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    重庆市科委项目,cstc2018jscx-msybX0345 ,城市综合管廊防火关键技术研究,2018.8-2020.7,主持
    科技部国际科技合作计划项目,2014DFA62970,适宜长江流域分散式采暖关键技术合作研究, 2015.1-2017.12,参加
    国家自然科学基金青年基金,51106189 ,腔室水平开口火灾烟气动力学特性及对环境风的响应机制研究,2012.1-2014.12,主持
    阳东,魏海滨,著. 土壤-空气换热器与建筑蓄热耦合理论,科学出版社,2023,北京,22万字.
    阳东,蒋亚强,李乐,著. 隧道通风与火灾排烟理论基础及应用,中国建筑工业出版社,2018,北京,29.6 万字.
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    [3] Yang D*, Li P. Dimensionless design approach, applicability and energy performance of stack-based hybrid ventilation for multi-story buildings[J].Energy, 2015, 93:128-140.
    [4] Yang D*, Guo YH. Fluctuation of natural ventilation induced by nonlinear coupling between buoyancy and thermal mass [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 96:218-230.
    [5] Yang D*, Zhang JP. Analysis and experiments on the periodically fluctuating air temperature in a building with earth-air tube ventilation [J]. Building and Environment, 2015, 85:29-39.
    [6] Yang D*, Li P. Natural ventilation of lower-level floors assisted by the mechanical ventilation of upper-level floors via a stack [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2015, 92:296-305.
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    [11] Yang D*, Huo R, Zhang XL, Zhao XY. Comparison of the distribution of carbon monoxide concentration and temperature rise in channel fires: Reduced-scale experiments [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31(4): 528-536.
    [12] Yang D, Hu LH*, Huo R, Jiang YQ, Liu S, Tang F. Experimental study on buoyant flow stratification induced by a fire in a horizontal channel[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30(8-9): 872-878.
    [13] Yang D*, Ding Y, Du T, Mao SH*, Zhang ZJ. Buoyant back-layering and the critical condition for preventing back-layering fluid in inclined tunnels under natural ventilation: Brine water experiments[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 90:319-329.
    [14] Yang D*, Liu YL, Zhao CM, Mao SH. Multiple steady states of fire smoke transport in a multi-branch tunnel: Theoretical and numerical studies[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2017, 61:189-197.
    [15] Yang D*, Li BZ, Du T, Li N. Analytical models for evaluating buoyancy-driven ventilation due to stack effect in a shaft considering heat transfer from shaft interior boundaries[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2012, 19(3):651-656.
    [16] Yang D, Hu LH*, Jiang YQ, Huo R, Zhu S, Zhao XY. Comparison of FDS predictions by different combustion models with measured data for enclosure fires[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2010, 45(5): 298-313.
    [17] Yang D*, Li P. Multiple patterns of heat and mass flow induced by the competition of forced longitudinal ventilation and stack effect in sloping tunnels[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 138:35-46.
    [18] Wei HB, Yang D*, Guo YH, Chen MQ. Coupling of earth-to-air heat exchangers and buoyancy for energy efficient ventilation of buildings considering dynamic thermal behavior and cooling/heating capacity[J]. Energy, 2018, 147:587-602.
    [19] Du T, Yang D*, Wei HB, Zhang ZJ. Experimental study on mixing and stratification of buoyancy-driven flows produced by continuous buoyant source in narrow inclined tank[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 121:453-462.
    [20] Du T, Yang D*, Wei HB, Zhang ZJ. Propagation and entrainment of buoyancy-driven flows in a narrow horizontal space and implications for buoyant contaminant transport under natural ventilation[J]. Building and Environment, 2018, 132:214-224.
    [21] Du T, Yang D*, Peng SN, Liu YL, Xiao YM. Performance evaluation of longitudinal and transverse ventilation for thermal and smoke control in a looped urban traffic link tunnel[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 96:490-500.
    [22] Mao SH, Yang D*. One-dimensional analysis for optimizing smoke venting in tunnels by combining roof vents and longitudinal ventilation[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 108:1288-1297.
    [23] Du T, Yang D*, Ding Y. Driving force for preventing smoke backlayering in downhill tunnel fires using forced longitudinal ventilation[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 79:76-82.
    [24] Du T, Yang D*, Peng SN, Xiao YM. A method for design of smoke control of urban traffic link tunnel (UTLT) using longitudinal ventilation[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2015, 48:35-42.
    [25] Du T, Yang D*, Peng SN, Li BZ. Measurement of buoyancy-driven transient exchange flow rate across a thin horizontal ceiling vent of a non-adiabatic enclosure using a modified tracer-gas decay method[J]. International Journal of Ventilation, 2016, 15(2):122-133.
    [26] Du T*, Du JX, Yang D*, Dong S, Yang LL. Transient evolution and backlayering of buoyancy-driven contaminants in a narrow inclined space. Building and Environment, 2018, 143:59-70.
    [27] Liu YL, Yang D*, Xiao YM, Mao SH*, Yang MJ. Combining diverse driving forces for smoke control in complex urban traffic link tunnels (UTLTs) using one-dimensional flow modelling [J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 43:265-274.



