Optical Engineering
Edit Time:2019-07-11 View:

Optical engineering is the scientific study of the generation, transmission and control of photons (optical switching, amplification, modulation, conversion, multiplexing, confinement and oscillation, etc.), detection, display, storage and their interaction with matter (photons themselves, electrons, atoms, molecules, excitons, polarons, etc). While the traditional optical system is increasingly intelligent and automated, the application of optics in space exploration, the research of micro-optical systems integrating sensing, processing and execution functions and the research on the role of photonics technology in information science will become a major trend of optical engineering disciplines in the future.

The postgraduate training of this subject is based on the first-level discipline of optical engineering of Chongqing University. Besides strong faculty, the school owns research facilities such as Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology and Systems of the Ministry of Education of China, Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science of Micro/Nano-Device and System Technology for National Defense, etc. It’s capable of cultivating all types of talents varying from the master to the doctor.

The main research directions of the optical engineering discipline are:

A. Optoelectronic imaging measurement technology and image processing. It mainly studies and solves the basic theories and common key technologies of optical imaging, image processing as well as the acquisition and transmission of optoelectronic information under special conditions, extreme environment and micro/nano scale resolution.

B. Optical fiber sensing and fiber photonics. Focusing on the practical requirements of fiber laser source, fiber optical function device and distributed fiber optical sensing, the basic research and basic application research of optical laws and characteristics of all-fiber devices at the traditional and mesoscopic scale are carried out.

C. Micro/nano photons and optoelectronic materials and devices. They are mainly around the interaction phenomena and mechanism of light and various new nanomaterials, nanostructures, etc., aiming at the optoelectronic properties of nanomaterials and key technologies of optoelectronic/electro-optical conversion, facing the new generation of photon functions based on nano-optical structures.

Copyrights © 2019 Colllege of Optoelectronic Engineering - Chongqing University
Tel: 0086-23-65102964 Email: iso@cqu.edu.cn
Address: No.174 Shazheng St., Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400044 China
