主题:Asymptotically Optimal Policies for Perishable Inventory Systems
主讲人:Xiting Gong(龚锡挺), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Abstract.In this talk, I will present my recent studies on a fundamental class of periodic-review inventory systems for perishable products with a fixed product lifetime. The system settings we consider are very general: the inventory replenishment lead times can be either zero or positive, the demands are satisfied by on-hand inventories of different ages according to a general issuance policy (e.g., first-in-first-out (FIFO) or last-in-first-out (LIFO)), and unsatisfied demands can be either backlogged or lost. The objective is to minimize the long-run average holding, penalty, and outdating costs. The optimal inventory policy for this class of inventory systems is known to be very complex and intractable in computation because of the curse of dimensionality. For the systems with zero lead times, we show that the class of base-stock policies is asymptotically optimal with large unit penalty costs under the FIFO issuance policy and under a general issuance policy in case of bounded demands. For the systems with positive lead times, we show that the class of projected inventory level policies is asymptotically optimal with large unit penalty costs for a large class of demand distributions. Several other asymptotic-optimality results are also shown for both classes of policies. Our numerical results demonstrate the performances of both policies in these systems.
个人简介:龚锡挺教授目前任职于香港中文大学商学院决策科学与企业经济学系,在此之前,他在美国密歇根大学工业与运作工程系从事博士后研究、以及在香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理学系和决策科学与企业经济学系担任助理教授。他曾在北京大学数学科学学院获得学士学位、以及在北京大学光华管理学院获得硕士与博士学位。他的主要研究领域是运营与供应链管理,包括随机库存管理、收益管理与定价、易腐产品库存管理、回收再制造库存管理等。他在Management Science、Operations Research、Production and Operations Management等运营管理领域的国际顶级学术期刊发表了多篇学术论文,并主持了多项香港研究资助委员会资助的ECS/GRF科研项目。他目前担任国际学术期刊Naval Research Logistics和Operations Research Letters的副主编。