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1975年3月生,男,博士(后),教授,博士生导师。现任重庆大学土木工程学院桥梁与道路工程所副所长。研究方向:桥梁与隧道工程、新型建筑材料与结构性能表征与多尺度建模、超材料与结构等。现为美国ASCE会员、AIAA会员、中国复合材料学会会员、中国结构工程学会会员,国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审。担任国际期刊《AIAA Journal》(SCI源) 、《工程力学》、《土木建筑与环境工程》(EI源)审稿人。2009年受国家留学基金委青年骨干教师出国项目的资助赴美国犹他州立大学作访问学者。主持及参与国家自然科学基金项目5项、中国博士后基金项目2项、重庆市自然科学基金2项、重庆大学高层次人才项目、中央高校基本科研业务费等各类项目8项。在复合\智能\功能梯度材料及结构多尺度理论研究中取得较大进展,完成多项研究成果,并提出多项原创性思想,部分成果已获得10余项国家发明专利授权,并在国际复合材料顶级期刊《Composite Structures》、《Thin-walled Structures》;国内《振动与冲击》、《工程力学》、《复合材料学报》、《应用数学与力学》等高水平期刊上发表及录用了论文30余篇,其中境外SCI收录50余篇,EI核心收录30余篇,出版个人专著3本。



现为美国ASCE会员、AIAA会员、中国复合材料学会会员、中国结构工程学会会员、重庆市工程综合评标专家库专家,国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审。担任国际期刊《AIAA Journal》(SCI源) 、《工程力学》、《土木建筑与环境工程》(EI源)审稿人。

