中文 En CQU
Urban Planning


In 1956, Chongqing University established the second undergraduate program of urban planning in China after Tongji University. In 1982, the enrollment of postgraduate students was restored. In 1993, the doctoral program was established. In 2007, the urban planning discipline of Chongqing University, Tsinghua University and Tongji University wereselected as the only 3 national second-level key disciplines. In 2011, theDiscipline was appraised as national first-level discipline. In 2009, it was appraised as a national characteristic discipline. In 2019, it was appraised as the national first-rate discipline.

Sub-discipline and advantageous characteristics

“Based in a mountainous region and holding a global vision”, the Discipline has six second-level sub-disciplines, including Residential Environment in Mountainous Regions, History of Urban and Rural Development and Heritage Protection, Urban and Rural Ecological Planning and Technical Science, Urban and Rural Space and Environment Research, Community Development and Housing Planning, and Urban Planning Management and Policy.

It has a long history, and is making contribution to construction of the planning discipline system. It is one of the oldest urban planning disciplines in China. Professors Tang Pu, Zhao Changgeng, Huang Guangyu, Li Xiankui and Zhao Wanmin successively served as teachers of undergraduate students of the discipline. In 1960 and 1978, Chongqing University worked with Tongji University, Tsinghua University, Southeast University and other colleges and universities to compile the universal textbooks of the discipline of the first and the second batches. In 2011, Chongqing University proposed the initiative to establish the national first-level discipline "Urban-Rural Planning", which was the first urban planning discipline in China. Establishing the mountain urbanology and building an international academic center The discipline has maintained a leading role in areas such as theory of mountain urbanology and adaptive planning of mountain human settlements. It won the first national award for progress in science and technology in China. It has founded the first national-level academic organization in the field of mountainous towns, the Academic Committee on Urban Planningin Mountainous Regions of the Urban Planning Society of China, and the Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area, which is the only key lab of its kind under the Ministry of Education. It has also founded the high-quality journal,Journal of Human Settlements in West China. Pioneering in study of ecological cities and serving the national strategy The discipline has established the first national-level academic organization of this field, the Academic Committee on Urban Ecological Planning of the Urban Planning Society of China, and has made constant innovative technological achievements. It won the first national award for process in science and technology of this field in China, and provided technical support for national strategies, including the the Belt and Road Initiative, and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and provided intelligent services for construction of "Ecological Civilization".

Talent nurturing goals

The Discipline aims to nurture socialist builders and successors that hold a global vision. More than 5,500 graduates from the discipline are now working for design institutions, high-level colleges and universities and administration authorities across China, and are leading the development of the industry. More than 40% of the graduates are working at the grass-roots level and west China, where shortage of talents is alarming.

Source of students

A total of 152 undergraduate and postgraduate students and doctoral candidates are enrolled on a yearly basis. The enrollment mark of undergraduate students is always more than 100 points above the provincial average enrollment mark of key universities. The admission rate of postgraduate students is more than 8:1. Totally 72% of the postgraduate students are from universities under the "985 Project" and "211 Project" and those that have passed the program evaluation. For the programs that nurture talents for "Trans-Himalaya" countries, the third pole of the world, the admission rate is higher than 9:1.

Influence at home and abroad

It has established long-term cooperation relationship with more than 20 foreign colleges and universities, and has hosted the first international conference and the first domestic conference on human settlements in mountainous regions. Discipline team members have been currently serving as vice president, chairman or members of international and national academic organizations including Urban Planning Society of China for 31 person-times. They have been serving as editor in chief, members of the Editorial Board and reviewers ofJournal of Human Settlements in West China,Landscape and Urban Planning, andProgress in Planningfor 39 person-times.
