Name : WAN Lijuan Department : Department of Marketing Title : Associate Professor Degree : Ph.D. Phone :13996339462 Email :wljmx@cqu.edu.cn |
Associate Professor, 2007-present, Chongqing University;
Assistant Professor,2001-2007,Chongqing University;
Research Fellow,1999-2001,Southwest University;
Visiting Scholar (Economics and Management), University of Science and Technology, Beijing, 2011.10-2011.11;
Visiting Scholar (Management), University of Antwerp, Belgium, 2010.4-2010.6;
Visiting Scholar(Business Management and HR Management), Missouri-Columbia University of U.S.A, 2006-2007;
Ph.D(Management), Southwest University, Chongqing, 2002-2005;
MA(Management), Southwest University, Chongqing, 1999-2001; BA(Arts), Sichuan Foreign Studies University, Chongqing, 1995-1999;
"The impact of cross border E-tailer's return policy on consumer's purchase intention", accepted and forthcoming in JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES, (2021)
"Fiscal decentralization, economic agglomeration and environmental pollution: An Empirical Study Based on Provincial Panel Data", accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition), (2020)
“An empirical study on the agglomeration of modern service industry to urban economic growth”, accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition),(2016)
“The impact of knowledge intensive service industry agglomeration on economic growth”, accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition),(2016)
“The moderation theory and empirical test of China transportation infrastructure investment”, accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition),(2014)
“A study on the cultural industry cluster effect in China”, accepted and forthe coming in Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition),(2013)
“Behavioral characteristics of urban residents for sewage charges reform: an empirical study of the orderd probit model-based”, accepted and forthcoming in Seeker,(2013)
“The advertising and marketing strategy selection of a corporate in the TMT ear”, accepted and forthcoming in Commercial Modernization685, 22-24(June2012)
“Empirical analysis of the financial ecological environment in Chongqing”, accepted and forthcoming in Chongqing University,No.5,(October 2012)
“Problems and countermeasures of FDI trade effect in the westernregion”,(with Shuang Chen,Rui Shi),accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Editon)17,No.10,15-18(September2011)
“Problems and countermeasures of FDI of Chinese enterprises”,(with Rui Shi, Litai Chen), accepted and forthcoming in Discovery,No.4,95-100(August 2011)
“Entrepreneurship and regional economic growth”, (with Litai Cheng, Chunli Chen), accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition) 17, No.3, 23-29(June2011)
“The governance structure of the modern university system research-based on the perspective of the system design of the organization”, (with Yuan Quan,Bingjia Shao),accepted and forthcoming in Journal of ChongqingUniversity(Social Science Edition)17,No.2,149-153(April,2011)
“A study on surface endothelialization of plasma coated intravascular Stents”,(with Guixue Wang,Chaojun Tang, Yang Shen, Li Xiao, Qin Zhang, YU QS,Lu shan Liu, Gebo Wen),accepted and forthcoming in Surface&Coatings Technology204(9),(2010)
“The third industry development level variance analysis of the western metropolis area-taking Chongqing as an example”,(with Xiaoyong Xu, Hai Shen, He Zhang), accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition),No.2,6-10(February2010)
“Empirical analysis of consumption and import and export trade”, (with Hai Shen, Jinjin Xu), accepted and forthcoming in Northern Economy, No.2,22-23(February 2010)
“Empirical analysis on the relationship of China’s FDI and import and export trade”,(with Liang Tan),accepted and forthcoming in Journal of ChongqingUniversity(Social Science Edition),No.1,59-64(2010)
“Investigation of plasma protein adsorption,platelets adhesion and partial thromboplastin time on plasma SiCOH nanocoating,”(with Guixue Wang, QinZhang, Yang Shen, Dongyu Jia, Chaojun Tang, Shuping Ge, QS Yu),accepted and forthcoming in World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering25,No.10,(September2009)
“The inspection of migrant workers’ life quality and security system----the survey is from the Sample of migrant workers in Chongqing”, (with Yulin Liu), accepted and forthcoming in Review of Economic Research, No.13,51-59(2009)
“A Study of Modern University Evaluation System for Building A Harmonious Campus”, (with Binjia Shao,Yuanquan Lu),accepted andforthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition),January 2009,No.1,141-144.