2024 年度:
[1]Zhou Y, Zhong Y, Zhu Y, et al. 3D equivalent Cauchy model for serrated re-entrant auxetic honeycombs based on variational asymptotic method[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 200: 111883.
[2]Xinyi L, Yifeng Z, Rong L, et al. Static and modal analysis of sandwich panels with rib-reinforced reentrant honeycomb[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 275: 109323.
[3]Siqi M, Yifeng Z, Yujie Z, et al. Equivalent single-layer model for hierarchical diamond honeycomb sandwich panels using variational asymptotic method[J]. Composite Structures, 2024, 339: 118149.
[4]Minfang C, Yifeng Z, Rong L, et al. Equivalent-oriented model for sandwich panels with ZPR accordion honeycomb[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 268: 109000.
[5]Liu R, Zhong Y, Wang S, et al. VAM-based equivalent-homogenization model for 3D re-entrant auxetic honeycomb structures[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 268: 109013.
[6]Hui Y, Yifeng Z, Rong L, et al. Pseudo-equivalent model for sandwich panels with egg-shaped honeycomb-grid core[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 276: 109360.
[1]Liu XQ, Zhong YF, Liu R, Shi J. Buckling and post-buckling analysis of butterfly-shaped auxetic core sandwich plates based on variational asymptotic method. Thin Wall Struct 2023;184:110464.
[2]Cao HW, Zhong YF, Liu XQ, Shi J. A VAM-based equivalent model for random vibration of composite sandwich plate with arrowhead-on cores. Compos Struct 2023;313:116946.
[3]Yang F, Zhong YF, Liu R, Cao HW. Effective performance analysis of stiffened honeycomb sandwich panels using VAM-based equivalent model. Thin Wall Struct 2023;184:110590.
[4]Zhang MT, Zhong YF, Liu XQ, Liu R. Applications of VAM-based homogenization model in free and forced vibrations of sandwich plates with bowtie-shaped auxetic core. Compos Struct 2023;313:110464.
[5]Zhong YF, Shi Z, Liu QS, Zhang MT. A simplified semi-analytical model for predicting the global and local responses of hybrid honeycomb-like sandwich panel. Thin Wall Struct 2023;184:105268.
[1] Shi Z, Zhong YF, Liu R, Peng X. VAM-based reduced plate model for composite sandwich folded plate (CSFP) with V-shaped folded cores. Thin Wall Struct 2022;170:108601.
[2] Xi SB, Zhong YF; Shi Z, Yi, QS. Prediction of bending, buckling and free-vibration behaviors of 3d textile composite plates by using vam-based equivalent model. Materials 2021;15(1):5010134
[3] Shi J, Zhong YF, Liu R, Shi Z. Modeling and simulation of static and dynamic behavior in composite sandwich plates with hourglass lattice cores based on reduced-order model. Compos Struct 2022;284:115161.
[4] Shi Z, Zhong YF, Xu LJ, Leong HP, You J. Structural analysis of composite sandwich plates with enhanced pyramid lattice core using VAM-based reduced-order equivalent model. Compos Struct 2022;290:115480.
[5] Liu R, Zhong YF, Shi Z, Liu XQ, Chen JQ. Free and forced vibration analysis of pyramid lattice sandwich plate based on the dimensional reduction model. Thin Wall Struct 2022;174:109155.
[6] Peng X, Zhong YF, Shi J, Shi Z. Free flexural vibration analysis of composite sandwich plate with reentrant honeycomb cores using homogenized plate model. J Sound Vib 2022;529:116955.
[1] Shi Z, Zhong YF, Peng X, Luo QS. Equivalent model of thin-walled orthotropic composite plates with straight segments using variational asymptotic method. Compos Struct 2021;259:113229.
[2] Chen JQ, Zhong YF, Shi Z. Static and dynamic analysis of Isogrid Stiffened Composite Plates (ISCP) using equivalent model based on variational asymptotic method. Thin Wall Struct 2021;163: 107671.
[3] Shi Z, Zhong YF, Peng X. High efficiency analysis model for composite honeycomb sandwich plate by using variational asymptotic method. Thin Wall Struct 2021;163: 107709.
[4] Peng X, Zhong YF, Shi Z. Global buckling analysis of composite honeycomb sandwich plate with negative Poisson's ratio (CHSP-NPR) using variational asymptotic equivalent model. Compos Struct 2021;264. 113721.
[5] Yi QS, Zhong YF, Shi Z. Structural Analysis of Composite Conical Convex-Concave Plate (CCCP) Using VAM-Based Equivalent Model. Materials 2021;14(8), 2012;
[6] Zhou LJ, Zhong YF, Luo QS, Shi Z. Static and dynamic analysis of hemispherical convex-concave composite plate (HCCP) using variational asymptotic equivalent model. Compos Struct 2021;271. 114116.
[7] Luo QS, Zhong YF, Yi QS, Shi Z. Structural analysis of FRP laminate with triangle convexities (FLTC) using the VAM-based equivalent model. Thin Wall Struct 2021;166:108043.
[8] Liu R, Zhong YF, Shi J, Shi Z. Static, buckling and free vibration analyses of composite sandwich plate with bi-directional trapezoidal cores using VAM-based reduced plate model. Compos Struct 2021;277:114636.
[9] Wang P, Zhong YF, Shi Z, Luo D, Yi QS. Estimating of the Static and Dynamic Behaviors of Orthogrid-Stiffened FRP Panel Using Reduced-Order Plate Model. Materials, 2021;14(17):4908.
[10] Luo D, Zhong YF, Xi SP, Sh, Z. Static, buckling, and free-vibration analysis of plain-woven composite plate with finite thickness using VAM-based equivalent model. Thin Wall Struct 2021;169:108503.
[1] 钟轶峰、张亮亮、牛建丰. 一种基于渐近变分法的复合材料层合板仿真及优化方法,专利号:ZL201110032011.4,2013年,中国。
[2] 钟轶峰、张亮亮、牛建丰. 一种压电复合棒机-电耦合性能仿真模拟方法,专利号:ZL201110032014.8,2013年,中国。
[3] 钟轶峰、周小平、张亮亮、杨文文、刘国天、矫立超.一种电磁材料层状壳体电磁弹耦合仿真模拟方法,专利号:201410150353.X,2016.9,中国。
[4] 钟轶峰、周小平、张亮亮、矫立超、杨文文、刘国天.一种压电复合材料层合壳压电弹性分析方法,专利号:201410200604.0,2014年,中国。
[5] 钟轶峰、周小平、张亮亮、刘国天、杨文文、矫立超.一种预测复合材料热弹性有效属性和局部场的方法,专利号:201410218506.X,2014年,中国。
[6] 钟轶峰、杨文文、张亮亮、秦文正、杨旦旦. 聚合物基复合材料有效应力松弛系数的预测方法,申请号:201610101359.7,2016年,中国。
[7] 钟轶峰、梅宝平、秦文正、张亮亮、杨旦旦. SMA聚合物基材料有效时变、超弹性响应的模拟方法申请号:201610102279.3,2016年,中国。
[8] 钟轶峰、邓兵、席森彪.一种具有椭圆弧过渡段的单轴拉伸狗骨试件及其模具。专利号:ZL201821922749.1
[9] 钟轶峰、彭啸、罗丹、席森彪、邓兵、刘一钉. 一种建筑空间膜结构中织物基材的生产方法, 专利号:201910012534.9 (已授权)
[10] 钟轶峰、罗丹、彭啸、邓兵、王鹏. 一种建筑用夹芯板生产方法, 专利号:201910013095.3 (已授权)
[1] 钟轶峰、变分渐近理论及在复合材料结构性能分析中的应用,科学出版社,2015.5,200千字,ISBN 978-7-03-044468-4。
[2] 钟轶峰、变分渐近均匀化理论及在复合材料细观力学中的应用,科学出版社,2016.10,200千字。

[1] 重庆大学自然科学进步奖二等奖(2020年度、第一完成人)。
[2] 2016年度重庆大学科技进步一等奖:艰险山区高墩大跨铁路桥梁温度效应及空间受力分析(持证人)。
[3] 重庆市自然科学进步奖二等奖(2002年度、持证人)。
[4] 重庆大学生创新基金二等奖(2010年度、指导教师)。


