The2021 Symposium on “Quantum Materials and Devices”will be held onApril 16-18, 2021at Chongqing University. The symposium will bring together leading scientists in China from the fields of condensed matter physics, functional materials and devices, and share the latest developments across the specialized disciplines. The symposium will feature over 40 invited talks covering superconductivity, magnetism, topology, multiferroics, thermoelectric and spintronics. We wish to establish an international platform which holds meeting on quantum materials and devices annually.
Dates:April 16 to 18, 2021
Location:Room 1F-9, Huxi Campus Library, Chongqing University
President:Xianhui Chen (陈仙辉)
Organizing Committee:Yang Sun (孙阳), Xiaoyuan Zhou (周小元), Huan Wang (黄欢)
Organizers:Center of Quantum Materials and Devices, Chongqing University
Wiley Publishing Group
Institute of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Chongqing University
College of Physics, Chongqing University
Analytical and Testing Center, Chongqing University
Xiaoyuan Zhou (周小元) Phone: +86 13594642868,
Mingquan He (何明全) Phone: +86 17823616402,
Date |
Content |
April 16th |
All day |
12:00-22:00 |
Registration |
Reception Dinner |
location:Holiday Inn Chongqing University Town |
April 17th |
09:00-12:00 |
13:30-17:30 |
Opening Ceremony Invited Talks |
Invited Talks |
location:Room 1F-9, Huxi Campus Library, Chongqing University |
April 18th |
09:00-12:00 |
13:30-17:30 |
Invited Talks |
Location:Room 1F-9, Huxi Campus Library, Chongqing University |
Name |
Institute |
Name |
Institute |
陈立东 Chen Lidong |
中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 Shanghai Institute of Ceramics CAS |
陈少平 Chen Shaoping |
太原理工大学 Taiyuan University of Technology |
陈廷勇 Chen Tingyong |
南方科技大学 Southern University of Science and Technology |
邓意达 Deng Yida |
海南大学 Hainan University |
付晨光 Fu Chenguang |
浙江大学 Zhejiang University |
韩晓东 Han Xiaodong |
北京工业大学 Beijing Institute of Technology |
韩秀峰 Han Xiufeng |
中国科学院物理研究所 Institute of Physics CAS |
侯仰龙 Hou Yanglong |
北京大学 Peking University |
贾金峰 Jia Jinfeng |
上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiaotong University |
蒋青 Jiang Qing |
吉林大学 Jilin University |
姜勇 Jiang Yong |
天津工业大学 Tiangong University |
李润伟 Li Runwei |
中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所 Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology&Engineering CAS |
李世燕 Li Shiyan |
复旦大学 Fudan University |
李晓光 Li Xiaoguang |
中国科学技术大学 University of Science and Technology of China |
刘俊明 Liu Junming |
南京大学 Nanjing University |
刘明 Liu Ming |
西安交通大学 Xi'an Jiaotong University |
刘生忠 Liu Shengzhong |
陕西师范大学 Shaanxi Normal University |
柳伟 Liu Wei |
武汉理工大学 Wuhan University of Technology |
刘伍明 Liu Wuming |
中国科学院物理研究所 Institute of Physics CAS |
刘正猷 Liu Zhengyu |
武汉大学 Wuhan University |
彭栋梁 Peng Dongliang |
厦门大学 Xiamen University |
钱天 Qian Tian |
中国科学院物理研究所 Institute of Physics CAS |
乔梁 Qiao Liang |
电子科技大学 University Of Electronic Science And Technology Of China |
沈健 Shen Jian |
复旦大学 Fudan University |
史迅 Shi Xun |
中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 Shanghai Institute of Ceramics CAS |
苏贤礼 Su Xianli |
武汉理工大学 Wuhan University of Technology |
隋解和 Sui Xiehe |
哈尔滨工业大学 Harbin Institute of Technology |
唐新峰 Tang Xinfeng |
武汉理工大学 Wuhan University of Technology |
万贤纲 Wan Xian Gang |
南京大学 Nanjing University |
王健 Wang Jian |
北京大学 Peking University |
王守国 Wang Shouguo |
北京科技大学 University of Science and Technology Beijing |
闻海虎 Wen Haihu |
南京大学 Nanjing University |
吴镝 Wu Dy |
南京大学 Nanjing University |
武晓雷 Wu Xiaolei |
中国科学院力学研究所 Institute of Mechanics CAS |
谢燕武 Xie Yanwu |
浙江大学 Zhejiang University |
姚裕贵 Yao Yugui |
北京理工大学 Beijing Institute Of Technology |
于浦 Yu Pu |
清华大学 Tsinghua University |
袁辉球 Yuan Huiqiu |
浙江大学 Zhejiang University |
张久兴 Zhang Jiuxing |
合肥工业大学 Hefei University of Technology |
张远波 Zhang Yuanbo |
复旦大学 Fudan University |
赵立东 Zhao Lidong |
北京航空航天大学 Beihang University |
赵文俞 Zhao Wenyu |
武汉理工大学 Wuhan University of Technology |
赵新兵 Zhao Xinbing |
浙江大学 Zhejiang University |
周兴江 Zhou Xingjiang |
中国科学院物理研究所 Institute of Physics CAS |
朱铁军 Zhu Tiejun |
浙江大学 Zhejiang University |