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博士,副教授,博士生导师,2015年博士毕业于京都大学,导师中岛正爱/Masayoshi Nakashima 教授(美国工程院院士,日本工程院院士),2009年硕士毕业于中国地震局工程力学研究所,导师谢礼立教授(中国工程院院士)。主要从事钢结构地震破坏诊断及震后性能评价、自感知耗能装置及智能抗震钢结构、大跨空间钢结构健康监测及灾变预警等研究,研究成果在Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics,Journal of Structural Engineering(ASCE)和Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering等国际著名期刊上发表。


(1)Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
(2)Journal of Structural Engineering,ASCE
(3)Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
(4)Engineering Structures
(5)Journal of Earthquake Engineering
(6)Journal of Vibration and Control
4、国际学术会议Scientific Committee委员
(1)2018 International Conference on Construction, Aerotropolis and Environmental Engineering,November 23-25,2018,Taoyuan City, Taiwan
(2)The 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE2019),December 21-22,2019,Nanchang, China

[1] 2016.5-2017.6,高层钢结构建筑地震损伤及安全性快速诊断研究,人力资源社会保障部2016年度留学人员科技活动项目择优资助(启动类),3万元,负责人
[2] 2016.8-2017.5,房屋建筑地震安全风险评估系统研发,广东省地震局,30万元,负责人
[3] 2016.9-2017.9,“广州市防震减灾十三五规划”编制项目,广州市地震局,10万元,负责人
[4] 2017.7-2020.6,重庆大学青年教师科研启动项目,20万元,负责人
[5] 2018.1-2020.12,钢框架结构地震破坏诊断及震后残余能力评价研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,26万元,负责人
[6] 2018.1-2019.12,高层钢结构梁柱节点地震破坏诊断方法研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目,6万元,负责人
[7] 2019.7-2022.6,基于压电应变监测的钢结构突发极端荷载下破坏识别研究,重庆市基础研究与前沿探索(面上项目),10万元,负责人
[8] 2019.11-2020.12,国网湖北电科院2019年输电线路融冰消舞关键技术研究与工程示范(装置加工),国网湖北省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,17.8万元,负责人
[9] 2022.1-2025.12,基于鱼骨模型的钢框架结构地震后残余能力评价方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万元,负责人

[1] Li X, Kurata M, Wang Y*, Nakashima M. (2021). “Estimating Earthquake-Induced Displacement Responses of Building Structures Using Time-Varying Model and Limited Acceleration Data.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(4), 04021014.
[2] Yu X, Li X*, Bai Y. (2022). “Evaluating maximum inter-story drift ratios of building structures using time-varying models and Bayesian filters.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 162, 107496.
[3] Li S, Li H, Zhou X, Wang Y, Li X*, Gan D, Zhu R. (2022). “Damage detection of flange bolts in wind turbine towers using dynamic strain responses.” Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring.
[4] Bai Y*, Ma Y, Yang Q, Florez J, Li X*, Biondini. (2021). “Earthquake-induced damage updating for remaining-life assessment of steel frame substructure systems.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 159, 107782.
[5] Li X*, Kurata M. (2019). “Probabilistic updating of fishbone model for assessing seismic damage to beam-column connections in steel moment-resisting frames.” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 34(9), 790-805. (Special Issue: Innovations in Structural Health Monitoring) (SCI, Impact Factor: 6.208)
[6] Li X*, Kurata M, Suzuki A. (2017). “Decoupling algorithm for evaluating multiple beam damages in steel moment-resisting frames.” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 46(7), 1045-1064. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.419)
[7] Suzuki A*, Kurata M, Li X, Shimmoto S. (2017). “Residual structural capacity evaluation of steel moment-resisting frames with dynamic-strain-based model updating method.” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 46(11), 1791-1810. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.419)
[8] Li X*, Kurata M, Nakashima M. (2016). “Simplified derivation of a damage curve for seismically induced beam fracture in steel moment-resisting frames.” Journal of Structural Engineering(ASCE), 142(6), 04016019. (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.528)
[9] Li X*, Kurata M, Nakashima M. (2015). “Evaluating damage extent of fractured beams in steel moment-resisting frames using dynamic strain responses.” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44(4), 563-581. (Special issue: Earthquake Engineering Applications of Structural Health Monitoring). (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.419)
[10] Kurata M*, Li X, Fujita K, Yamaguchi M. (2013). “Piezoelectric dynamic strain monitoring for detecting local seismic damage in steel buildings.” Smart Materials and Structures, 22, 115002. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.543) (获2017年日本建筑学会奖励赏)
[11] Li X*, Kurata M, Fujita K, Yamaguchi M, Nakashima M. (2013). “Detection of Local Damage in Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Using Wireless PVDF Sensing,” Journal of Constructional Steel, Japanese Society of Steel Construction, 21, 259-264.
[12] 新本翔太,倉田真宏,鈴木明子,李小華 (2015). 余震リスク評価に基づく被災建物継続使用の迅速な意思決定支援. 地域安全学会論文集,27,275-281.
[13] 李小华; 谢礼立; 公茂盛, (2010). 结构物理参数识别的贝叶斯估计马尔可夫蒙特卡罗方法. 振动与冲击, 28(1):12-18. (EI)
[14] 李小华; 公茂盛; 谢礼立, (2011). 基于多分辨率分析的结构物理参数识别贝叶斯估计方法:方法推导与验证. 工程力学, 29(4):59-63. (EI)

