Department of Marketing
Dan Bin
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Name : Dan Bin

Department : Department of Marketing

Title : Professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone :



Professor, Vice dean, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2012-present

Chief Expert in the major project of National Social Sciences, 2015-present

Vice director, vice director of academic committee, Chongqing Key Laboratory of Modern Logistics, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2010-present

Head of Department of Marketing, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2004-2012

Professor, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2002-present

Visiting scholar, UCLA, March, 2001- March, 2002

Associate professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, 2012-present, 1998-2001

Post doctor, Chongqing University, 1997-2001


Ph.D., Chongqing University, China, 06/1997

M.Phil., Chongqing University, China, 06/1989

B.E., Chongqing University, China, 06/1986

Research Interests

Logistics & Supply Chain Management; Mass Customization; Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

Selected Papers

Maosen Zhou, Bin Dan, Songxuan Ma, Xumei Zhang. Supply chain coordination with information sharing: the informational advantage of GPOs. European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 256(3): 785~802

Bin Dan, Qingren He, Kaiwei Zheng, Ru Liu. Ordering and pricing model of retailers' preventive transshipment dominated by manufacturer with conditional return. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016, 100: 24~33

Yang Zhang, Bin Dan. An efficient adaptive scaling parameter for the spectral conjugate gradient method. Optimization Letters, 2016, 10(1): 119~136

Guangye Xu, Bin Dan, Xumei Zhang, Can Liu. Coordinating a dual-channel supply chain with risk-averse under a two-way revenue sharing contract. International Journal of Production Economics, 2014, 147(Part A): 171~179

Bin Dan, Can Liu, Guangye Xu, Xumei Zhang. Pareto improvement strategy for service-based free-riding in a dual-channel supply chain. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2014, 31(6), 1450050, pp.1~27

B Dan, Z J Qu, C Liu, X M Zhang, H Y Zhang. Price and service competition in the supply chain with both pure play Internet and strong bricks-and-mortar retailers. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2014, 12(2): 212~222

Bin Dan, Yang Zhang. New conjugate gradient-like methods for unconstrained optimization. Optimization Methods and Software, 2014, 29(6): 1302-1316

Hongyong Fu, Bin Dan, Xiangkai Sun. Joint optimal pricing and ordering decisions for seasonal products with weather sensitive demand. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014, vol.2014, Article ID 105098, pp.1~8

Qingren He, Bin Dan, Ru Liu. Inventory control policy of preventive lateral transshipment between retailers in multi periods. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2014, 7(3): 681~697

Bin Dan, Guangye Xu, Can Liu. Pricing policies in a dual-channel supply chain with retail services. International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, 139(1): 312~320

Hong-Yong Fu, Bin Dan, Xiang-Yu Liu. Existence and duality of generalized e-vector equilibrium problems. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012, vol.2012, Article ID 674512, pp.1~13

Dan Bin, Guo Lifei, Wang Jiangping, Feng Tao. Intelligent configuration method of product family for mass customization based on constraints and cases. Advanced Science Letters, 2011, 4(6-7): 2478~2482

Wu Qing, Dan Bin. Outsourcing logistics channel coordination with logistics service levels dependent market demand. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2009, 11(2): 202~221

Bin Dan, Mitchell M. Tseng. Assessing the inherent flexibility of product families for meeting customization requirements. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2007, 10(2-3): 227~246

Dan B, Li L, Zhang X, Guo F, Zhou J. Network-integrated manufacturing system. International Journal of Production Research, 2005, 43(12): 2631~2647


Dan Bin, Zhang Xumei, Han Xiaopeng. Modern Manufacturing Service: Theory & Practice. Beijing: Science Press. March, 2015. ISBN 978-7-03-043599-6

Dan Bin, Jing Youguo. Identification of Customer Needs and Intelligent Allocation of Products based on Mass Customization. Beijing: Science Press. October 2014. ISBN 978-7-03-041961-3

Hou Xingzhe, Dan Bin. Construction and Management of Logistics System for Power Measurement Center. Chongqing: Chongqing University Press. May 2013. ISBN 978-7-5624-7166-0

Dan Bin, Chen Jun, Wang Lei. Replenishment and Coordination of Supply Chain for Fresh Agricultural Products. Beijing: Science Press. October, 2012. ISBN 978-7-03-035671-0

Dan Bin, Xu Guangye, Liu Can. Cooperation and Coordination of Dual Supply Chain. Beijing: Economics and Management Press. Nov, 2012. SBN 978-7-5096-2152-3

