About COE

The College of Optoelectronic Engineering (COE) is one of the most prestigious in Chongqing University. COE was established in 1999 and is composed of the Department of Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument, the Department of Optoelectric Information Science and Engineering and the Department of Electronic Science and Technology. The Measurement and Control Technology Specialty is a National Characteristic Specialty and got the Washington Accord Accredited in 2015.

COE owns the Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology & System (Ministry of Education), the National Center for International Research of Micro/Nano-System and New Material Technology and the Indusial Computed Tomography Research Center. The college has Instrumental Science and Technology (IST) and Optical Engineering (OE) doctoral program, among which IST is a top five specialties in China. The college also has an academic master's degree program in Microelectronics and Solid-state Electronics and professional master's degree programs in Instrument and Optical Engineering.

Currently, there are more than 1100 undergraduate students, 350 postgraduate students and 130 doctoral students studying in the COE. COE now has 37 professors and 36 associated professors, including Chinese Academy of Engineering academicians, member of Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, members supported by the National Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, member of National Special Support Program for High-level Personnel recruitment and members supported by Hundred Talents Program of Chongqing University.

COE has always attached importance to international academic exchange and encouraged teachers to participate international academic congress or symposium, and has established long-term cooperative research and exchange relations with the academic institutions of such as USA, German, Japan, UK, Singapore and Nederland etc.

The college will uphold the COE spirit of "Solidarity, Diligence, Struggle and Scale New Heights" and adhere to the educational philosophy of "Humanity, Openness, Wisdom and Excellence". With a global vision and international standards, the college trains world-class innovation and entrepreneurship talents, carries out high-level academic research oriented to the international frontier, and leads the development direction of science, technology and culture.

We sincerely welcome young talents who are interested in photoelectric engineering to join us and make more outstanding contributions to the civilization and progress of the world.

Copyrights © 2019 Colllege of Optoelectronic Engineering - Chongqing University
Tel: 0086-23-65102964 Email: iso@cqu.edu.cn
Address: No.174 Shazheng St., Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400044 China
