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2 论文:
[1]Lyu, Shan; Zhang, Shuhao; Huang, Xiaomei. Investigation and modeling of the LPG tank truck accident in Wenling, China. PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, 2021, 157.
[2]Sun, Mengxiao; Huang, Xiaomei; Lyu, Shan. Effects on the performance of domestic gas appliances operated on natural gas mixed with hydrogen. Energy, 2022, 244.
[3]Xiao-Mei Huang; Lian-Sen Xiong; Yong-Cai Li. Comparative investigation of performance of gas dryer and two other types of domestic clothes dryers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGIES, 2021, 16(2).
[4]潘耕裕,黄小美,孙梦晓,等.家用燃气灶甲烷排放特征研究. 煤气与热力,2021,41(11).
[5]Gao, Lanzhou; Peng, Shini; Huang, Xiaomei. A novel method for the identification of flame front's position on thermoacoustic coupling combustion oscillations. ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 2021, 9(10).
[6]潘耕裕,臧子璇,黄小美,等. 天然气掺氢输送与应用安全性研究综述. 煤气与热力,41(6), 2021.
[7]Sun, Mengxiao; Huang, Xiaomei; Zhao, Yi; Zhang. Design of a partially premixed burner for biogas-fired wall-mounted boiler. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGIES, 2021, 16.
[8]郑焱文,黄小美,龚智力,等. 埋地钢质燃气管网地铁杂散电流腐蚀防护模拟. 煤气与热力,2020,42(7):35-42.
[9]Zhang Pengyuan, Kang Yinhu, Huang Xiaomei.Comparative Study on the Dimethyl Ether Combustion Characteristics in Normal and Inverse Diffusion Spherical Flame Geometries, ACS OMEGA, 2020, 5(38):2454-24665
[10]Zhang Pengyuan, Kang Yinhu, Huang Xiaomei. Effects of H-2 Addition on Flammability Dynamics and Extinction Physics of Dimethyl Ether in Laminar Spherical Diffusion Flame, ACS OMEGA, 2020,5(34):21579-21592
[11]Zhang Pengyuan, Kang Yinhu, Huang Xiaomei.Study on effect of hydrogen addition on extinction dynamics of dimethyl ether spherical diffusion flame. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2020,35(19):11350-11367
[12]Zhang Shuhao, Ma Hongtao, Huang Xiaomei, Peng Shini. Numerical simulation on methane-hydrogen explosion in gas compartment in utility tunnel, 2020, 140:100-110.
[13] Gao Lanzhou, Peng Shini, Huang Xiaomei. A combined experimental and theoretical study of papain as a biological eco-friendly inhibitor for copper corrosion in H2SO4 medium, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 511
[14]Huang Xiao-mei, Zhao Yi, Liu Hui-qing. Simulation and Experimental Study on Drying Process of the Household Gas Clothes Dryer. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 2019, DOI: 10.1155/2019/1732197
[15]Xiaomei Huang, Mengxiao Sun , Yinhu Kang. Fireside Corrosion on Heat Exchanger Surfaces and Its Effect on the Performance of Gas-Fired Instantaneous Water Heaters, Energies 2019, 12(13), 2583; https://doi.org/10.3390/en12132583
[16]尹鑫林; 黄小美. 蓄冷式LNG冷藏车可行性分析,煤气与热力,39(4):17-21.
[17]谢依桐; 黄小美. LNG储存容器非稳态泄漏模型研究, 煤气与热力, 39(2):8-11.
[18]马向阳; 黄小美; 吴嫦. 天然气掺氢对家用燃气灶燃烧特性的影响研究, 可再生能源, 2018,36(12):1746-1751
[19]孙鱼铭; 黄小美; 向熹; 程洪. 家用燃气快速热水器低NO_x燃烧技术, 煤气与热力,2018,38(11), 42-45
[20]Zhou Yang, Huang Xiaomei, Peng Shini. Interrogating the effect of decentralized biogas injection on a natural gas network, Journal of Chongqing University(English Edition), 2018-09-15
[21]Zhou, Yang; Peng, Shini; Huang, Xiaomei. LNG-Air Mixture as a Supplementary Energy Injection into a Biogas Distribution Network, ENERGIES, 2017, 10(11): 1902
[22]Gong, Zhili; Peng, Shini; Huang, Xiaomei. Investigation the Corrosion Inhibition Effect of Itraconazole on Copper in H2SO4 at Different Temperatures: Combining Experimental and Theoretical Studies, MATERIALS, 2018, 11(11): 2107
[23]Yang Zhou, Xiaomei Huang, Shini Peng, Lin Li. Comparative study on the combustion characteristics of an atmospheric induction stove in the plateau and plain regions of China. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 111: 301-307
[24]X. Huang, S. Liu, W. Zhao, Ashish Shukla. Feasibility study on merging biogas into the natural gas pipe-network in China, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 35:7, 615-628, DOI: 10.1080/14786451.2014.923888
[25]夏军宝 黄小美 林智伟,等. 埋地燃气管道泄漏流量及扩散规律的实验研究,煤气与热力,2016,36(6)
[26]张迎旭 黄小美 王菲 徐德明. 燃气热水器换热器腐蚀产物分析及防腐措施,煤气与热力,2016,36(8)
[27]Xiaomei Huang, Shuli Liu, Ceming Zhang. Simulation of natural gas dispersion in a residential Kitchen. International Journal of Frontier in Technology, received.