Dan Bin. Mass Customization-Building Core Competence in 21st Century. Beijing: Science Press. Feb, 2004.ISBN 7-03-012515-0

Zhang Xumei, Dan Bin, Liu Fei. Enterprise Informationalization. Beijing: Science Press. July, 2003. ISBN 7-03-011508-2

Grants and Awards

The National Social Science Foundation of China Grant for Major Project Entitled “Promote Research of Internet +Supply Chain Development of Fresh Raw Agricultural Products”, 2015-2020

The National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant for Research on the Strategy and Coordination Mechanism for the Supply Chain Cooperation in the O2O/OAO Model, 2016-2019

The National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant for Research 2013-2016 for the project entitled “Optimization and Coordination of Supply Chain Facing Products Service System”

National Science and Technology Monographs Publication Fund for the project “Identification of Customer Needs and Intelligent Allocation of Products based on Mass Customization”, 2014

Research Fund of Chongqing Electric Power Company for the project “Entire Life-cycle Management of Measurement Assets and Production Forecasting Model for Measurement Integrated Verification”, 2014

Research Fund of Chongqing Electric Power Company for the project “Entire Life-cycle Management Methods, System and Technology for Electric Power Measurement Assets”, 2011-2012

The National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant for Research 2010-2012 for the project entitled “Coordination Optimization and Application of Supply Chain for Fresh Agricultural Products”

Research Fund of Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute for the project “Research on Standardized Logistics System Construction and Evaluation Methods for Electric Power Measuring Center”, 2010-2011

Foundation of National 863 Plan for the project “Product Development Platform Facing Quick Response Customers of Typical Dispersed Manufacturing Industry”, 2007-2010

The National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant for Research 2007-2009 for the project entitled “Identification of Customer Needs and Intelligent Allocation of Products based on Mass Customization”

The National Social Science Foundation of China Grant for Research 2007-2009 for the project entitled “Research on Fastening Modern Service Industry-from the Perspective of Integrated Production Service”, 2006-2008

Research Fund of the Ministry of Education Supporting New Century Outstanding Talents Plan for the project “Basic Theory and Key Technology for E-Supply Chain Management”, 2006-2008

The National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant for Research 2003-2005 for the project entitled “Data Management of Products Family for Mass Customized Production”

Foundation of National 863 Plan for the project “Reverse Engineering and Mode Manufacturing System in Producing Ceramic Products”, 1999-2000

Foundation of National 863 Plan for the project “Integrated Quality Monitoring and Controlling System for Press Working Plant”, 1996-1998

Second Award, Chongqing Scientific and Technological Progress Award, Research on Strategies for Chongqing Electronic Products Manufacturing Industry to Take Industrial Transfer from East China, 2012

Second Award, Nominated by MOE for the National Scientific and Technological Progress Award, Online Selling and Customization System Facing Modern Integrated Design and Manufacturing, 2004

First Award, Chongqing Scientific and Technological Progress Award, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Technology and Application for Ceramic Products, 2001

Second Award, Chongqing Scientific and Technological Progress Award, Strategies for Demonstration Application of CIMS and Master Planning in Chongqing, 1999

Teaching (2011-2016)

Ph.D. Program:

Special topics in logistics management,1 terms, 8 teaching hours

MBA Program:

MIS,4 terms, 128 teaching hours

MA Program:

Supply chain management,5 terms, 158 teaching hours

BA Program:

Supply chain management,5 terms, 200 teaching hours

Freshman Seminar,2 terms, 32 teaching hours

Professional front lecture,1 terms, 16 teaching hours


2000. Attended the 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ICME2000. Shanghai

2001. Attended and gave presentation on the 2001 World Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization, Hong Kong

2003. Attended the 10th International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management, Session Chairman, Shanghai

2005. Attended 2005 International Conference on Service System and Service Management, Session Chairman, Chongqing

2005. Attended the Fifth Asian eBiz Workshop (Asian eBiz 2005). Jeju, Korea

2007. Attended the 7th Asian eBiz Workshop (Asian eBiz 2007), Beijing

2011. Attended 2011 International Conference on Management, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICMMM2011), Zhengzhou

2012. Attended the 2nd Global Chinese Management Conference. Singapore

2012. Attended 2012 International Conference on Integration: Opportunities and challenges, Vietnam

2013. Attended the International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Services Sciences (LISS 2013). UK

2014. Attended 2014 International Workshop on Supply Chain Management (IWSCM). Shanghai

2014. Attended the 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM). Indonesia

