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近5年发表学术期刊论30余篇,其中SCI论文25余篇,EI论文3篇。以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Structural Engineering、Engineering Structures、Journal of Constructional Steel Research、Thin-Walled Structures等国际高学术影响力的SCI期刊和建筑结构学报、土木工程学报、工程力学等国内顶尖中文期刊发表论文18篇。同时以第一或第二申请人申请并授权发明专利9项。研究成果获2018年重庆市科技进步一等奖。
编写中国工程建设标准化协会标准《装配式多腔钢管混凝土异形柱结构技术标准》和重庆市工程建设标准《钢管混凝土异形柱结构技术标准》,作为主编单位成员编写中国建筑学会标准 《装配式开孔钢板组合剪力墙技术标准》。参与编写住房和城乡建设部土建类学科专业“十三五”规划教材《土木工程制图》。研究成果在重庆嘉陵帆影超高层、宁波香格广场等10余工程项目得到应用,取得了显著的经济和社会效益。



美国钢结构协会(AISC)会员;Engineering Structures, Thin-walled Structures等期刊审稿专家。

1. Yi Zhao, Xuhong Zhou, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Yohchia Frank Chen, Saravanan Gurupackiam. Stiffness and cracking behavior of a new U-shaped steel and concrete composite beam under negative bending. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2020, 146(5): 04020046.
2. Yi Zhao, Xuhong Zhou, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Jiepeng Liu, Yohchia Frank Chen. Torsional effects of a novel rebar stiffened cold-formed U-shaped steel-concrete composite beam system. Engineering Structures, 2020, 208: 109920.
3. Xianggang Liu, Jiepeng Liu, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Guozhong Cheng and Joel Lanning. Resistance of Special-Shaped Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Columns under Compression and Bending. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 169: 106038.
4. Jiepeng Liu, Binyang Li, Xiang Zhou, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Wei Cheng, Yohchia-Frank Chen. Behavior of CFST column to H-section beam connections with T-shaped vertical anchorage. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2020, 16(2): 306-327.
5. Yi Zhao, Xuhong Zhou, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Jiepeng Liu, Yohchia Frank Chen. Shear behavior of a novel cold-formed U-shaped steel and concrete composite beam. Engineering Structures, 2019, 200: 109745.
6. Yi Zhao, Yuanlong Yang, Shaoqian Xu*, Jiepeng Liu, Yohchia Frank Chen. Shear connection of reinforcement stiffened cold-formed U-shaped steel and concrete composite beam. Engineering Structures, 2020, 219:110862.
7. Xin Tang, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Weiqi Yang, Joel Lanning, Yohchia Frank Chen. Experimental and numerical investigation on seismic behavior of special-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular column to H-shaped steel beam plane frames with exterior diaphragm connections. Journal of Building Engineering, 2020. (已录用)
8. Jiepeng Liu, Yi Zhao, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Yohchia Chen. Bending capacity and elastic stiffness for a novel configuration of cold-formed U-shaped steel and concrete composite beams. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2019, 145(10): 04019106.
9. Yuanlong Yang, Xianggang Liu, Jun Zhang*, Jiepeng Liu, Wei Cheng. Behavior of large-scale connections between circular concrete-filled steel tubular columns and H section steel beams. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2019, 23(2): 307-319.
10. Hua Song, Jiepeng Liu, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Xianggang Liu, Yohchia Chen. Study on Mechanical Behavior of Integrated Multi-cell Concrete-filled Steel Tubular Stub Columns under Concentric Compression. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 17: 361-376.
11. Jiepeng Liu, Hua Song, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者). Research on Mechanical Behavior of L-shaped Multi-cell Concrete-filled Steel Tubular Stub Columns under Axial Compression. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2019, 22 (2): 427-443.
12. Xuhong Zhou, Yi Zhao, Jiepeng Liu*, Yohchia Chen, Yuanlong Yang. Bending experiment on a novel configuration of cold-formed U-shaped steel concrete composite beams. Engineering Structures, 2019, 180:124-133.
13. Xuhong Zhou, Guozhong Cheng, Jiepeng Liu*, Yuanlong Yang, Y. Frank Chen. Shear transfer behavior at the circular tubed column-steel beam interface. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 137: 40-52.
14. Xianggang Liu, Chuangze Xu, Jiepeng Liu, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者). Research on Special-shaped Concrete-filled Steel Tubular Columns under Axial Compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 147:203-223.
15. Bin-yang Li, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Yohchia-Frank Chen, Wei Cheng, Lin-Bo Zhang. Behavior of connections between square CFST columns and H-section steel beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 145: 10-27.
16. Chuangze Xu, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Xin Tang, Jiepeng Liu. Experimental research on static behavior of stiffened T-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular stubs subjected to concentric axial loading. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2018, 19(2): 591-602.
17. Jiepeng Liu, Yi Zhao, Yohchia Chen, Shaoqian Xu, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者). Flexural Behavior of rebar truss stiffened cold-formed U-shaped steel concrete composite beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018,150:175-185.
18. Jingchen Liu, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Jiepeng Liu, Xuhong Zhou. Experimental investigation of special-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular column to steel beam connections under cyclic loading [J]. Engineering Structures, 2017, 151: 68-84.
19. Jiepeng Liu, Yuanlong Yang(通讯作者), Hua Song, Yuyin Wang. Numerical analysis on seismic behaviors of T-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular columns with reinforcement stiffeners. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2017, 21(9): 1273-1287.
20. 臧兴震,杨远龙,徐创泽. 加劲T形钢管约束混凝土柱滞回性能研究. 地震工程与工程振动,2017,37(5):129-138.
21. Yuanlong Yang, Yuyin Wang, Feng Fu, Jingchen Liu. Static behavior of T-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular columns subjected to concentric and eccentric compressive loads [J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 95: 374–388.
22. 张敬书,倪永松,姚远,杨远龙,郑芳蒙,王彦忠. 不同拼缝方向的预制带肋底板混凝土叠合板面内受力性能[J]. 土木工程学报,2015,48(5):23-34.
23. Yuanlong Yang, Yuyin Wang and Feng Fu. Effect of reinforcement stiffeners on square concrete-filled steel tubular columns subjected to axial compressive load [J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2014, 82: 132-144.
24. Jingshu Zhang, Yuan Yao, Xuhong Zhou, Yuanlong Yang and Yanzhong Wang. Failure Mode and Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Precast Ribbed Panels Used for Concrete Composite Slabs [J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2013, 16(12): 33-45.
25. 杨远龙,杨华,张素梅. 内置格构式圆钢管的T形型钢混凝土柱力学性能试验研究. 工程力学,2013,30(3):355-364.
26. Wang Y Y, Yuanlong Yang, Zhang S M. Static Behaviors of Reinforcement-Stiffened Square Concrete-filled Steel Tubular Columns [J]. Thin-walled Structures, 2012, 50(1): 18-31.
27. Yuanlong Yang, Yang H, Zhang S M. Compressive Behaviour of T-shaped Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns[J]. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2010, 10(4):419-430.
28. 杨远龙,王玉银,张素梅. 钢筋加劲的T形截面钢管混凝土柱抗震性能试验研究[J]. 建筑结构学报,2012,33(4):104-112.

