Name : WANG Yu Department : Department of Information Management Title : Professor Degree : Ph.D. Phone : 86-23-65105761 Email :yuwang@cqu.edu.cn |
Professor (2019.9 to present)
Associate Professor (2013.9 to 2019.8)
Assistant Professor (2009.7 to 2013.8)
2009, Ph. D Degree, School of Management, University of Science and Technology of
2004, B. S Degree, School of Management, University of Science and Technology of
2004, B. E Degree, School of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of
Research Interests
Information management.
[1] A systematical approach to classification problems with feature space heterogeneity. Kybernetes, 2019,48(9):2006-2029.
[2] Ensemble classification based on supervised clustering for credit scoring. Applied Soft Computing, 2016,43:73-86.
[3] Research on the database marketing in the big data environment based on ensemble learning. Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 2016,1: 41-48.
[4] An incremental classification algorithm for mining data with feature space heterogeneity. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014,Article ID 327142,9 pages.
[5] Semi-supervised learning based on nearest neighbor rule and cut edges. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2010,23:547-554.
[6] Financial failure prediction using efficiency as a predictor. Expert Systems with Applications, 2009,36:366-373.
[7] Predicting corporate financial distress based on integration of SVM and logistic regression. Expert Systems with Applications, 2007,33:434-440.
[8] Ensemble learning for customers targeting. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011,7091:24-31.
[9] A class of continuous separable nonlinear multidimensional knapsack problems. American Journal of Operations Research, 2018, 8(4): 266-280.
[10] A risk decision-making approach to customs targeting. Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, 2016,10:250-262.
[11] Customers credit scoring based on ensemble classification. Journal of Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management, 2015, 29 (1): 30-38. (in Chinese)
[12] Research progress funded by national natural science foundation of
on managerial data mining. Chinese Journal of Management, 2012, 9 (11): 1674-1678. (in Chinese)
[13] Corporate financial distress prediction based on ensemble classification. Management Modernization, 2012, 6: 85-87. (in Chinese)
[14] A comparative empirical study on predicting variables for short-term and long-term corporate financial distress prediction. Journal of University of Science and Technology of
, 2009, 12, 1265-1271. (in Chinese)
[15] An integrated discriminant analysis rule based on logistic regression and support vector machines. Systems Engineering-Theory and Practice, 2007, 4: 41-46. (in Chinese)
Wang Yu. Classification & Prediction Methods and Their Applications to Economic and Management Decision-Making. Science Press, Beijing, 2012. (in Chinese)
Grants and Awards
Project director (Grant No. 71471022), funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
Project director (Grant No. 71001112), funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
B.A. Program: Operations Research; 7 terms; 294 hours
Decision Theory and Methods; 5 terms; 144 hours
Information Management; 1 term; 32 hours
Introduction to Information Management; 2 terms; 64 hours
Database and Applications; 1 term; 36 hours;
Data Structure; 2 terms; 48 hours;
MBA Program: Data Models and Decisions; 2 terms; 88 hours
Attending the International Conference on E-Commerce (ICEC 2012), held at Singapore Management University, 2012.
Attending the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, held at University of California, Irvine, 2011.
Attending the 2011 International Conference on Business Computing and Global Information, held in Shanghai, 2011.