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    2019年博士毕业于新加坡国立大学土木(岩土)工程专业,2018年9月-2019年1月西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学交流学习,2019年9月-2020年12月香港科技大学研究助理教授。在《Géotechnique》、《IJRMMS》、《TUST》、《Computers and Geotechnics》等岩土领域国际知名高水平SCI期刊上发表论文37篇,其中以第一或通讯作者身份发表28篇JCR Ⅰ/Ⅱ区论文。曾获President's Graduate Fellowship、国家优秀自费留学生奖学金、湖南省优秀毕业论文和优秀毕业生等。担任国际土力学与岩土工程学会(ISSMGE)TC103委员等。

    (1) 边坡工程稳定性
    (2) 滑坡/泥石流
    (3) 隧道与地下工程

    (1) 国际土力学与岩土工程学会(ISSMGE),数值方法专委会TC103委员
    (2) 中国土木工程学会工程风险与保险研究分会青年论坛委员
    (3) 中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程分会青委会委员
    (4) Frontiers in Built Environment (Geotechnical Engineering), Review Editor
    (5) Géotechnique、IJRMMS、TUST、Acta Geotechnica、Eng Geol等期刊,审稿人

    1. 国家级青年人才项目,2022-01至2024-12,在研,主持
    2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:地震作用下植被边坡失稳机理与动力稳定性分析方法研究,2022-01至2024-12,在研,主持
    3. 中国工程院院地合作项目:重庆市长大隧道建设和运营安全保障战略研究,2022-04至2023-06,在研,参加
    4. 国家重点基础研究计划(973计划):深长隧道突水突泥重大灾害致灾机理及预测预警与控制理论,2013-01至2017-12,结题,参加

    [1] Qin CB*, Chian SC, Du SZ. Revisiting seismic slope stability: Intermediate or below-the-toe failure? Géotechnique, 2020, 70(1): 71-79.
    [2] Qin CB*, Chian SC. Kinematic analysis of seismic slope stability with a discretisation technique and pseudo-dynamic approach: a new perspective. Géotechnique, 2018, 68(6): 492-503.
    [3] Li SY, Qin CB*, Chian SC, Zhang WG. Another look at the stability of unsaturated soil slopes considering nonuniformity and nonlinearity. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 148: 104743.
    [4] Zhou JF, Qin CB*. Stability analysis of unsaturated soil slopes under reservoir drawdown and rainfall conditions: steady and transient state analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 142: 104541.
    [5] Zhou JF, Qin CB*. Finite-element upper-bound analysis of seismic slope stability considering pseudo-dynamic approach. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020: 103530.
    [6] Zhou JF, Qin CB*, Wang JX. A novel procedure for 3D slope stability analysis: Lower bound limit analysis coupled with block element method. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019, 1-15.
    [7] Qin CB*, Chian SC. Bearing capacity analysis of a saturated non-uniform soil slope with discretization-based kinematic analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, 2018, 96: 246-257.
    [8] Qin CB*, Chian SC. Impact of earthquake characteristics on seismic slope stability using modified pseudo-dynamic method. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2019, 19(9): 04019106.

    [1] Qin CB*, Li YY, Yu J, Chian SC, Liu HL. Closed-form solutions for collapse mechanisms of tunnel crown in saturated non-uniform rock surrounds. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 126:104529.
    [2] Qin CB*, Chian SC. Revisiting crown stability of tunnels deeply buried in non-uniform rock surrounds, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 73: 154-161.
    [3] Qin CB*, Chian SC. 2D and 3D stability analysis of tunnel roof collapse in stratified rock: A kinematic approach. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2017, 100: 269-277.
    [4] Qin CB*, Chian SC, Yang XL, Du DC. 2D and 3D limit analysis of progressive collapse mechanism for deep-buried tunnels under the condition of varying water table. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2015, 80: 255-264.
    [5] Qin CB*, Yang XL, Pan QJ, Sun ZB, Wang LL, Miao T. Upper bound analysis of progressive failure mechanism of tunnel roofs in partly weathered stratified Hoek–Brown rock masses. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2015, 74: 157-162.
    [6] Zhou JF, Qin CB*, Chian SC, Yao K. Determination of critical distance for deep tunnels with a longitudinal water-filled cavity positioned above tunnel roof. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2017, 93: 115-123.
    [7] Zhou JF, Qin CB*. Prediction of limit support pressure for face stability of deep tunnels buried beneath sea/water. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2021, 1-19.
    [8] Qin CB*, Chian SC, Yang XL. 3D limit analysis of progressive collapse in partly weathered Hoek–Brown rock banks. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17(7): 04017011.

    [1] Qin CB*, Chian SC. Seismic stability of geosynthetic-reinforced walls with variable excitation and soil properties: A discretization-based kinematic analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, 2018, 102: 196-205.
    [2] Qin CB*, Chian SC. Pseudo-dynamic lateral earth pressures on rigid walls with varying cohesive-frictional backfill. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 119: 103289.
    [3] Qin CB*, Chian SC. Revisiting seismic active/passive earth pressure in non-uniform cohesive-frictional backfill. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2019.
    [4] Qin CB*, Chian SC. Discretization-based kinematic analysis method to seismic stability of geosynthetics-reinforced slopes involving differing earthquake approaches. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2019.
    [5] Qin CB*, Chian SC. Pseudo-static/dynamic solutions of required reinforcement force for steep slopes using discretization-based kinematic analysis. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2019, 11(2): 289-299.

    [1] Qin CB*. Determination of slurry density required for stability of slurry-supported trenches excavated in partially submerged soils. Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 116: 103212.
    [2] Du SZ, Chian SC, Qin CB. Post-liquefaction pore pressure dissipation in sand under cyclic stress triaxial testing. Géotechnique, 2020, 70(2): 95-107.

    2022年 国家级人才计划青年项目入选者
    2022年 重庆大学弘深优秀学者
    2019年 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金
    2018-2019年 President's Graduate Fellowship
    2017年 湖南省优秀硕士毕业论文


