Measuring and Control Technology and Instrument
Edit Time:2019-07-11 View:

Measuring and Control Technology and Instrument specialty, the so-called multiplier of industrial production which involves computer technology, micro-electronic technique, sensor technology, information technology and precision machinery technology, is developing towards intelligence, integration, miniaturization and networking. Technology in this specialty is widely used in various aspects of modern industry and scientific research, such as information, energy, material, aerospace, life science, environmental monitoring and military research and so on. A lot of talents in this specialty are urgent needed because of the great progress in industry.

Measuring and Control Technology and Instrument specialty of Chongqing University is an important talent training base of instrument science. Now it has been national characteristic specialty with the main purpose of cultivating talents in related fields. To broaden the research of this specialty and narrow the gap with international education, depending on the new undergraduate major catalog enacted by the ministry of education in 1998, “precise instruments” is renamed as “measurement and control technology and instrument” in 2000, which now relies on the first-level discipline of instrument science and technology and enrolls 120 undergraduates each year. Through the construction of the "985" and "211" project, the specialty depends on the solid discipline advantage of Chongqing University, focuses on the discipline construction, and takes social demand as the guidance. It forms a pattern that discipline construction promotes undergraduate specialty construction. Measuring and Control Technology and Instrument specialty emphasizes the advantage of cross subject. It enhances undergraduate specialty construction with reasonable structure, covering the fields of optical, mechanical, electrical, and computer, etc. With strong faculty, talents from bachelor to doctor in this field are cultivated, who are able to take research and design jobs in manufacture, electronics, instrumentation, information, communication, computer science, energy, finance, education, science research and so on. The training goal of this specialty is to cultivate undergraduate who have solid theoretical foundation and broad professional knowledge, understand the development of this field, have strict truth-seeking scientific attitude and is capable of working on product design and manufacturing, scientific research, application research and enterprise management involved in this field, such as computer application, information acquisition and processing, intelligent instrument, test and control and so on.

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Address: No.174 Shazheng St., Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400044 China