“The Urban and rural economic growth’s convergence test and Effect of economic factors----take Chongqing as an example”, (with Zhili Ma,Jianchang Song),accepted and forthcoming in Gansu Social Sciences, No.6,57-59(June2008)
“The reasons analysis of the poor performance of chinese enterprises’ FDI”, (with Jing Li,Guanghe Ran). accepted and forthcoming inProductivityResearchNo.3,69-71(March 2008)
“The Comprehensive motivation analysis of the FDI of developing countries”,(with Jing Li,Guanghe Ran), accepted and forthcoming in Social Science inXinjiang, No.4(April 2007)
“The Analysis of IPOs’s underpricing phenomenon based on Value function”, (with Jiang Wu,Xiaohua Zhou), accepted and forthcoming in Statistics and Decision, No.4,40-42(April 2007)
“Empirical Study on the Macroeconomic Performance of China's FDI”, (with Xiaobing Peng,Jing Li),accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University(Natural Science Edition), No.5,143-149(May 2007)
“The Research on Motivation and Performance Evaluation System of Chinese enterprises’ FDI”, (with Guanghe Ran, JingLi), accepted and forthcoming in World Economy Study, No.7, 66-71(July 2006)
“Study on Change and Characteristic of Chinese FDI Institution”, (with Jing Li,Guanghe Ran), Asia-Pacific Economic Review No.6,81-84(June 2006)
“The Use of Cluster analysis on the quality of elderly population life’s demonstration”, (with Yulin Liu,Qing Zhao,Yuan Chen), accepted and forthcoming in Statistics and Decision, No.1(January 2006)
“The Conformity Theory and Countermeasures of Eco-tourism Resource in the Three Gorges Reservoir”, (with Xiaobing Peng,Jingsheng Lai), accepted and forthcoming in Ecological Economy, No.1,97-100(January 2006)
“Research on Mechanism of Mutual Reaction and Operation of Asset Management Corporation in the Debt-to-equity Swaps”, (with Xiaobing Peng,Yongjian Pu),accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), No.12,130-133(December 2005)
“The Transfer of rural surplus labor constraints and the corresponding measure”, accepted and forthcoming in Reform, (October 2005)
“Research on Market Targeting Model of Selecting Manager and Cooperation Mechanism in Commercial Bank Based on Stock Option”, .(with Xiaobing Peng,Quan Ma).accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University(Natural Science Edition), No.9,145-147 (September 2005)
“ Influence of Fiscal Policy on the Growth of Income of Farmer During Economic Transition in China”, (with Guanghe Ran ,Jing Li,Tao Wen), accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University(Natural Science Edition), No.8,145-148(August 2005)
“The Research of China's multinational enterprises Problems and Development Strategy”, (with Xiaoyong Xu),accepted and forthcoming in International Trade Journal,No.10, 56-59(October 2004)
“Pay Attention to the green barriers of export trade”, (with Yu Xiao), accepted and forthcoming in Party and Politics Forum, No.5 (May 2004)
“The Problems and Solutions of returned overseas students of Chongqing back for work”. (With Yun Xiao,Haiwen Dong), accepted and forthcoming in Probe, No.1,121-123(January 2004)
“The Issue of the Western of china’s Human Resources Development and Countermeasures”,(with Haiwen Dong, Xiaoqin Liu), accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University(Social Sciences Edition), No.6,133-135( June 2003)
“The Research of Quality Education Strategy and Countermeasures”, (with Xinhua Gong), accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University(Social Sciences Edition),(April 2003)
“Location of China's macro-economic situation and macroeconomic policy issues”, (with Xiaoyong Xu).accepted and forthcoming in Reform, No.5,13-17( March 2003)
“The Strategy of Chongqing’s foreign trade after China’s entry into WTO” (with Xiaoyong Xu),accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Sichuan Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine,No.2,59-61(February 2003)
“The Main Problems and Countermeasures of Foreign Investment Utilization in Chongqing”, (with Haiwen Dong), accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Chongqing University(Social Sciences Edition), No.2,10-12(February 2003)
“The Challenges and strategy of China’s financial and securities industry faces after China’s entry into WTO”, accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Southwest China Normal University (Social Sciences Edition), No.12 (December 2002)
Editing in the teaching book of BusinessNegotiation, 2009
Participate in editing the teaching book of Bank Agency Business, 2009
Participate in editing the book of Harmonious Campus Construction, 2008
Participate in editing the teaching book of Biology English, 2006
Research Grants
The research on the indicators system design and evaluation of the life quality of Chinese senior citizen,National Social Science Fund Project(Co-Investigator, with Yulin Liu):2004-2005,CNY 60000
Urban sewage and garbage disposal market-oriented mechanism research, National Social Science Fund Project(Co-Investigator,with Xiguo Yin): 2005-2006,CNY 60000
The research on the solution and preventive mechanism of the villages and towns debt of Chongqing, Soft science research projects of Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Commission(Co-Investigator, with Xiaobing Peng):2005-2006,CNY
