匈牙利佩奇大学 Marianne Nikolov 教授讲座通知 ——暨“启航计划”支持下教师教学学术研究工作坊返回

  • 2018-06-25
  • 00:00

匈牙利佩奇大学 Marianne Nikolov 教授讲座通知


【主持】:李小辉 副院长

【主讲】 :Marianne Nikolov Professor Emerita

【时间】 :2018 年 6 月 25 日 下午: 14:00-16:00; 6 月 26 日上午:9:30-11:00

【地点】 :外国语学院 501 会议室

【举办方】 :重庆大学外国语学院


6 月 25 日 下午: 14:00-16:00


The Role of Classroom Observation in Studies on Teaching and Learning Additional Languages


This presentation argues for the benefits of classroom observations in language pedagogy research projects and in pre- and in-service teacher education. The working definition of what classroom observation entails is as follows: it is an umbrella term of procedures for collecting data during (1) AL lessons, (2) tutorial sessions, and (3) learners or teachers interacting with some authentic or pedagogically motivated materials and with one another. The first part of the presentation will give an overview of different approaches to and types of classroom observations to establish a general understanding of these, based on Nunan and Bailey’s (2009) excellent book. The scope of data collection techniques will be expanded by some less frequently used ones in order to tap into, for example, classroom discourse and interaction in different languages, thought processes while teaching and learning (by using think aloud protocol and stimulated recall), self-observation, and self-recording of classroom data.

In the second part, I will present and discuss several research projects using observations for data collection and illustrate how these were designed to answer specific research questions, how they analyzed and triangulated datasets in various language pedagogy research projects. I will draw on studies implemented in Hungary and in other parts of the world.

The aim of the presentation is to provoke thinking about a range of observation techniques and how they could be used in innovative small- and larger-scale research projects by integrating some of these and triangulating them with data collected by other means.

6 月 26 日上午:9:30-11:00


How to Publish in International Journals of Applied Linguistics and Language Pedagogy


The talk aims to share information on what it means to go through the steps of publishing a paper in a refereed journal and to encourage the audience to consciously plan the process and to go for it. It offers some insights into what criteria reviewers bear in mind and what strategies can be helpful to become successful. In this presentation I discuss the main challenges everyone faces when planning to submit a study to an international refereed journal. The first part of the talk focuses on how to find a publishable research topic and design a great study. Then, we move on to discuss how one can find the most appropriate outlet for the publication of the paper. Third, we focus on how to prepare and submit a study for publication, how to respond to reviews, how to edit and resubmit the text. The last point concerns ways of promoting one’s own publication

【Marianne Nikolov 教授简介】

Marianne Nikolov 教授,匈牙利佩奇大学人文学部英语学院荣誉退休教授。退休前担任佩 奇大学人文学部语言学博士研究生院院长。拥有语言学、哲学、教育科学三个博士学位。研 究方向包括语言教育与语言习得。2017 年获得 Arany Katedra Díj / Golden Podium Award 终生大学教育成就奖。曾主持或者参与由匈牙利政府发起的有关语言教育与测试的多达十 余项重大项目;欧洲地区其它国家发起的有关英语教育与测试的十余项重点项目。目前担任 国际知名期刊 SYSTEM 的编委;曾经担任知名期刊 ANNUAL REVIEW OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS 等的编委。 现 受聘为多个国际期刊如 LANGUAGE TESTING JOURAL,LANGUAGE LEARNING,LANGUAGE TEACHING,SYSTEM, LANGUAGE POLICY 等审稿。
