Dean’s Welcome

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Welcome to the CQMD!

Release time: 21:16, May 11, 2020

Extremely fascinating physics happens in quantum materials, which exhibit macroscopic quantum phenomena such as superconductivity and quantum Hall effect, etc. Things become more intriguing whenthe interplay between topology, strong correlations and dimensionality comes into play. Consequently, novel phases of matter including high-temperature superconductivity, fractional quantum Hall states, quantum spin liquids, etc., could emerge.

The Center of Quantum Materials and Devices (CQMD) is launched in 2019 at Chongqing University, China. It seeks to develop an international, multidisciplinary and world-leading research platform that performs fundamental studies on quantum materials. We focus on the investigation of the interplay between topology, strong correlations and dimensionality of quantum materials. Exploration of possible device applications based on these quantum materials is our ultimate goal.