[28]黄小美, 文凯, 周阳. 以天然气掺混沼气作为气源的燃气灶燃烧试验, 煤气与热力, 2016,36(7)
[29]黄小美, 张婧, 周阳. 街道燃气管道泄漏扩散的数值模拟分析, 煤气与热力, 2016,36(2)
[30]张汪强 黄小美 臧子璇. 沼气壁挂锅炉燃烧器的设计与实验研究. 工业加热,2015,(6)
[31]黄小美 刘晓赫 张婧. 沼气调峰用LNG混空装置的设计与测试. 化工学报,2015,S2
[32]Huang Xiaomei, Zhang Jing, Zhang Qiongya, Zhou Yang, Chen Jie. Study on leakage diffusion of the city gas pipeline: CFD simulation and experimental verification. ICPTT 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology, p 116-128, 2014
[33]王雪;黄小美;臧子璇. 中国油气资源供需形势及可持续发展建议[J]. 煤气与热力,2014,34(7)
[34]周阳;黄小美;彭世尼. 埋地钢质燃气管道腐蚀影响因素的相关性分析[J]. 煤气与热力,2014,34(10)
[35]X. Huang, S. Liu, W. Zhao, etc. Feasibility study on merging biogas into the natural gas pipe-network in China[J]. International Journal of Sustainable Energy,2014
[36]Zhang Ceming, Huang Xiaomei. A discussion on the development of LNG based on market concentration of natural gas consumption[C]. 2013 International Conference on Energy Research and Power Engineering, ERPE 2013
[37]武维胜,黄小美,臧子璇,陈亮. 埋地管道腐蚀检测与评价技术[J].煤气与热力,2012,32(10):37-41.
[38]赵伟,黄小美,谭顺民. 沼气混入天然气管网使用的可行性探讨[J]. 煤气与热力,2012,32(12):8-10.
[39]Huang Xiaomei, Liu Shuli, Liu Juan, Zang Zixuan. Theoretical analysis of the dispersion and hazardous range of natural gas pipeline leakage [J]. International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology 2012
[40]黄小美,郭杨华,彭世尼,等. 室内天然气泄漏扩散数值模拟及实验验证研究[J]. 中国安全科学学报,2012,22(4):1-4.
[41]Wang Xing-wei, Peng Shi-ni, Huang Xiao-mei. Research on simulation of the ring-like pipeline system of Natural Gas[C].Electric Technology and Civil Engineering (ICETCE), 2011 International Conference.
[42]Zhou Xiao-jing, Huang Xiao-mei, Peng Shi-ni, Wang Xin-wei. Study of compression factor of natural gas in superhigh pressure and multiple source networks [C]. 2011 International Conference on Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring,
[43]臧子璇,黄小美,陈贝. 燃气泄漏扩散模型及其应用. 煤气与热力,2011,31(6):A39-A42.
[44]黄小美,彭世尼,杨俊杰,等. 国内典型城市燃气管道失效调查与分析. 煤气与热力,2010,30(9):A26-A29
Huang Xiaomei , Peng Shini, Yang Junjie, et al. Investigation and analysis on failure of gas pipelines in typical domestic cities. 2010.9
[45]黄小美,李百战,彭世尼,等. 燃气管道失效概率评估方法研究.石油学报,2010,34(4):667-671
Huang Xiaomei, Li Baizhan, Peng Shini, et al. Study on failure probability assessment methods for gas pipelines. ACTA PETROLEI SINICA, 2010.7
[46]黄小美,彭世尼,张才华,等,燃气管道定量风险评价及其软件研制. 煤气与热力,2010,30(1):B24-B29
Huang Xiaomei , Peng Shini, Zhang Caihua, et al. Research and Development on Quantitative Risk Assessment and the Software for Gas Pipeline Systems Gas & Heat, 2010.1
[47]黄小美,彭世尼. .理地铜管土壤腐性检测与规律分析[J]. 土木建筑与环境工程,2009,31(S2):40-41
[48]黄小美,李百战,彭世尼,杨茂华. 基于事件树的燃气管道定量风险评价,煤气与热力,2009.4
Huang Xiaomei, Peng Shini, Li Baizhan, et al. A Quantitative Risk Assessment Method for Natural Gas Pipeline System in Cities Based on Event Tree Analysis Gas & Heat, 2009.4
[49]黄小美,彭世尼,王书淼,杨俊杰. 燃气管道失效与事故数据库的建立,煤气与热力,2009.1
Huang Xiaomei, Peng Shini, Wang Shumiao, et al. Design of failure and accident database for city gas pipelines. Gas & Heat, 2009.1
[50]黄小美,彭世尼,徐海东,杨茂华.燃气管道泄漏流量的计算.煤气与热力,2008.3, ppB11-B16.
Huang Xiaomei, Peng Shini , Xu Haidong, et al. Analysis and Discussion on Computation of Accidental Release on City Gas Pipeline Gas & Heat, 2008.3
[51]黄小美,李百战,彭世尼,张家兰.基于层次分析和模糊综合评价的管道风险评价,煤气与热力,2008.2, ppB13-B18.
Huang Xiaomei, Li Baizhan, Peng Shini, et al..Risk assessment of pipeline based on analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Gas &Heat, 2008.2
[52]黄小美,彭世尼,李百战,杨茂华.燃气管道失效的故障树与事件树相结合.重庆建筑大学学报,2006.12, pp99-101.
Huang Xiaomei, Peng Shini, Li Baizhan, et al Incorporating Fault Tree Analysis into Event Tree Analysis for Failure ofC ity Gas pipelines. Journal ofChongqing JianzhuUniversit, 2006.12
3 出版物及代表著作:
编号、承担的工作. 出版物名称. 出版单位. 出版时间.
2、主编.本科教材《燃气安全技术》(第三版),重庆大学出版社, 2015年;
3、参编. 《燃气输配工程学》,中国建筑工业出版社,2014年;
4 专利:
(3) 一种节能饮用开水器,实用新型,已获权
5 软件著作权

6 参编的标准(含在编):



