Name : QIAN Liping Department : Department of Marketing Title : Professor Degree : Ph.D. Phone : Email :qlp@cqu.edu.cn |
Professor, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
2003.3----2007.7: Marketing Department, Management School of Xi’an Jiaotong University, doctor degree of management
2000.9----2003.3: International Trade Department, Management School of Xi’an Jiaotong University, master degree of economics
1996.9----2000.7: International Trade Department, Management School of Xi’an Jiaotong University, bachelor degree of economics
Research Interests
Marketing strategy; Marketing channel management;Relationship marketing
[1] Li Xiaoling; Ren Xingyao; Qian Liping*; Chenting Su; Toward a social fitness perspective on contract design: Contract legitimacy and influence strategy, Industrial Marketing Management, 2020, 85: 254-268.
[2] Yang, Qian, Qian, Liping , Zhao, Xiande. Interpersonal and IT-enabled communication in platform transactions: the contingent role of contract completeness and technology usage, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2020, 120(6): 1245-1262.
[3] Qian, Liping,Wang, Yiyao, and Yang, Pianpian. Do control mechanisms always promote collaborative performance: the role of formal institutions and business ties, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2020, 35(11): 1871-1886.
[4] Zhang, Tao, Qian, Liping . Investing in IT: a new method for improving the efficiency of contract governance in interfirm relationships, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2020, 120(6): 1175-1194.
[5] Qian Liping,Chen Xin,Wang Yiyao. the effects of social capital on the strategic performance in marketing channels [J].JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS,2019,12:42-53.
[6] Gao, Weihe, Mrinal Ghosh, and Liping Qian*. How Does Influence Strategy Work? The Moderating Role of Cognitive Institutional Profile and Mediating Role of Commitment[J], Industrial Marketing Management, 2018, 68: 46-55.
[7] Liping Qian,Pianpian Yang, and Jiaqi Xue. Hindering or Enabling Structural Social Capital to Enhance Buyer Performance? The Role of Relational Social Capital at Two Levels in China [J], Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 2018, 25(3): 213-231.
[8] Pianpian Yang, Liping Qian*, Songyue Zheng. Improving performance and curtailing opportunism: the role of contractual issue inclusiveness and obligatoriness in channel relationships [J]. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2017, 32 (3) : 371-384.
[9] Yang Pianpian,Qian Liping. The Influence of Intangible TSIs on Strategic Performance and the Moderating Effect [J].MANAGEMENT REVIEW,2017,29(3):49-62.
[10] Weihe Gao, Yong Liu, and Liping Qian, The personal touch of business relationship: A study of the determinants and impact of business friendship, ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 2016, 33 (2):469-498
[11] Liping Qian, Pianpian Yang, and Yao Li, Does guanxi in China always produce value? The contingency effects of contract enforcement and market turbulence, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2016, 8
[12] Qian Liping, Gao Wei, Ren Xing-yao, Guo Yan-hong, Effects of Legitimate, Reward and Threat Power on Compliance and Conflict-A Study Based on Asymmetric Dependence[J], East China Economic Management, 2016, 7 (30) :160-16
[13] Qian Liping, Luo Xiaokang, Yang Pianpian, How Do Channel Control Mechanisms Restrict Relationship Dissolution Intentions? The Moderating Role of Competitive Intensity, Foreign Economies and Management, 2015, 37 (6) :83-96
[14] Qian Liping, Gao Wei, Ren Xingyao, Supplier's Transaction-Specific Investments and Distributor's Long-term Orientation [J], Management Review, 2014, 26(6):163-176
[15] Qian Liping, Gao Wei, Research on Characteristics and Complementary Effects of Knowledge Transfer in Dual-channel [J]. Soft Science, 2014, 28(10):47-50
[16] QIAN, Liping, Xingyao Ren. Transaction-Specific Investments Asymmetry and Opportunism in Marketing Channels: The Moderating Roles of Formalization, Participation and Guanxi, Management Review, 2012, 10: 73-84.
[17] QIAN, Liping, Yi Liu, Zida Yu, and Lei Tao. Manufacturer’s Use of Influence Strategies and Retailer’s Knowledge Transfer: the Moderating Effects of Channel Relationship Duration, Management World, 2010, 2: 93-105.
[18] QIAN, Liping, Xingyao Ren. Supplier’s Control Mechanisms, Distributor’s Attitude and Behavior and Collaborative Performance: An Empirical Study on 4S Shops, Management Review, 2010, 8: 57-67.
[19] QIAN, Liping, Yang Zhao. Distributor’s Use of Power and Supplier’s Trust, Economic Management Journal, 2010, 7: 97-103.
Grants and Awards
[1] Project title: Research on the Effects of Customer-Firm Interaction on Firm's Channel Behavior: Based on the Triadic Manufacturer-Retailer-Customer Relationship, NSFC (National Nature Science Foundation of China) project (71672014)
[2] Project title: Research on the Antecedents and Consequences of Asymmetric Transaction-Specific Investments in Marketing Channels, NSFC (National Nature Science Foundation of China) youth project (71102064)
Teaching (2016-2021)
MBA Program: Marketing management, 3 terms, 156 teaching hours
Customer relationship management, 3 terms, 48 teaching hours
Marketing channel management, 3 terms, 48 teaching hours
BA Program: Marketing channel management, 6 terms, 240 teaching hours
Customer relationship management, 8 terms, 320 teaching hours