1. 杨远龙,赵燚,刘界鹏,周绪红,许邵乾. 一种腹板内嵌式冷弯U型钢-混凝土组合梁:中国,201921267653.0 [P]. (已授权)
2. 赵燚,杨远龙,刘界鹏,周绪红,成宇. 一种竖向肋板式U型钢-混凝土组合梁与钢管混凝土异形柱节点:中国,201921267654.5 [P]. (已授权)
3. 杨远龙,刘界鹏,周绪红,刘景琛,徐创泽. 异形冷弯薄壁钢管混凝土柱-冷弯薄壁箱型钢梁框架节点:中国,201510293774.2 [P]. (已授权)
4. 杨远龙,刘界鹏,周绪红,甘丹,闫标. 一种波浪腹板钢结构主次梁铰接节点:中国,201510288425.1 [P]. (已授权)
5. 杨远龙,刘界鹏,周绪红,王宣鼎,徐创泽. 钢管纤维混凝土支撑:中国,201510287961.X [P]. (已授权)
6. 刘界鹏,杨远龙,周绪红,何子奇,李江. 一种波浪腹板钢结构主次梁刚接节点:中国,201510287976.6 [P]. (已授权)
7. 刘界鹏,杨远龙,周绪红,何子奇,刘景琛. 钢管约束钢筋混凝土桥墩体系:中国,201510293764.9 [P]. (已授权)
8. 张素梅,王玉银,杨 华,郭兰慧,杨远龙. 钢筋加劲的异形钢管混凝土柱:中国,CN200610151199.3 [P]. 2007-06-27.(已授权)
9. 周绪红,张敬书,姚远,杨远龙. 预制带肋底板叠合墙:中国,CN201210138096.9 [P]. 2012-08-15.(已授权)



