rev. B 107, 174510 (2023).
Kunya Yang, Wei Xia, Xinrun Mi, Long Zhang, Yuhan Gan, Aifeng Wang, Yisheng Chai, Xiaoyuan Zhou, Xiaolong Yang, Yanfeng Guo, andMingquan He,Charge fluctuations above TCDWrevealed by glasslike thermal transport in kagome metals AV3Sb5(A = K, Rb, Cs),Phys. Rev. B 107, 184506 (2023).
Xinrun Mi, Wei Xia, Long Zhang, Yuhan Gan, Kunya Yang, Aifeng Wang, Yisheng Chai, Yanfeng Guo, Xiaoyuan Zhou, andMingquan He,Multiband effects in thermoelectric and electrical transport properties of kagome superconductors AV3Sb5(A = K, Rb, Cs),New J. Phys. 24 093021 (2022).
Yuhan Gan, Wei Xia, Long Zhang, Kunya Yang, Xinrun Mi, Aifeng Wang, Yisheng Chai, Yanfeng Guo, Xiaoyuan Zhou, andMingquan He,Magneto-Seebeck effect and ambipolar Nernst effect in CsV3Sb5superconductor,Phys. Rev. B 104, L180508 (2021).
Xinrun Mi, Xiao Wang, Hengrui Gui, Maocai Pi, Tingting Zheng, Kunya Yang, Yuhan Gan, Peipei Wang, Alei Li, Aifeng Wang, Liyuan Zhang, Yixi Su, Yisheng Chai, and,Mingquan He,Stacking faults in α-RuCl3revealed by local electric polarization,Phys. Rev. B 103, 174413 (2021).
Jing Wan, Xiao Gu, Peiyuan Ji, Jien Li, Junlin Lu, Shuang Luo, Bangxing Li, Li Huang,Mingquan Heand Chenguo Hu ,Ion storage mechanism of MnO2as supercapacitor cathode in multi-ion aqueous electrolyte: Experimental and theoretical analysis,Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 163901 (2021).
Peipei Wang, Chang-woo Cho, Fangdong Tang, Peng Wang, Wenjie Zhang,Mingquan He, Genda Gu, Xiaosong Wu, Yonghong Shao, and Liyuan Zhang,Giant Nernst effect and field-enhanced transversal zNT in ZrTe5,Phys. Rev. B 103, 045203 (2021).
Fangdong Tang, Peipei Wang,Mingquan He, Masahiko Isobe, Genda Gu, Qiang Li, Liyuan Zhang, and Jurgen H. Smet,Two-Dimensional Quantum Hall Effect and Zero Energy State in Few-Layer ZrTe5,Nano Lett. 21, 5998 (2021).
- Liran Wang,Mingquan He, Frédéric Hardy, Dai Aoki, Kristin Willa, Jacques Flouquet, and Christoph Meingast,Electronic Nematicity in URu2Si2Revisited,Physical Review Letters 124, 257601 (2020).
- Frédéric Hardy,Mingquan He, Liran Wang, Thomas Wolf, Peter Schweiss, Michael Merz, Maik Barth, Peter Adelmann, Robert Eder, Amir-Abbas Haghighirad, and Christoph Meingast,Calorimetric evidence of nodal gaps in the nematic superconductor FeSe,Physical Review B 99, 035157 (2019).
Liran Wang,Mingquan He, Frédéric Hardy, Peter Adelmann, Thomas Wolf, Michael Merz, Peter Schweiss and Christoph Meingast,Large nematic susceptibility in the re-entrant C4 magnetic phase of Ba1-xNaxFe2As2,Physical Review B 97, 224518 (2018).
M. Yi, A. Frano, D. H. Lu, Y. He, M. Wang, B. Frandsen, A. F. Kemper, Y. Rong, Q. Si, L. Wang,Mingquan He, F. Hardy, P. Schweiss, P. Adelmann, T. Wolf, M. Hashimoto, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, M. Le Tacon, C. S. Nelson, A. E. Böhmer, D.-H. Lee, Z.-X. Shen, C. Meingast, and R. J. Birgeneau,Spectral Evidence for Emergent Order in Ba1-xNaxFe2As2,Physical Review Letters 121, 127001 (2018).
- Mingquan He, Xiao Wang, Liran Wang, Frédéric Hardy, Thomas Wolf, Peter Adelmann, Yixi Su and Christoph Meingast,Uniaxial and hydrostatic pressure effects in α-RuCl3single crystals via thermal-expansion measurements,Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 385702 (2018).
- Mingquan He, Liran Wang, Frédéric Hardy, Liping Xu, Thomas Wolf, Peter Adelmann, and Christoph Meingast,Evidence for short-range magnetic order in the nematic phase of FeSe from anisotropic in-plane magnetostriction and susceptibility measurements,Physical Review B 97, 104107 (2018).
- Mingquan He, Liran Wang, Felix Ahn, Frédéric Hardy, Thomas Wolf, Peter Adelmann, Jörg Schmalian, Ilya Eremin, and Christoph Meingast,Dichotomy between in-plane magnetic susceptibility and resistivity anisotropies in extremely strained BaFe2As2,Nature Communications 8, 504(2017).
- Mingquan He, Q. L. He, J. Y. Shen, Y. Zheng, C. H. Wong, Q. H. Chen, J. N. Wang, K. T. Law, I. K. Sou, A. P. Petrovic, R. Lortz,Pseudogap and proximity effect in the Bi2Te3/Fe1+yTe interfacial superconductor,Scientific Reports 6,32508(2016).
- Mingquan He, Dian Shi, Pok Lam Tse, Chi Ho Wong, Oliver Wybranski, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Wolfgang Scherer, Ping Sheng, and Rolf Lortz,1D to 3D Dimensional Crossover in the Superconducting Transition of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Carbide Superconductor Sc3CoC4,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 075702(2015).
- Qing Lin He,Mingquan He, Junying Shen, Ying Hoi Lai, Yi Liu, Hongchao Liu, Hongtao He, Gan Wang, Jiannong Wang, Rolf Lortz and Iam Keong Sou,Anisotropic magnetic responses of a 2D-superconducting Bi2Te3/FeTe heterostructure,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 345701(2015).
- Qing Lin He, Hongchao Liu,Mingquan He, Ying Hoi Lai, Hongtao He, Gan Wang, Kam Tuen Law, Rolf Lortz, Jian-Nong Wang and Iam Keong Sou,Two-dimensional superconductivity at the interface of a Bi2Te3/FeTe heterostructure,Nature Communications 5, 4247 (2014).
- Mingquan He, Chi Ho Wong, Pok Lam Tse, Yuan Zheng, Haijing Zhang, Frank L. Y. Lam, Ping Sheng, Xijun Hu and Rolf Lortz,“Giant” enhancement of the upper critical field and superconducting fluctuations above the bulk Tc in superconducting ultra-thin Pb nanowire arrays,ACS Nano 7, 4187 (2013).