[1] Li X, Yu X. Estimating seismic interstory drifts of building structures using time-varying shear model with acceleration data. 5th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, SMAR 2019, Potsdam, Germany, August 27-29, 2019.
[2] Li X, Kurata M. Seismic damage assessment of an E-Defense tested steel moment-resisting frame using hierarchical Bayesian model updating. The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 7WCSCM, Qingdao, China, July 22-25, 2018.
[3] Kurata M, Li X, Matarazzo T. Dynamic-strain-based damage evaluation of field-welded beam-to-column connections in steel frames. The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 7WCSCM, Qingdao, China, July 22-25, 2018.
[4] Li X, Kurata M, Nishino H, Suzuki A. Identification of seismically-induced local damage in steel moment-resisting frames using wireless strain sensing. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, January 9-13, 2017.
[5] Li X, Kurata M, Nakashima M. Dynamic strain monitoring for detecting fracture damage at beam-ends in steel moment-resisting frames. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Hong Kong, China, December 9-11, 2013.
[6] Li X, Kurata M, Nakashima M. Story stiffness identification of full-scale test structure using Bayesian model updating method. Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Kinki branch, AIJ, No.52, pp.85-88, 2012.
[7] Li X, Kurata M, Nakashima M. Story stiffness identification of full-scale test structure using Bayesian model updating method. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2012, AIJ, pp.589-590, 2012.
[8] Li X, Kurata M, Fujita K, Yamaguchi M, Nakashima M. Detection of beam-end fracture by monitoring dynamic strain in steel structures: Part 2. Vibration testing. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2013, AIJ, pp.91-92, 2013.
[9] Li X, Kurata M, Fujita K, Yamaguchi M. Dynamic strain monitoring for local damage detection in steel structures: Part 2. Experimental results. Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Kinki branch, AIJ, No.53, pp.173-176, 2013.
[10] Li X, Kurata M, Nakashima M. Sensitivity study of dynamic strain-based damage index for evaluating beam damage in steel buildings. Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Kinki branch, AIJ, No.54, pp.177-180, 2014.
[11] Li X, Kurata M, Nakashima M. Damage quantification of beam seismic fracture in steel buildings. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2014, AIJ, pp.109-110, 2014.
[12] Li X, Kurata M, Nakashima M. A damage curve to quantify seismically induced beam fracture in steel buildings. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015, AIJ, pp. 1003-1004, 2015.
[13] Li X, Kurata M, Nakashima M. Derivation of damage curves for evaluating earthquake-induced beam fractures in steel buildings. Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Kinki branch, AIJ, No.55, Paper No. 2031, 2015.
[14] Kurata M, Li X, Fujita K, He L, Yamaguchi M. PVDF piezo film as dynamic strain sensor for local damage detection of steel frame buildings. Proc. SPIE 8692, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2013, 86920F, 2013.
[15] Kurata M, Fujita K, Li X, Yamazaki T, Yamaguchi M. Development of cyber-based autonomous structural integrity assessment system for building structures. Proc. SPIE 8692, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2013, 86924E, 2013.
[16] Suzuki A, Kurata M, Li X, Minegishi K, Tang Z, Burton A. Quantification of seismic damage in steel beam-column connection using PVDF strain sensors and model-updating technique. Proc. SPIE 9435, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2015, 94352E, 2015.
[17] Kurata M, Li X, Fujita K, Yamaguchi M, He L, Nakashima M. Detection of beam-end fracture by monitoring dynamic strain in steel structures: Part 1. Concept and testbed design. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2013, AIJ, pp.89-90, 2013.
[18] Yamazaki T, Fujita K, Kurata M, Li X. Cyber-aided dense array monitoring for autonomous visualization of local damage extent in steel buildings: Part 1. Design of cyber platform. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2013, AIJ, pp.101-102, 2013.
[19] Fujita K, Kurata M, Li X, Yamazaki T. Cyber-aided dense array monitoring for autonomous visualization of local damage extent in steel buildings: Part 2. Benchmark testing. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2013, AIJ, pp.103-104, 2013.
[20] Kurata M, Li X, Fujita K, Yamaguchi M, He L. Strain-based monitoring of local damage in steel structures: Part I Concept and testbed design. Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Kinki branch, AIJ, No.53, pp.169-172, 2013.
[21] Kurata M, Suzuki A, Minegishi K, Li X, Nakashima M. Quantifying local damage in steel beam-column connections using ambient-based inner-force estimates: Part 1: Experimental methodology and damage extent definition. Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Kinki branch, AIJ, No.54, pp. 517-520, 2014.
[22] Suzuki A, Kurata M, Minegishi K, Li X, Nakashima M. Quantifying local damage in steel beam-column connections using ambient-based inner-force estimates: Part 2: Damage sensitive features and model updating. Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Kinki branch, AIJ, No.54, pp. 521-524, 2014.
[23] Minegishi K, Kurata M, Li X, Suzuki A. Local Damage Quantification for Steel Beam using Collapse Test of High-rise Building with floor slab at E-Defense. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015, AIJ, pp. 1001-1002, 2015.
[24] Kurata M, Suzuki A, Shinmoto S, Li X. Preliminary Study on Post-Earthquake Decision-Support using Structural Health Monitoring and Aftershock Risk Analysis: Part 1 Concept. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015, AIJ, pp. 969-970, 2015.
[25] Shinmoto S, Suzuki A, Kurata M, Li X. Preliminary Study on Post-Earthquake Decision-Support using Structural Health Monitoring and Aftershock Risk Analysis: Part 2 Decision Support Index. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015, AIJ, pp. 971-972, 2015.

2017年,论文“Piezoelectric dynamic strain monitoring for detecting local seismic damage in steel buildings”(作者:Kurata M, Li X, Fujita K, Yamaguchi M.),获日本建筑学会奖励赏(Encouragement Prize of AIJ 2017)
2017年,获SCI期刊《Engineering Structures》优秀审稿人荣誉称号