Problems and Countermeasures of Chongqing Mining Development, Humanities, Social Sciences and the soft science of horizontal type research projects (Sole Investigator):2006-2008, CNY 80000
Chongqing National Study of Agricultural Industrialization, Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project of Chongqing Social Science Planning Office(Co-Investigator, with Zhili Ma): 2006-2007,CNY 6000
Problems and Countermeasures of Chongqing Consulting Management companies, Natural sciences of horizontal type research project(Sole Investigator):2007.4-2007.9,
CNY 80000
Study on Sustainable Development based on the spatial distribution of land 1 hour economic circle Real Estate, Soft science research projects of Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, (Co-Investigator, with Zhili Ma):2007-2008,
CNY 15000
Cultural construction in Chongqing Rail Transit Research Program, Humanities, Social Sciences and the soft science of horizontal type research projects(Sole Investigator):2008.3-2008.5,CNY 80000
Corporate team building and sales management research, Humanities, Social Sciences and the soft science of horizontal type research projects(Sole Investigator):2008-2009,
CNY 150000
The pre-industrial basic research of Plasma Nano-coated metal stents within blood vessels,Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing Science and Technology Commission(Sole Investigator):2008-2011,CNY 30000
The research on the Performance and Countermeasures of Chinese FDI, Ministry of Education’s start-up funding for returned overseas students(Sole Investigator):2008-2
011,CNY 10000
The mechanism and mode study of Chongqing build a regional financial center in the upper-side of the Yangtze River, Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project of Chongqing Social Science Planning Office(Sole Investigator):2008-2009,CNY 2000
Human resource development in Public administration, Social Sciences and the Soft Science Project(Sole Investigator):2009.9-2009.12,CNY 25000
The research on preventing the impoverishment of growth: FDI evaluation and optimization mechanism of the post-crisis era, National Natural Science Foundation of China Department of Management Sciences(Co-Investigator, with Yulin Liu):2011-2013,CNY 230000
Study on development strategy of Chongqing branch of Tianjin city southern decorative design co. ltd. Social Sciences and the soft science of horizontal type research projects(Co-Investigator, with Litai Chen):2011.5-2011.12,CNY 168000
The research on design of human resources management system program, Social Sciences and the soft science of horizontal type research projects(Sole Investigator):2011-2012,CNY 186000
Conflict and coordination: study on company executives harmonious mechanism, The Central Universities Fundamental Research(Sole Investigator):2010-2012,CNY 30000
A study on the negative effects of managers' connection and its control strategies, National Natural Science Foundation of China(Co-Investigator, with Xiguo Yin):2015/06-2017/07.
City square planning project in Yingkou Liaoning province(Co-Investigator, with Xiguo Yin ):2015/01-2015/12,CNY 200,000.
Industrial Economic Theory and Practice, Industrial Planning and Innovation, Multinationals’ Operation and Management, International Investment
Honors and Awards
Outstanding Research Award of Chinese National Investment and Construction Research Committee, 2009
Outstanding Achievement Award of National Statistical Research, 2008
Technology Advancement Award of Chongqing Government, 2007
Outstanding Teaching Award of Chongqing University, 2006
Professional Services
Director of Chinese Brands Institute; Academic committee member of IPO Enterprises in Chongqing’s Government; Consultant of Youdao Business Planning Management Co. Ltd in Chongqing.
MA(2012) Shaofen Ou at Chongqing University, Supervisor
MA(2012) Shuang Chen at Chongqing University, Supervisor
MA(2012) Rui Shi at Chongqing University, Supervisor
MA(2014) Yuan Liu at Chongqing University, Supervisor
MA(2014) Jinling Xiong at Chongqing University, Supervisor
MA(2014) Yujiao Lan at Chongqing University, Supervisor
MA(2014) Bianling Zhang at Chongqing University, Supervisor
MA(2015) Yanlin Yang at Chongqing University, Supervisor
MA(ongoing )Zhou Lv at Chongqing University, supervisor
MA(ongoing )Maohua Xu at Chongqing University, supervisor
MBA(ongoing )Zhuo Miao at Chongqing University, supervisor
MBA(ongoing )Hui Chen at Chongqing University, supervisor
MBA(ongoing )Yiming Qin at Chongqing University, supervisor
Conference Presentation
The Belt and Road Academic Forum(2017 Chongqing China)
Management in China Academic Forum(2017 Chongqing China)
Marketing Management Curriculum Workshop(2015 Chongqing China )
Chinese Brands Institute Forum(2012 Chongqing China)
Chongqing Financial Expo(2009 Chongqing China)
Asia Bilingual-teaching Conference (2009 Chongqing China)
International HR Management Conference(2008 Chendu China)
Teaching (2011-2016)
B.A. Program: Business English Writing; 1 term; 40 hours
Professional English (2); 1 term; 32 hours
Marketing Service; 5 terms; 200 hours
Business Etiquette; 1 term; 32 hours
Market Research and Forecast; 1 term; 48 hours
M.A. Program: Market Research and Forecast; 1 term; 32 hours