讲座题目:Angel and Evil? The Double-edged Effect of Incremental Belief
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

专家简介:龚亚平教授,现为香港科技大学商学院讲席教授。研究兴趣主要包括目标导向、员工创造力与创新、团队和战略(国际)人力资源管理。发表学术论文于顶级学术期刊《Academy of Management Journal》、《Journal of Applied Psychology》、《Strategy Management Journal》、《Journal of Management》、《Human Resource Management》、《Journal of Organization Behavior》、《Human Relations》、《Journal of International Business Studies》等。他在创造力方面的研究获得了各种表彰,包括Emerald卓越引文奖(Emerald Citations of Excellence Award)(2013、2016)、The All-academy Carolyn Dexter最佳国际论文奖入围奖(The All-academy Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award Finalist)(2013)、《Journal of Management》学术影响奖入围者(Journal of Management Scholarly Impact Award Finalist)(2017)、IACMR-RRBM入围奖(2019)以及管理学院大会最佳论文奖(Academy of Management Conference Best Paper Award)(2023)。他目前是《Academy of Management Journal》和《Journal of Management》的编委。曾担任《Academy of Management Perspectives》(2018-2021)、《Management and Organization Review》(2013-2017)和《Asia Pacific Journal of Management》(2010-2012)的副主编,以及《Journal of Applied Psychology》、《Journal of Organizational Behavior》、《Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology》和《Management and Organization Review》的编委。他在专业服务方面获得了多项表彰,如获得了美国科学院“Best Reviewers Award(最佳审稿人奖)”。
There is a prevailing positive view of incremental belief, the belief that people and their attributes can be changed. Drawing on empowerment theory, we focus on empowering leadership as a context that activate and unleash both constructive and destructive power of employee incremental belief in the workplace. We theorize that, under high level of empowering leadership, incremental belief increases employees' innovative behavior through enhanced cognitive flexibility, but also promotes unethical pro-organizational behavior through increased moral relativism. We test our hypotheses in a multisource and multiwave field study of 388 employees in 85 teams. The results supported the hypotheses. We extend theory of incremental belief by identifying a condition (i.e., empowering leadership) that realizes the putative positive effect (i.e., innovative behavior) of incremental belief in an organizational setting. We also modify extant understanding that, under the same condition, incremental belief will present not only positive but also negative effects (i.e., unethical pro-organizational behavior).