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(1) Yongqiang Liu, Fang Liu, Miaocheng Weng, Obadi Imad, Pengqiang Geng, Research on thermal-driven smoke control by using smoke curtains during a subway platform fire, International Journal of Thermal Sciences,172(2022), 107255.
(2) Fei Wang, Miaocheng Weng*, Jiaqiang Han, Obadi Imad, Fang Liu, Effect of metro train on the critical driving force for preventing smoke back‐layering in tunnel fires, Fire and Materials, 2021,1-16.
(3) Jiaqiang Han, Fei Wang, Zihao Wang, Pengqiang Geng, Fang Liu, Miaocheng Weng*, Experimental investigation on the fire and thermal smoke spread in tunnels: Effects of fire elevation, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 118(2021),104192.
(4) Jiaqiang Han, Pengqiang Geng, Zihao Wang, Fei Wang, Miaocheng Weng*, Fang Liu, Effects of fire-blockage distance on pool fire burning behavior and thermal temperature profiles in a naturally ventilated tunnel, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 117(2021), 104131.
(5) Shengzhong Zhao, Haoran Yang, Chaorui Li, Obadi Imad, Fei Wang, Wenjun Lei, Tiantian Xu, Miaocheng Weng*, Numerical investigation on fire-induced indoor and outdoor air pollutant dispersion in an idealized urban street canyon, Building Simulation, 15(2022), 597–614.
(6) Fang Liu; Jiaqiang Han, Fei Wang, Zihao Wang, Miaocheng Weng*, Experimental study on the temperature profiles in a naturally ventilated metro tunnel with a transverse cross-passage, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 116(2021), 104094.
(7) Jiaqiang Han, Fang Liu; Fei Wang, Miaocheng Weng*, Shujiang Liao, Full-scale experimental investigation on smoke spreading and thermal characteristic in a transversely ventilated urban traffic link tunnel, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 170(2021), 107130.
(8) Fei Wang, Fang Liu, Obadi Imad, Miaocheng Weng*, Study on the smoke propagation characteristics of metro tunnel fire under the effects of piston wind, Indoor and Built Environment, 2021,1-21.
(9) Zihao Wang, Jiaqiang Han, Jun Wang, Pengqiang Geng, Miaocheng Weng*, Fang Liu, Temperature distribution in a blocked tunnel with one closed portal under natural ventilation, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 109(2021), 103752.
(10) Shengzhong Zhao, Lin Xu, Imad Obadi, Fei Wang, Fang Liu, Miaocheng Weng*, Plug-Holing Height and Complete Plug-Holing Phenomenon in Naturally Ventilated Tunnel Fires with Vertical Shaft, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 107(2021), 103631.
(11) Fei Wang, Fang Liu, Jiaqiang Han, Hongpan Jin, Miaocheng Weng*, and Zhen Zeng, Study on the Train-Induced Unsteady Airflow in a Metro Tunnel with Multi-Trains, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 106(2020), 103565.
(12) Fang Liu, Yongqiang Liu, Kang Xiong, Miaocheng Weng*, Jun Wang, Experimental and numerical study on the smoke movement and smoke control strategy in a hub station fire. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 96(2020), 103177.
(13) Miaocheng Weng, Imad Obadi, Fei Wang, Fang Liu, Chunhui Liao, Optimal Distance Between Jet Fans Used to Extinguish Metropolitan Tunnel Fires: A Case Study Using Fire Dynamic Simulator Modeling, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 95(2020), 103116.
(14) Han Jiaqiang, Fang Liu, Fei Wang, Miaocheng Weng, Jun Wang, Study on the smoke movement and downstream temperature distribution in a slopping tunnel with one closed portal. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 149(2020), 106165.
(15) Shengzhong Zhao, Fang Liu, Jun Wang, Obadi Imad, Miaocheng Weng, Tiantian Xu, Experimental investigation on fire smoke bifurcation flow in longitudinal ventilated tunnels, Fire and Materials, 44(2020).
(16) Longxing Yu, Fang Liu, Tarek Beji, Miaocheng Weng, Bart Merci, Experimental study of the effectiveness of air curtains of variable width and injection angle to block fire-induced smoke in a tunnel configuration, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 134:13-26.
(17) Zhen Zeng, Kang Xiong, Xinling Lu, Miaocheng Weng, Fang Liu, Study on the smoke stratification length under longitudinal ventilation in tunnel fires, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 132:285-295.
(18) Shengzhong Zhao, Fang Liu, Fei Wang, Miaocheng Weng, Zhen Zeng, A numerical study on smoke movement in a metro tunnel with a non-axisymmetric cross-section, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 73:187-202.
(19) Shengzhong Zhao, Fang Liu, Fei Wang, Miaocheng Weng, Experimental studies on fire-induced temperature distribution below ceiling in a longitudinal ventilated metro tunnel, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018,72:281-293.
(20) Longxing Yu, Fang Liu, Yongqiang Liu, Miaocheng Weng, Shujiang Liao, Experimental study on thermal and smoke control using transverse ventilation in a sloping urban traffic link tunnel fire, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 71:81-93.
(21) Longxing Yu, Tarek Beji, Georgios Maragkos, Bart Merci, Fang Liu, Miaocheng Weng, Assessment of numerical simulation capabilities of the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS 6) for planar air curtain flows, Fire Technology, 2018,54:583-612.
(22) Longxing Yu, Tarek Beji, Fang Liu, Miaocheng Weng, Bart Merci, Analysis of FDS 6 Simulation Results for Planar Air Curtain Related Flows from Straight Rectangular Ducts, Fire Technology, 2018,54:419-435.
(23) Fang Liu, Shengzhong Zhao, Miaocheng Weng, Yongqiang Liu. Fire risk assessment for large-scale commercial buildings based on structure entropy weight method, Safety Science, 2017, 94:26-40.
(28) 翁庙成,孙祥,林昊宇,刘宇,地铁区间隧道烟气层化现象研究,安全与环境学报,2018,18(3): 930-934. CSCD
(29) 廖曙江,林昊宇,翁庙成*,闫晓俊,李乐,城市地下交通联系隧道烟气控制探讨,安全与环境学报,2017,17(2): 546-552. CSCD
(1) 刘方,翁庙成;普通高等教育精品教材:《实验设计与数据处理》(第一版),重庆大学出版社,551千字,2021年。
(2) 刘方,翁庙成,廖曙江;普通高等学校建筑环境与能源应用工程系列教材:《建筑防火性能化设计》(第二版),重庆大学出版社,544千字,2020年。
(3) 刘方,翁庙成,龙天渝;普通高等教育精品教材:《CFD基础及应用》(第一版),重庆大学出版社,304千字,2015年。



