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张志刚,男,山东省聊城人。博士,副教授,博士生导师。入选2022年度全球前2%年度影响力顶尖科学家;2016年于东南大学获得博士学位,2013.09-2015.09在美国密歇根大学学习交流两年,师从于ECC材料(一种可弯曲的混凝土)发明人Victor C. Li教授;主要研究方向为高延性水泥基复合材料(ECC)及其结构行为。目前已在国内外期刊上发表论文近60余篇,其中40余篇(一作或通讯作者)被SCI收录;作为 负责人 主持承担 2 项国家自然科学基金项目;1项十四五国家重点研发计划子课题;2 项省部级项目;2 项土木行业内重点实验室开放课题。
2020.09至今 重庆大学 土木工程学院 副教授、博士生导师
2016.09-2020.08 重庆大学 土木工程学院 讲师
2021.08-2022.10 华盛顿州立大学 (Washington State University, US) 博士后研究员 (Posdoctoral Research Associate)
2019.04-2020.03 沙迦美国大学 (American University of Sharjah, UAE) 博士后研究员 (Postdoctoral Researcher)
2018.02-2019.02 新加坡南洋理工大学 (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) 研究员 (Research Fellow)
2010.09-2016.06 东南大学 交通运输工程 硕博连读
2013.09-2015.09 美国密歇根大学 (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) 联合培养博士生
2006.09-2010.07 重庆交通大学 土木工程 本科

(1) 高延性水泥基材料(ECC)的多尺度设计;
(2) ECC的自修复行为;
(3) 高性能材料与新型组合结构;
(4) 新型桥梁与路面材料及其应用技术;
(5) 新型桥梁与路面结构组成设计新技术;


1. 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家;
2. SCI 学术期刊 Frontiers in Materials 编委;
3. SCI 学术期刊 Advances in Civil Engineering 编委;
4. SCI 学术期刊 Energies 编委;
5. SCI 学术期刊 Frontiers in Materials 客座主编;
6. SCI 学术期刊 Advances in Civil Engineering 客座主编;
7. 担任学术期刊审稿人:
Cement and Concrete Research; Cement & Concrete Composites; Composites: Part B-Engineering; Materials and Design; Construction and Building Materials; Journal of Cleaner Production; Smart Materials and Structures; Materials Characterizations; Biotechnology Journal; Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering; International Journal of Pavement Engineering; Journal of Composite Structures; Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering; Computers and Concrete; Journal of Renewable Materials.等

1. 2021-2024, 高强ECC受火(高温)后的残余力学性能、爆裂机理及其改善措施, 国家自然科学基金(面上)项目
2. 2018-2020, 无缝机场道面用高延性水泥基材料(ECC)的自愈合行为与机理研究,国家自然科学基金(青年)项目
3. 2019-2021, 高延性ECC机场道面加铺层的抗反射裂缝行为与机理研究,重庆市教委科学技术研究计划项目
4. 2018-2019, 东南大学混凝土及预应力混凝土结构教育部重点实验室开放课题
5. 2018-2019, 道路结构与材料交通行业重点实验室(北京)开放课题
10篇代表性学术论文(*corresponding author)
[1] Zhang Zhigang, Li Z, He J, Qian S, Shi Xianming*. Recycled mask polypropylene microfibers benefit tensile properties and prevent thermally induced spalling of high-strength engineered cementitious composite (HS-ECC). Journal of Cleaner Production. 2024, 3:142476.
[2] Zhang Zhigang, Li Z, He J, Shi XM*. High-strength engineered cementitious composites with nanosilica incorporated: Mechanical performance and autogenous self-healing behavior. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023,135: 104837.
[3] Zhang Zhigang, Liu J, Li J, Qin F, Di J*. Micromechanics-based analysis of PVA-ECC after thermal exposure. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2023) 23:213.
[4] Zhang Zhigang, S Liu, F Yang*, Y Weng, SZ Qian*. Sustainable high strength, high ductility engineered cementitious composites (ECC) with substitution of cement by rice husk ash. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 317, 128379.
[5] Zhang Zhigang*, Yang F, Liu J, Wang SP. Eco-friendly high strength, high ductility engineered cementitious composites (ECC) with substitution of fly ash by rice husk ash. Cement & Concrete Research, 2020, 137, 106200.
[6] Qin FJ, Zhang Zhigang*, Yin ZW, Di J, et al. Use of high strength, high ductility engineered cementitious composites (ECC) to enhance the flexural performance of reinforced concrete beam. Journal of Building Engineering. 2020, 32, 101746.
[7] Zhang Zhigang, Qin FJ, Ma H, Xu LJ. Tailoring an impact resistant engineered cementitious composite (ECC) by incorporation of crumb rubber. Construction and Building Materials, 2020. 262, 120116.
[8] Zhang Zhigang, Liu JC, Xu X, Yuan LQ. Effect of sub-elevated temperature on mechanical properties of ECC with different fly ash contents. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 262, 120096.
[9] Zhang Zhigang*, Zhang Qian, Victor C. Li. Multiple-scale Investigations on Self-healing Induced Mechanical Property Recovery of ECC, Cement & Concrete Composites, 2019, 103: 293-302.
[10] Zhang Zhigang*, Zhang Qian, Matrix Tailoring of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) with non-oil-coated, low tensile strength PVA fiber, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 161: 420-431.

-招收 桥梁工程、结构工程 与 道路工程 专业博士与硕士研究生;
欢迎有土木工程专业 或 材料专业相关背景的考生报考。

