Harmonizing Molecular Vibrations: Breakthrough Technique Disentangles Overlapping Modes
Edit Time:2024-03-05 View:

In the realm of molecular spectroscopy, identifying and characterizing molecules based on their vibrational modes is crucial. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy, a powerful technique, allows us to probe molecular vibrations by analyzing their absorption of IR light. However, when dealing with complex mixtures or closely related molecules, distinguishing between overlapping vibrational bands becomes a formidable challenge. Imagine trying to pick out individual voices in a choir where everyone sings in harmony—it's akin to deciphering molecular melodies.

Prof. Xiaojing Mureports inNature Communicationsthat they succeeded in disentangling the overlapping vibrations in a glucose enzymatic reaction and track the bond-breaking-bond-making events along the reaction path, by developing a surface plasmon-phonon polariton platform. They also combined their technique with deep neural network algorithms to achieve a 92% identification accuracy for the overlapping modes. This breakthrough is not just about unraveling molecular mysteries. It opens doors to:

  • Ultrasensitive Sensing:Imagine detecting minute quantities of specific molecules with unprecedented precision.

  • Biomedical Applications:From cancer diagnostics to drug development, this technique promises new avenues.

  • Environmental Monitoring:Identifying pollutants or trace compounds becomes more feasible.

For more information about this research, see Dynamic Construction of Refractive Index-Dependent Vibrations Using Surface Plasmon-Phonon Polaritons,Nature Communications, 14, 7316, 2023.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43127-z

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