Optoelectric Information Science and Engineering
Edit Time:2019-07-11 View:

The school of Optoelectronics Engineering promoted the idea of multidisciplinary, including optics, mechanics, electronics and computer engineering at its establishment. The Optoelectronics Technology and System Open Laboratory (Ministry of Education) and the Optoelectronics Technology and System Key Laboratory (Ministry of Education) were established in 1992 and 1998 respectively. In 2000, the school acquired the First Level Disciplines Authorized to Offer Doctorate Degree. In the same year, we start admitted undergraduate students majored in information engineering (optoelectronics information engineering). The major offers students fundamental theories in information science and technology, training in analyzing and designing information systems, building up the basic capability in information system design, development and integration. With the fast development of new technology in information industry, light becomes the major information carrier, and there are growing demands for advanced professional personnel with background in information engineering, high quality. In 2006, the major name information engineering (optoelectronics information engineering) was changed to optoelectronics information engineering and it was changed again to optoelectronics information science and engineering in 2013.

The major of optoelectronics information science and engineering is supported by the Optoelectronics Technology and System Key Laboratory (Ministry of Education) and Industrial CT Nondestructive Testing Engineering Research Center (Ministry of Education). The major involves in following technique areas: (1) Optics/optoelectronic instruments, including structure design of optics, optoelectronic instruments and special optical instruments, such as military optic instruments, measurement optical instruments, physical optical instruments.(2) Photonics: including Laser technology, Imaging devices, Infrared technology, high-speed imaging, light emitting devices and short wavelength & X-ray optics. (3) Information optics: including optical information and image processing, imaging and pattern recognition, holographic, adaptive optics, optical communications, optical remote sensing, optical computation and target & transmission characteristic database. (4) Optical technology, including laser fabrication, lighting engineering, optical materials and film, lithography and micro-optics. (5) Interdisciplinary: including interaction between light and materials, novel optoelectronic materials, bio-medical optics, and so on.

Copyrights © 2019 Colllege of Optoelectronic Engineering - Chongqing University
Tel: 0086-23-65102964 Email: iso@cqu.edu.cn
Address: No.174 Shazheng St., Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400044 China
